1,763 research outputs found

    Nickel base coating alloy

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    Zirconium is added to a Ni-30 Al (beta) intermetallic alloy in the range of 0.05 w/o to 0.25 w/o. This addition is made during melting or by using metal powders. The addition of zirconium improves the cyclic oxidation resistance of the alloys at temperatures above 1100 C

    Resistance of nickel-chromium-aluminum alloys to cyclic oxidation at 1100 C and 1200 C

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    Nickel-rich alloys in the Ni-Cr-Al system were evaluated for cyclic oxidation resistance in still air at 1,100 and 1,200 C. A first approximation oxidation attack parameter Ka was derived from specific weight change data involving both a scaling growth constant and a spalling constant. An estimating equation was derived with Ka as a function of the Cr and Al content by multiple linear regression and translated into countour ternary diagrams showing regions of minimum attack. An additional factor inferred from the regression analysis was that alloys melted in zirconia crucibles had significantly greater oxidation resistance than comparable alloys melted otherwise

    High temperature cyclic oxidation furnace testing at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    A standardized method of testing the cyclic oxidation resistance of various alloys in static air to 1200 C was developed and is routinely used at NASA Lewis Research Center. Test samples are automatically raised and lowered into a resistance wound furnace for a series of fixed interval heating and cooling cycles. Spall catchers collect the accumulated spall from each sample. The samples are weighed intermittently to generate specific weight change/time data. At various test times the samples and the accumulated spall are analyzed by X-ray diffraction. A computer program uses this gravimetric and X-ray data as input to print out the oxidation curves and specific weight change/time and X-ray results in a published format, organizes, and indexes the data. So far, several hundred Fe, Ni, and Co base alloys were tested using this same basic procedure and results form the basis of a series of cyclic oxidation handbooks to be published by NASA. Such specific weight change/time data were used to estimate the oxidative metal consumption by several computer modeling techniques to rank alloys and for use in life testing estimates

    Comparison of isothermal and cyclic oxidation behavior of twenty-five commercial sheet alloys at 1150 C

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    The cyclic and isothermal oxidation resistance of 25 high-temperature Ni-, Co-, and Fe-base sheet alloys after 100 hours in air at 1150 C was compared. The alloys were evaluated in terms of their oxidation, scaling, and vaporization rates and their tendency for scale spallation. These values were used to develop an oxidation rating parameter based on effective thickness change, as calculated from a mass balance. The calculated thicknesses generally agreed with the measured values, including grain boundary oxidation, to within a factor of 3. Oxidation behavior was related to composition, particularly Cr and Al content

    Addition of silicon improves oxidation resistance of nickel based superalloys

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    Specific weight changes of nickel-base superalloy B-1900 and B-1900 + 1% Si specimens were tested at 1273 K. B-1900 was losing weight at an increasing rate due to spalling of oxide scale while B-1900 + 1% Si was still gaining weight at low, nearly constant rate. Similar comparison in weight change was observed for specimens tested at 1373 K

    Fouling and the inhibition of salt corrosion

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    In an attempt to reduce fouling while retaining the beneficial effects of alkaline earth inhibitors on the hot corrosion of superalloys, the use of both additives and the intermittent application of the inhibitors were evaluated. Additions of alkaline earth compounds to combustion gases containing sodium sulfate were shown to inhibit hot corrosion. However, sulfate deposits can lead to turbine fouling in service. For that reason, dual additives and intermittant inhibitor applications were evaluated to reduce such deposit formation. Silicon in conjunction with varium showed some promise. Total deposition was apparently reduced while the inhibition of hot corrosion by barium was unimpaired. The intermittant application of the inhibitor was found to be more effective and controllable

    Airfoil cooling hole plugging by combustion gas impurities of the type found in coal derived fuels

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    The plugging of airfoil cooling holes by typical coal-derived fuel impurities was evaluated using doped combustion gases in an atmospheric pressure burner rig. Very high specific cooling air mass flow rates reduced or eliminated plugging. The amount of flow needed was a function of the composition of the deposit. It appears that plugging of film-cooled holes may be a problem for gas turbines burning coal-derived fuels

    Inhibition of hot salt corrosion by metallic additives

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    The effectiveness of several potential fuel additives in reducing the effects of sodium sulfate-induced hot corrosion was evaluated in a cyclic Mach 0.3 burner rig. The potential inhibitors examined were salts of Al, Si, Cr, Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca, and Ba. The alloys tested were IN-100, U-700, IN-738, IN-792, Mar M-509, and 304 stainless steel. Each alloy was exposed for 100 cycles of 1 hour each at 900 C in combustion gases doped with the corrodant and inhibitor salts and the extent of attack was determined by measuring maximum metal thickness loss. The most effective and consistent inhibitor additive was Ba (NO3)2 which reduced the hot corrosion attack to nearly that of simple oxidation

    Burner rig study of variables involved in hole plugging of air cooled turbine engine vanes

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    The effects of combustion gas composition, flame temperatures, and cooling air mass flow on the plugging of film cooling holes by a Ca-Fe-P-containing deposit were investigated. The testing was performed on film-cooled vanes exposed to the combustion gases of an atmospheric Mach 0.3 burner rig. The extent of plugging was determined by measurement of the open hole area at the conclusion of the tests as well as continuous monitoring of some of the tests using stop-action photography. In general, as the P content increased, plugging rates also increased. The plugging was reduced by increasing flame temperature and cooling air mass flow rates. At times up to approximately 2 hours little plugging was observed. This apparent incubation period was followed by rapid plugging, reaching in several hours a maximum closure whose value depended on the conditions of the test

    Failure mechanisms of thermal barrier coatings exposed to elevated temperatures

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    The failure of a ZrO2-8%Y2O3/Ni-14% Al-0.1% Zr coating system on Rene 41 in Mach 0.3 burner rig tests was characterized. High flame and metal temperatures were employed in order to accelerate coating failure. Failure by delamination was shown to precede surface cracking or spalling. This type of failure could be duplicated by cooling down the specimen after a single long duration isothermal high temperature cycle in a burner rig or a furnace, but only if the atmosphere was oxidizing. Stresses due to thermal expansion mismatch on cooling coupled with the effects of plastic deformation of the bond coat and oxidation of the irregular bond coat are the probable life limiting factors. Heat up stresses alone could not fail the coating in the burner rig tests. Spalling eventually occurs on heat up but only after the coating has already failed through delamination