17,504 research outputs found

    Statistics of trajectories in two-state master equations

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    We derive a simple expression for the probability of trajectories of a master equation. The expression is particularly useful when the number of states is small and permits the calculation of observables that can be defined as functionals of whole trajectories. We illustrate the method with a two-state master equation, for which we calculate the distribution of the time spent in one state and the distribution of the number of transitions, each in a given time interval. These two expressions are obtained analytically in terms of modified Bessel functions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Towards the graviton from spinfoams: the 3d toy model

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    Recently, a proposal has appeared for the extraction of the 2-point function of linearised quantum gravity, within the spinfoam formalism. This relies on the use of a boundary state, which introduces a semi-classical flat geometry on the boundary. In this paper, we investigate this proposal considering a toy model in the (Riemannian) 3d case, where the semi-classical limit is better understood. We show that in this limit the propagation kernel of the model is the one for the harmonic oscillator. This is at the origin of the expected 1/L behaviour of the 2-point function. Furthermore, we numerically study the short scales regime, where deviations from this behaviour occur.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; v3 revised versio

    Towards the graviton from spinfoams: higher order corrections in the 3d toy model

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    We consider the recent calculation gr-qc/0508124 of the graviton propagator in the spinfoam formalism. Within the 3d toy model introduced in gr-qc/0512102, we test how the spinfoam formalism can be used to construct the perturbative expansion of graviton amplitudes. Although the 3d graviton is a pure gauge, one can choose to work in a gauge where it is not zero and thus reproduce the structure of the 4d perturbative calculations. We compute explicitly the next to leading and next to next to leading orders, corresponding to one-loop and two-loop corrections. We show that while the first arises entirely from the expansion of the Regge action around the flat background, the latter receives contributions from the microscopic, non Regge-like, quantum geometry. Surprisingly, this new contribution reduces the magnitude of the next to next to leading order. It thus appears that the spinfoam formalism is likely to substantially modify the conventional perturbative expansion at higher orders. This result supports the interest in this approach. We then address a number of open issues in the rest of the paper. First, we discuss the boundary state ansatz, which is a key ingredient in the whole construction. We propose a way to enhance the ansatz in order to make the edge lengths and dihedral angles conjugate variables in a mathematically well-defined way. Second, we show that the leading order is stable against different choices of the face weights of the spinfoam model; the next to leading order, on the other hand, is changed in a simple way, and we show that the topological face weight minimizes it. Finally, we extend the leading order result to the case of a regular, but not equilateral, tetrahedron.Comment: 24 pages, many figure

    The Ethical Implications, Political Ramifications and Practical Limitations of Adopting Sustainable Development as National and International Policy

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    This paper is a revised version of a presentation given by Dr. Meyers at the International Conference on a Sustainable Society, Kobe, Japan (March 19-21, 1994)

    The Ethical Implications, Political Ramifications and Practical Limitations of Adopting Sustainable Development as National and International Policy

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    This paper is a revised version of a presentation given by Dr. Meyers at the International Conference on a Sustainable Society, Kobe, Japan (March 19-21, 1994)

    The Hyperfine Splitting in Charmonium: Lattice Computations Using the Wilson and Clover Fermion Actions

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    We compute the hyperfine splitting mJ/ψmηcm_{J/\psi}-m_{\eta_c} on the lattice, using both the Wilson and O(a)O(a)-improved (clover) actions for quenched quarks. The computations are performed on a 243×4824^3\times48 lattice at β=6.2\beta = 6.2, using the same set of 18 gluon configurations for both fermion actions. We find that the splitting is 1.83\err{13}{15} times larger with the clover action than with the Wilson action, demonstrating the sensitivity of the spin-splitting to the magnetic moment term which is present in the clover action. However, even with the clover action the result is less than half of the physical mass-splitting. We also compute the decay constants fηcf_{\eta_c} and fJ/ψ1f^{-1}_{J/\psi}, both of which are considerably larger when computed using the clover action than with the Wilson action. For example for the ratio fJ/ψ1/fρ1f^{-1}_{J/\psi}/f^{-1}_{\rho} we find 0.32\err{1}{2} with the Wilson action and 0.48±30.48\pm 3 with the clover action (the physical value is 0.44(2)).Comment: LaTeX file, 8 pages and two postscript figures. Southampton Preprint: SHEP 91/92-27 Edinburgh Preprint: 92/51

    Universal quantum computation with unlabeled qubits

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    We show that an n-th root of the Walsh-Hadamard transform (obtained from the Hadamard gate and a cyclic permutation of the qubits), together with two diagonal matrices, namely a local qubit-flip (for a fixed but arbitrary qubit) and a non-local phase-flip (for a fixed but arbitrary coefficient), can do universal quantum computation on n qubits. A quantum computation, making use of n qubits and based on these operations, is then a word of variable length, but whose letters are always taken from an alphabet of cardinality three. Therefore, in contrast with other universal sets, no choice of qubit lines is needed for the application of the operations described here. A quantum algorithm based on this set can be interpreted as a discrete diffusion of a quantum particle on a de Bruijn graph, corrected on-the-fly by auxiliary modifications of the phases associated to the arcs.Comment: 6 page

    Generation of strong magnetic fields by r-modes in millisecond accreting neutron stars: induced deformations and gravitational wave emission

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    Differential rotation induced by the r-mode instability can generate very strong toroidal fields in the core of accreting, millisecond spinning neutron stars. We introduce explicitly the magnetic damping term in the evolution equations of the r-modes and solve them numerically in the Newtonian limit, to follow the development and growth of the internal magnetic field. We show that the strength of the latter can reach large values, B1014B \sim 10^{14} G, in the core of the fastest accreting neutron stars. This is strong enough to induce a significant quadrupole moment of the neutron star mass distribution, corresponding to an ellipticity |\epsilon_B}| \sim 10^{-8}. If the symmetry axis of the induced magnetic field is not aligned with the spin axis, the neutron star radiates gravitational waves. We suggest that this mechanism may explain the upper limit of the spin frequencies observed in accreting neutron stars in Low Mass X-Ray Binaries. We discuss the relevance of our results for the search of gravitational waves.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Stuckelberg Axions and the Effective Action of Anomalous Abelian Models 1. A unitarity analysis of the Higgs-axion mixing

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    We analyze the quantum consistency of anomalous abelian models and of their effective field theories, rendered anomaly-free by a Wess-Zumino term, in the case of multiple abelian symmetries. These models involve the combined Higgs-Stuckelberg mechanism and predict a pseudoscalar axion-like field that mixes with the goldstones of the ordinary Higgs sector. We focus our study on the issue of unitarity of these models both before and after spontaneous symmetry breaking and detail the set of Ward identities and the organization of the loop expansion in the effective theory. The analysis is performed on simple models where we show, in general, the emergence of new effective vertices determined by certain anomalous interactions.Comment: 67 pages, 26 figures, replaced with revised final version, to appear on JHE