101 research outputs found

    A new model for root growth in soil with macropores

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    Abstract: Background and aimsThe use of standard dynamic root architecture models to simulate root growth in soil containing macropores failed to reproduce experimentally observed root growth patterns. We thus developed a new, more mechanistic model approach for the simulation of root growth in structured soil. Methods: In our alternative modelling approach, we distinguish between, firstly, the driving force for root growth, which is determined by the orientation of the previous root segment and the influence of gravitropism and, secondly, soil mechanical resistance to root growth. The latter is expressed by its inverse, soil mechanical conductance, and treated similarly to hydraulic conductivity in Darcy’s law. At the presence of macropores, soil mechanical conductance is anisotropic, which leads to a difference between the direction of the driving force and the direction of the root tip movement. Results: The model was tested using data from the literature, at pot scale, at macropore scale, and in a series of simulations where sensitivity to gravity and macropore orientation was evaluated. Conclusions: Qualitative and quantitative comparisons between simulated and experimentally observed root systems showed good agreement, suggesting that the drawn analogy between soil water flow and root growth is a useful one

    Accelerating root system phenotyping of seedlings through a computer-assisted processing pipeline

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    Background: There are numerous systems and techniques to measure the growth of plant roots. However, phenotyping large numbers of plant roots for breeding and genetic analyses remains challenging. One major difficulty is to achieve high throughput and resolution at a reasonable cost per plant sample. Here we describe a cost-effective root phenotyping pipeline, on which we perform time and accuracy benchmarking to identify bottlenecks in such pipelines and strategies for their acceleration. Results: Our root phenotyping pipeline was assembled with custom software and low cost material and equipment. Results show that sample preparation and handling of samples during screening are the most time consuming task in root phenotyping. Algorithms can be used to speed up the extraction of root traits from image data, but when applied to large numbers of images, there is a trade-off between time of processing the data and errors contained in the database. Conclusions: Scaling-up root phenotyping to large numbers of genotypes will require not only automation of sample preparation and sample handling, but also efficient algorithms for error detection for more reliable replacement of manual interventions

    Measuring root system traits of wheat in 2D images to parameterize 3D root architecture models

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    Background and aimsThe main difficulty in the use of 3D root architecture models is correct parameterization. We evaluated distributions of the root traits inter-branch distance, branching angle and axial root trajectories from contrasting experimental systems to improve model parameterization.MethodsWe analyzed 2D root images of different wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum) from three different sources using automatic root tracking. Model input parameters and common parameter patterns were identified from extracted root system coordinates. Simulation studies were used to (1) link observed axial root trajectories with model input parameters (2) evaluate errors due to the 2D (versus 3D) nature of image sources and (3) investigate the effect of model parameter distributions on root foraging performance.ResultsDistributions of inter-branch distances were approximated with lognormal functions. Branching angles showed mean values <90°. Gravitropism and tortuosity parameters were quantified in relation to downwards reorientation and segment angles of root axes. Root system projection in 2D increased the variance of branching angles. Root foraging performance was very sensitive to parameter distribution and variance.Conclusions2D image analysis can systematically and efficiently analyze root system architectures and parameterize 3D root architecture models. Effects of root system projection (2D from 3D) and deflection (at rhizotron face) on size and distribution of particular parameters are potentially significant

    Spatio-temporal variations in axial conductance of primary and first-order lateral roots of a maize crop as predicted by a model of the hydraulic architecture of root systems

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    Rates at which water can be transported along plant roots (axial pathway) vary through time, in part depending on xylem maturation. Because of experimental constraints, the dynamics of root functional heterogeneity under field conditions remains mostly uncharted territory. Recent advances in mechanistic modelling offer opportunities to bypass such experimental limitations. This paper examines the dynamics of local variations in axial conductance of primary and first-order lateral roots of a maize crop using the architecture-based modelling approach developed by Doussan et al. (Annals of Botany: 81, 213-223, 1998). Specifically, we hypothesised that points of major resistance to long distance water transfers could arise from discrepancies between the hydraulic maturity (or water carrying capacity) of main axes and branch roots. To test this assumption, spatial distributions of root axial conductance were tested after 30, 60 and 100 days at soil depths of 10, 50 and 100 cm under a maize (Zea mays L.) crop sown at a density of 8 plants m(-2). As the crop developed, the corresponding root populations encompassed ever increasing amounts of hydraulically mature first-order laterals (branch roots): after a 100-day growth period, the vast majority of laterals had reached their maximum axial conductance at all soil depths down to 100 cm. In contrast, the axial conductance of a large proportion of main axes (primary roots) remained low, even at shallow soil depths and after 100 days of growth. The imbalance between the hydraulic maturity of primary and lateral roots was most conspicuous at soil depths of 100 cm, where similar to 10% only of the former compared to similar to 80% of the latter, had reached their maximum axial conductance after a 100-day growth period

    Analyse de la communication de la Commission européenne de février 2000 au regard des débats actuels sur le principe de précaution

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    National audienceLe principe de précaution doit continuer et continuera d'inspirer les positions de l'Europe en matière environnementale et sanitaire ; tel est le message principal qu'a envoyé la Commission européenne à ses partenaires dans sa communication du 2 février 2000. Cette communication s'inscrit largement dans les suites du différend commercial sur le boeuf élevé aux hormones et l'interprétation du principe de précaution qui y fut faite par l'organe d'appel de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. La première section expose les éléments que la commission considère comme acquis suite au différend commercial sur le boeuf aux hormones. Les points avancés par la Commission, qui constituent de véritables propositions dans la mesure où ils ne trouvent pas de réponse dans le différend précédent, sont analysés dans la seconde section. La troisième section envisage le problème de l'acceptation du risque, la gestion du risque et la communication du risque, elle avance des distinctions subtiles qu'il convient de préciser pour en saisir la portée

    Effect of drought and heat stresses on plant growth and yield: a review

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    Drought and heat stresses are important threat limitations to plant growth and sustainable agriculture worldwide. Our objective is to provide a review of plant responses and adaptations to drought and elevated temperature including roots, shoots, and final yield and management approaches for alleviating adverse effects of the stresses based mostly on recent literature. The sections of the paper deal with plant responses including root growth, transpiration, photosynthesis, water use efficiency, phenotypic flexibility, accumulation of compounds of low molecular mass (eg proline and gibberellins), and expression of some genes and proteins for increasing the tolerance to the abiotic stresses. Soil and crop management practices to alleviate negative effects of drought and heat stresses are also discussed. Investigations involving determination of plant assimilate partitioning, phenotypic plasticity, and identification of most stress-tolerant plant genotypes are essential for understanding the complexity of the responses and for future plant breeding. The adverse effects of drought and heat stress can be mitigated by soil management practices, crop establishment, and foliar application of growth regulators by maintaining an appropriate level of water in the leaves due to osmotic adjustment and stomatal performance