1,199 research outputs found

    Developing Students? Writing Skill on Recount Text by Using Photograph and Group Grid Technique

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    Kemampuan menulis adalah kemampuan yang sangat sulit bagi para murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Mereka kesulitan untuk menuliskan ide-ide mereka karena mereka merasa tidak percaya diri dalam menulis kalimat berbahasa Inggris. Olehkarena itu, peneliti menggunakan teknik group grid dan media foto untuk merangsang para murid mendapatkan ide-ide mereka dalam menulis bahasa Inggris.Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis para murid dalam menulis teks recount dengan teknik group grid dan media foto. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Peneliti menggunakan dua siklus. Setiapsiklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan (planning), tindakan (acting), observasi (observing), dan refleksi (reflecting). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah tes, observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Penelitian inimenggunakan teknik group grid dengan menggunakan media foto untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis para murid dalam menulis teks recount serta untuk mengetahui pencapaian dan respon para murid selama proses pembelajaran.Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan dalam penguasaan murid dalam menulis teks recount. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata murid dalam pre-test yaitu 40.56. Kemudian, nilai rata-rata di posttest 1 adalah 72.93, dan nilai rata-rata post-test 2 adalah 78.12. Persentase kelas untuk murid yang nilainya diatas KKM dari post-test 1 adalah 53% dan post-test 2 adalah 84%. Respon para murid dalam implementasi teknik group grid dan media foto sangat bagus. Hal tersebut juga dapat dilihat dari hasilkuesioner dengan persentase nilai total tertinggi 96% dan nilai terendah 70%. Ratarata persentase yang didapat adalah 84%Berdasarkan perhitungan dari hasil data, bisa disimpulkan bahwa implementasi teknik group grid dan media foto dapatmeningkatkan kemampuan para murid dalam menulis teks recount

    Increasing Students? Grammar Masteryusing Think Pair Share Strategy and Video

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    Tujuan dari pelelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tata bahasa atau grammar murid. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas dua belas Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Sayung tahun akademik 2014/2015. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Peneliti menggunakan tiga siklus yang mana dalam setiap siklus terdapat empat tahap yaitu perencanaan (planning), tindakan(action), pengamatan (observing), dan refleksi/pemikiran (reflecting). Dalam tahap perencanaan (planning), peneliti menyiapkan rencana pembelajaran dan bahan untuk mengajar tata bahasa (grammar) dan juga media yang akan digunakandalam tahap tindakan (action). Di dalam tahap perencanaan (observing), peneliti mengidentifikasi dan mencatat reaksi atau tanggapan selama proses belajar dan pembelajaran, dan tahap releksi/pemikiran (reflecting) dilakukan untuk merefleksikan hasil dari tindakanyang diperoleh dari siklus-siklus tersebut. Sementara itu, observasi, kuesioner diberikan dua kali, sebelum dan sesudah penelitian. Para murid merasa bahwa strategi Think Pair Share menggunakan video sangat bagus, menyenangkan danmembantu mereka menguasai tata bahasa (grammar). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di pre-test nilai rata-rata adalah 17.01. Nilai rata-rata di siklus 1 post-test adalah 55.10, dan untuk post-test 2, nilai rata-ratanya adalah 69,72. Untuk post-test 3, nilai rata-rata dalam pembelajaran pada umumnya positif, ditandai dengan persentase jawaban positif dalam rata-rata 88%. Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa strategi Think Pair Sharemenggunakan video dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tata bahasa para murid dan guru bisa menggunakan stategi dan media ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para murid dan membuat suasana positif dikelas

    The Contribution of Meats to Energy and Essential Nutrient Intakes of Women in the United States

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    This study used the 1987-88 USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey to investigate the contribution meat products make to intakes of nutrients at risk of inadequate or excessive consumption by women. The study is unique in that meat nutrients were extracted from mixed dishes, providing a more accurate picture of consumption. Cluster analysis was used to classify nonpregnant, nonlactating women 19 years and older based on their consumption patterns of total meat and individual meats (beef, poultry, processed meats, pork and seafoods) as percent of caloric intake. Total fat and SFA intakes exceeded National Research Council (NRC) goals regardless of meat intake level. Results indicate an inverse relationship of total energy intake and calories from all meats. Total fat intakes had a small, positive relationship with meat calories. Saturated fatty acid (SFA) intakes appeared to have a weak, positive relationship. Vitamin B6 intakes were below the RDA in all clusters but were adequate relative to protein intakes. Iron intakes of women under age 51 were less than 70% of RDA. Zinc had a strong, positive association with total meat intake. Individuals that did not consume beef met only 48% to 62% of RDA. An analysis to determine if increases in vitamin 86, iron, and zinc seen with high meat intake were due to increased meat or caloric intake showed that total fat and SFA increased 12% and 8%, respectively, when ≤ 2 ounces of meat and ≤ 6 ounces of meat were consumed. All of the increase was derived from meat. Vitamin B6, iron, and zinc increased 100%, 59%, and 132%, respectively; 77%, 64%, and 90% were due to meat. In summary, women\u27s diets were significantly low in iron and zinc, which are strongly present in meat products, especially beef. Intakes of vitamin B6 appear to meet calculated needs, but some women may be at risk due to the increased requirements found with age and the low bioavailabilty of plant sources. Attempting to reduce total fat and SFA intakes by reducing meat intake, especially red meat, may have a deleterious effect on women\u27s nutrient status

    Analisis Just in TIME System Dalam USAha Meningkatkan Efisiensi Biaya Produksi (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Kecap Cap “Kuda” Tulungagung)

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    Appropriately selected production system is a success key to companies. Just in Time System is an alternative way for the company to reduce or eliminate inefficiency in the production process .Research aims to understand whether the application of Just in Time System to the Ketchup Company “KUDA” Tulungagung can increase the efficiency of production cost.Research type is descriptive with case study approach to the Ketchup Company “KUDA” Tulungagung. Data analysis involves steps among other analyzing the achievement of facility and labor.Based on result of research and analysis, it is concluded that the application of Just in Time System to the Ketchup Company “KUDA” Tulungagung can indeed increase the efficiency of production cost for sweet ketchup. The productivity is increased to 20.7149 %, the production timing is saved by 17.0824 %, and the direct labor cost is reduced to 17.0825 %.Therefore, it is suggested that the production structure must be managed in effective and efficient manners to bring up consumer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost and the delivery of the product. Just in Time System is a good alternative to achieve this goal although it may take longer time to make it real

    Nonleptonic two-body charmless B decays involving a tensor meson in the Perturbative QCD Approach

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    Two-body charmless hadronic B decays involving a light tensor meson in the final states are studied in the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization. From our calculations, we find that the decay branching ratios for color allowed tree-dominated decays Ba20π+B\to a_{2}^{0}\pi^{+} and Ba2π+B\to a_{2}^{-}\pi^{+} modes are of order 10610^{-6} and 10510^{-5}, respectively. While other color suppressed tree-dominated decays have very small branching ratios. In general, the branching ratios of most decays are in the range of 10510^{-5} to 10810^{-8}, which are bigger by one or two orders of magnitude than those predictions obtained in Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise II model and in the covariant light-front approach, but consistent with the recent experimental measurements and the QCD factorization calculations. Since the decays with a tensor meson emitted from vacuum are prohibited in naive factorization, the contributions of nonfactorizable and annihilation diagrams are very important to these decays, which are calculable in our perturbative QCD approach. We also give predictions to the direct CP asymmetries, some of which are large enough for the future experiments to measure. Because we considered the mixing between f2f_{2} and f2f_{2}', the decay rates are enhanced significantly for some decays involving f2f_{2}^{\prime} meson, even with a small mixing angle.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Effect Scientific Inquiry Teaching Models and Scientific Attitude to Physics Student Outcomes

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    The objectives of this study were to determine whether: (1) the student's achievement taught by using Scientific Inquiry Teaching Models is better than that of taught by using Direct Instruction; (2) the student's achievement who have a high scientific attitude is better than student who have low scientific attitude; and (3) there is interaction between Scientific Inquiry Teaching Models and scientific attitude for the student's achievement. The results of research are: (1) the student's achievement given learning through Scientific Inquiry Teaching Models better than Direct Instruction; (2) the student's achievement who have a high scientific attitude better than student who have low scientific attitude; and (3) there was interaction between Scientific Inquiry Teaching Models and scientific attitude for student's achievement which this models is better to apply for student who have a high scientific attitude

    Annihilation Type Radiative Decays of BB Meson in Perturbative QCD Approach

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    With the perturbative QCD approach based on kTk_T factorization, we study the pure annihilation type radiative decays B0ϕγB^0 \to \phi\gamma and B0J/ψγB^0\to J/\psi \gamma. We find that the branching ratio of B0ϕγB^0 \to \phi\gamma is (×1011(2.7^{+0.3+1.2}_{-0.6-0.6})\times10^{-11}, which is too small to be measured in the current BB factories of BaBar and Belle. The branching ratio of B0J/ψγB^0\to J/\psi \gamma is (×107({4.5^{+0.6+0.7}_{-0.5-0.6}})\times10^{-7}, which is just at the corner of being observable in the BB factories. A larger branching ratio BR(Bs0J/ψγ)5×106BR(B_s^0 \to J/\psi \gamma) \simeq 5 \times 10^{-6} is also predicted. These decay modes will help us testing the standard model and searching for new physics signals.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, with 1 eps figur