8,447 research outputs found

    Effects and metabolism of the phenylurea herbicide isoproturon in the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum L.

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    Phenylurea herbicides such as isoproturon (IPU) restrain photosynthesis by connection to the D1 protein in the photosynthetic apparatus in target plants such as weeds in crop fields. Direct effects of herbicides on organisms, which are not a target of the pesticide, have been examined seldom. Since a many of agriculturally used pesticides are found in surface waters in agricultural areas, we determined the effects on the photosynthetic oxygen production of the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum using concentrations of IPU ranging from 0.2 μg/L to 200 μg/L IPU. At environmental relevant concentrations of IPU, the photosynthetic oxygen release was impaired. A reduction of the photosynthetic oxygen release showed a time dependency with the assigned herbicide concentrations. Furthermore, this study presents the first indications for metabolism of IPU in the aquatic plant C. demersum

    Integral group actions on symmetric spaces and discrete duality symmetries of supergravity theories

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    For G(R)G(\mathbb{R}) a split, simply connected, semisimple Lie group of rank nn and KK the maximal compact subgroup of GG, we give a method for computing Iwasawa coordinates of G/KG/K using the Chevalley generators and the Steinberg presentation. When G/KG/K is a scalar coset for a supergravity theory in dimensions 3\geq 3, we determine the action of the integral form G(Z)G(\mathbb{Z}) on G/KG/K. We give explicit results for the action of the discrete UU--duality groups SL2(Z)SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) and E7(Z)E_7(\mathbb{Z}) on the scalar cosets SL2(R)/SO2(R)SL_2(\mathbb{R})/SO_2(\mathbb{R}) and E7(+7)(R)/[SU(8,R)/{±Id}]E_{7(+7)}(\mathbb{R})/[SU(8,\mathbb{R})/\{\pm Id\}] for type IIB supergravity in ten dimensions and 11--dimensional supergravity in D=4D=4 dimensions, respectively. For the former, we use this to determine the discrete U--duality transformations on the scalar sector in the Borel gauge and we describe the discrete symmetries of the dyonic charge lattice. We determine the spectrum--generating symmetry group for fundamental BPS solitons of type IIB supergravity in D=10D=10 dimensions at the classical level and we propose an analog of this symmetry at the quantum level. We indicate how our methods can be used to study the orbits of discrete U--duality groups in general

    Physical Electronics

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    Contains reports on three research projects

    Role of material properties and mesostructure on dynamic deformation and shear instability in Al-W granular composites

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    Dynamic experiments with Al-W granular/porous composites revealed qualitatively different behavior with respect to shear localization depending on bonding between Al particles. Two-dimensional numerical modeling was used to explore the mesomechanics of the large strain dynamic deformation in Al-W granular/porous composites and explain the experimentally observed differences in shear localization between composites with various mesostructures. Specifically, the bonding between the Al particles, the porosity, the roles of the relative particle sizes of Al and W, the arrangements of the W particles, and the material properties of Al were investigated using numerical calculations. It was demonstrated in simulations that the bonding between the "soft" Al particles facilitated shear localization as seen in the experiments. Numerical calculations and experiments revealed that the mechanism of the shear localization in granular composites is mainly due to the local high strain flow of "soft" Al around the "rigid" W particles causing localized damage accumulation and subsequent growth of the meso/macro shear bands/cracks. The "rigid" W particles were the major geometrical factor determining the initiation and propagation of "kinked" shear bands in the matrix of "soft" Al particles, leaving some areas free of extensive plastic deformation as observed in experiments and numerical calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Quantum Noise and Superluminal Propagation

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    Causal "superluminal" effects have recently been observed and discussed in various contexts. The question arises whether such effects could be observed with extremely weak pulses, and what would prevent the observation of an "optical tachyon." Aharonov, Reznik, and Stern (ARS) [Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 81, 2190 (1998)] have argued that quantum noise will preclude the observation of a superluminal group velocity when the pulse consists of one or a few photons. In this paper we reconsider this question both in a general framework and in the specific example, suggested by Chiao, Kozhekin, and Kurizki [Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 77, 1254 (1996)], of off-resonant, short-pulse propagation in an optical amplifier. We derive in the case of the amplifier a signal-to-noise ratio that is consistent with the general ARS conclusions when we impose their criteria for distinguishing between superluminal propagation and propagation at the speed c. However, results consistent with the semiclassical arguments of CKK are obtained if weaker criteria are imposed, in which case the signal can exceed the noise without being "exponentially large." We show that the quantum fluctuations of the field considered by ARS are closely related to superfluorescence noise. More generally we consider the implications of unitarity for superluminal propagation and quantum noise and study, in addition to the complete and truncated wavepackets considered by ARS, the residual wavepacket formed by their difference. This leads to the conclusion that the noise is mostly luminal and delayed with respect to the superluminal signal. In the limit of a very weak incident signal pulse, the superluminal signal will be dominated by the noise part, and the signal-to-noise ratio will therefore be very small.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, eps

    Elastic turbulence in curvilinear flows of polymer solutions

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    Following our first report (A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, \sl Nature 405\bf 405, 53 (2000)) we present an extended account of experimental observations of elasticity induced turbulence in three different systems: a swirling flow between two plates, a Couette-Taylor (CT) flow between two cylinders, and a flow in a curvilinear channel (Dean flow). All three set-ups had high ratio of width of the region available for flow to radius of curvature of the streamlines. The experiments were carried out with dilute solutions of high molecular weight polyacrylamide in concentrated sugar syrups. High polymer relaxation time and solution viscosity ensured prevalence of non-linear elastic effects over inertial non-linearity, and development of purely elastic instabilities at low Reynolds number (Re) in all three flows. Above the elastic instability threshold, flows in all three systems exhibit features of developed turbulence. Those include: (i)randomly fluctuating fluid motion excited in a broad range of spatial and temporal scales; (ii) significant increase in the rates of momentum and mass transfer (compared to those expected for a steady flow with a smooth velocity profile). Phenomenology, driving mechanisms, and parameter dependence of the elastic turbulence are compared with those of the conventional high Re hydrodynamic turbulence in Newtonian fluids.Comment: 23 pages, 26 figure

    A Research-Based Curriculum for Teaching the Photoelectric Effect

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    Physics faculty consider the photoelectric effect important, but many erroneously believe it is easy for students to understand. We have developed curriculum on this topic including an interactive computer simulation, interactive lectures with peer instruction, and conceptual and mathematical homework problems. Our curriculum addresses established student difficulties and is designed to achieve two learning goals, for students to be able to (1) correctly predict the results of photoelectric effect experiments, and (2) describe how these results lead to the photon model of light. We designed two exam questions to test these learning goals. Our instruction leads to better student mastery of the first goal than either traditional instruction or previous reformed instruction, with approximately 85% of students correctly predicting the results of changes to the experimental conditions. On the question designed to test the second goal, most students are able to correctly state both the observations made in the photoelectric effect experiment and the inferences that can be made from these observations, but are less successful in drawing a clear logical connection between the observations and inferences. This is likely a symptom of a more general lack of the reasoning skills to logically draw inferences from observations.Comment: submitted to American Journal of Physic

    Communications Biophysics

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    Contains reports on three research projects

    Catastrophic Phase Transitions and Early Warnings in a Spatial Ecological Model

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    Gradual changes in exploitation, nutrient loading, etc. produce shifts between alternative stable states (ASS) in ecosystems which, quite often, are not smooth but abrupt or catastrophic. Early warnings of such catastrophic regime shifts are fundamental for designing management protocols for ecosystems. Here we study the spatial version of a popular ecological model, involving a logistically growing single species subject to exploitation, which is known to exhibit ASS. Spatial heterogeneity is introduced by a carrying capacity parameter varying from cell to cell in a regular lattice. Transport of biomass among cells is included in the form of diffusion. We investigate whether different quantities from statistical mechanics -like the variance, the two-point correlation function and the patchiness- may serve as early warnings of catastrophic phase transitions between the ASS. In particular, we find that the patch-size distribution follows a power law when the system is close to the catastrophic transition. We also provide links between spatial and temporal indicators and analyze how the interplay between diffusion and spatial heterogeneity may affect the earliness of each of the observables. We find that possible remedial procedures, which can be followed after these early signals, are more effective as the diffusion becomes lower. Finally, we comment on similarities and differences between these catastrophic shifts and paradigmatic thermodynamic phase transitions like the liquid-vapour change of state for a fluid like water

    How much time does a tunneling particle spend in the barrier region?

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    The question in the title may be answered by considering the outcome of a ``weak measurement'' in the sense of Aharonov et al. Various properties of the resulting time are discussed, including its close relation to the Larmor times. It is a universal description of a broad class of measurement interactions, and its physical implications are unambiguous.Comment: 5 pages; no figure