11,017 research outputs found

    Prediction of transonic flutter for a supercritical wing by modified strip analysis and comparison with experiment

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    Use of a supercritical airfoil can adversely affect wing flutter speeds in the transonic range. As adequate theories for three dimensional unsteady transonic flow are not yet available, the modified strip analysis was used to predict the transonic flutter boundary for the supercritical wing. The steady state spanwise distributions of section lift curve slope and aerodynamic center, required as input for the flutter calculations, were obtained from pressure distributions. The calculated flutter boundary is in agreement with experiment in the subsonic range. In the transonic range, a transonic bucket is calculated which closely resembles the experimental one with regard to both shape and depth, but it occurs at about 0.04 Mach number lower than the experimental one

    Energy-Efficient Algorithms

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    We initiate the systematic study of the energy complexity of algorithms (in addition to time and space complexity) based on Landauer's Principle in physics, which gives a lower bound on the amount of energy a system must dissipate if it destroys information. We propose energy-aware variations of three standard models of computation: circuit RAM, word RAM, and transdichotomous RAM. On top of these models, we build familiar high-level primitives such as control logic, memory allocation, and garbage collection with zero energy complexity and only constant-factor overheads in space and time complexity, enabling simple expression of energy-efficient algorithms. We analyze several classic algorithms in our models and develop low-energy variations: comparison sort, insertion sort, counting sort, breadth-first search, Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall, matrix all-pairs shortest paths, AVL trees, binary heaps, and dynamic arrays. We explore the time/space/energy trade-off and develop several general techniques for analyzing algorithms and reducing their energy complexity. These results lay a theoretical foundation for a new field of semi-reversible computing and provide a new framework for the investigation of algorithms.Comment: 40 pages, 8 pdf figures, full version of work published in ITCS 201

    Ab initio calculation of the anomalous Hall conductivity by Wannier interpolation

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    The intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnets depends on subtle spin-orbit-induced effects in the electronic structure, and recent ab-initio studies found that it was necessary to sample the Brillouin zone at millions of k-points to converge the calculation. We present an efficient first-principles approach for computing the anomalous Hall conductivity. We start out by performing a conventional electronic-structure calculation including spin-orbit coupling on a uniform and relatively coarse k-point mesh. From the resulting Bloch states, maximally-localized Wannier functions are constructed which reproduce the ab-initio states up to the Fermi level. The Hamiltonian and position-operator matrix elements, needed to represent the energy bands and Berry curvatures, are then set up between the Wannier orbitals. This completes the first stage of the calculation, whereby the low-energy ab-initio problem is transformed into an effective tight-binding form. The second stage only involves Fourier transforms and unitary transformations of the small matrices set up in the first stage. With these inexpensive operations, the quantities of interest are interpolated onto a dense k-point mesh and used to evaluate the anomalous Hall conductivity as a Brillouin zone integral. The present scheme, which also avoids the cumbersome summation over all unoccupied states in the Kubo formula, is applied to bcc Fe, giving excellent agreement with conventional, less efficient first-principles calculations. Remarkably, we find that more than 99% of the effect can be recovered by keeping a set of terms depending only on the Hamiltonian matrix elements, not on matrix elements of the position operator.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Approximate treatment of electron Coulomb distortion in quasielastic (e,e') reactions

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    In this paper we address the adequacy of various approximate methods of including Coulomb distortion effects in (e,e') reactions by comparing to an exact treatment using Dirac-Coulomb distorted waves. In particular, we examine approximate methods and analyses of (e,e') reactions developed by Traini et al. using a high energy approximation of the distorted waves and phase shifts due to Lenz and Rosenfelder. This approximation has been used in the separation of longitudinal and transverse structure functions in a number of (e,e') experiments including the newly published 208Pb(e,e') data from Saclay. We find that the assumptions used by Traini and others are not valid for typical (e,e') experiments on medium and heavy nuclei, and hence the extracted structure functions based on this formalism are not reliable. We describe an improved approximation which is also based on the high energy approximation of Lenz and Rosenfelder and the analyses of Knoll and compare our results to the Saclay data. At each step of our analyses we compare our approximate results to the exact distorted wave results and can therefore quantify the errors made by our approximations. We find that for light nuclei, we can get an excellent treatment of Coulomb distortion effects on (e,e') reactions just by using a good approximation to the distorted waves, but for medium and heavy nuclei simple additional ad hoc factors need to be included. We describe an explicit procedure for using our approximate analyses to extract so-called longitudinal and transverse structure functions from (e,e') reactions in the quasielastic region.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 16 reference

    Superconductivity induced by spark erosion in ZrZn2

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    We show that the superconductivity observed recently in the weak itinerant ferromagnet ZrZn2 [C. Pfleiderer et al., Nature (London) 412, 58 (2001)] is due to remnants of a superconducting layer induced by spark erosion. Results of resistivity, susceptibility, specific heat and surface analysis measurements on high-quality ZrZn2 crystals show that cutting by spark erosion leaves a superconducting surface layer. The resistive superconducting transition is destroyed by chemically etching a layer of 5 microns from the sample. No signature of superconductivity is observed in rho(T) of etched samples at the lowest current density measured, J=675 Am-2, and at T < 45 mK. EDX analysis shows that spark-eroded surfaces are strongly Zn depleted. The simplest explanation of our results is that the superconductivity results from an alloy with higher Zr content than ZrZn2.Comment: Final published versio

    Love: a guide for amateurs

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    This eBook has been produced by the Freud Museum London to explore our collective capacity for love. It is part of a series of events on the theme of Freud and Love. Freud & Eros: Love, Lust and Longing is a new exhibition at the Freud Museum London, running from 22 October 2014 – 8 March 2015. The exhibition looks at Sigmund Freud's revolutionary ideas on love and the libidinal drive through Freud's own art collection and his passionate courtship of his wife Martha Bernays. The exhibition is accompanied by an exciting programme of talks, performance, classes and events, including this ebook, event and conference. From January 2015 we will be asking you what you know about love - from how to get on with your family to how to turn your office into a love grotto. You are cordially invited to join us on this journey which we are calling #LoveAmateurs on @survivingwk and www.survivingwork.org

    Axial Symmetry and Rotation in the SiO Maser Shell of IK Tauri

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    We observed v=1, J=1-0 43-GHz SiO maser emission toward the Mira variable IK Tauri (IK Tau) using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). The images resulting from these observations show that SiO masers form a highly elliptical ring of emission approximately 58 x 32 mas with an axial ratio of 1.8:1. The major axis of this elliptical distribution is oriented at position angle of ~59 deg. The line-of-sight velocity structure of the SiO masers has an apparent axis of symmetry consistent with the elongation axis of the maser distribution. Relative to the assumed stellar velocity of 35 km/s, the blue- and red-shifted masers were found to lie to the northwest and southeast of this symmetry axis respectively. This velocity structure suggests a NW-SE rotation of the SiO maser shell with an equatorial velocity, which we determine to be ~3.6 km/s. Such a NW-SE rotation is in agreement with a circumstellar envelope geometry invoked to explain previous water and OH maser observations. In this geometry, water and OH masers are preferentially created in a region of enhanced density along the NE-SW equator orthogonal to the rotation/polar axis suggested by the SiO maser velocities.Comment: 17 Pages, 4 figures (2 color); accepted for publication in Ap

    Data Portraits and Intermediary Topics: Encouraging Exploration of Politically Diverse Profiles

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    In micro-blogging platforms, people connect and interact with others. However, due to cognitive biases, they tend to interact with like-minded people and read agreeable information only. Many efforts to make people connect with those who think differently have not worked well. In this paper, we hypothesize, first, that previous approaches have not worked because they have been direct -- they have tried to explicitly connect people with those having opposing views on sensitive issues. Second, that neither recommendation or presentation of information by themselves are enough to encourage behavioral change. We propose a platform that mixes a recommender algorithm and a visualization-based user interface to explore recommendations. It recommends politically diverse profiles in terms of distance of latent topics, and displays those recommendations in a visual representation of each user's personal content. We performed an "in the wild" evaluation of this platform, and found that people explored more recommendations when using a biased algorithm instead of ours. In line with our hypothesis, we also found that the mixture of our recommender algorithm and our user interface, allowed politically interested users to exhibit an unbiased exploration of the recommended profiles. Finally, our results contribute insights in two aspects: first, which individual differences are important when designing platforms aimed at behavioral change; and second, which algorithms and user interfaces should be mixed to help users avoid cognitive mechanisms that lead to biased behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. To be presented at ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 201

    Calculation of AGARD Wing 445.6 Flutter Using Navier-Stokes Aerodynamics

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    An unsteady, 3D, implicit upwind Euler/Navier-Stokes algorithm is here used to compute the flutter characteristics of Wing 445.6, the AGARD standard aeroelastic configuration for dynamic response, with a view to the discrepancy between Euler characteristics and experimental data. Attention is given to effects of fluid viscosity, structural damping, and number of structural model nodes. The flutter characteristics of the wing are determined using these unsteady generalized aerodynamic forces in a traditional V-g analysis. The V-g analysis indicates that fluid viscosity has a significant effect on the supersonic flutter boundary for this wing