27 research outputs found

    Freezing Transition of Random Heteropolymers Consisting of an Arbitrary Set of Monomers

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    Mean field replica theory is employed to analyze the freezing transition of random heteropolymers comprised of an arbitrary number (qq) of types of monomers. Our formalism assumes that interactions are short range and heterogeneity comes only from pairwise interactions, which are defined by an arbitrary q×qq \times q matrix. We show that, in general, there exists a freezing transition from a random globule, in which the thermodynamic equilibrium is comprised of an essentially infinite number polymer conformations, to a frozen globule, in which equilibrium ensemble is dominated by one or very few conformations. We also examine some special cases of interaction matrices to analyze the relationship between the freezing transition and the nature of interactions involved.Comment: 30 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Deviations from the mean field predictions for the phase behaviour of random copolymers melts

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    We investigate the phase behaviour of random copolymers melts via large scale Monte Carlo simulations. We observe macrophase separation into A and B--rich phases as predicted by mean field theory only for systems with a very large correlation lambda of blocks along the polymer chains, far away from the Lifshitz point. For smaller values of lambda, we find that a locally segregated, disordered microemulsion--like structure gradually forms as the temperature decreases. As we increase the number of blocks in the polymers, the region of macrophase separation further shrinks. The results of our Monte Carlo simulation are in agreement with a Ginzburg criterium, which suggests that mean field theory becomes worse as the number of blocks in polymers increases.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Late

    Mechanical response of random heteropolymers

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    We present an analytical theory for heteropolymer deformation, as exemplified experimentally by stretching of single protein molecules. Using a mean-field replica theory, we determine phase diagrams for stress-induced unfolding of typical random sequences. This transition is sharp in the limit of infinitely long chain molecules. But for chain lengths relevant to biological macromolecules, partially unfolded conformations prevail over an intermediate range of stress. These necklace-like structures, comprised of alternating compact and extended subunits, are stabilized by quenched variations in the composition of finite chain segments. The most stable arrangements of these subunits are largely determined by preferential extension of segments rich in solvophilic monomers. This predicted significance of necklace structures explains recent observations in protein stretching experiments. We examine the statistical features of select sequences that give rise to mechanical strength and may thus have guided the evolution of proteins that carry out mechanical functions in living cells.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Sequence randomness and polymer collapse transitions

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    Contrary to expectations based on Harris' criterion, chain disorder with frustration can modify the universality class of scaling at the theta transition of heteropolymers. This is shown for a model with random two-body potentials in 2D on the basis of exact enumeration and accurate Monte Carlo results. When frustration grows beyond a certain finite threshold, the temperature below which disorder becomes relevant coincides with the theta one and scaling exponents definitely start deviating from those valid for homopolymers.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Adsorption-like Collapse of Diblock Copolymers

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    A linear copolymer made of two reciprocally attracting N-monomer blocks collapses to a compact phase through a novel transition, whose exponents are determined with extensive MC simulations in two and three dimensions. In the former case, an identification with the statistical geometry of suitable percolation paths allows to predict that the number of contacts between the blocks grows like N9/16N^{9/16}. In the compact phase the blocks are mixed and, in two dimensions, also zipped, in such a way to form a spiral, double chain structure.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Postscript figure

    Embedding a Native State into a Random Heteropolymer Model: The Dynamic Approach

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    We study a random heteropolymer model with Langevin dynamics, in the supersymmetric formulation. Employing a procedure similar to one that has been used in static calculations, we construct an ensemble in which the affinity of the system for a native state is controlled by a "selection temperature" T0. In the limit of high T0, the model reduces to a random heteropolymer, while for T0-->0 the system is forced into the native state. Within the Gaussian variational approach that we employed previously for the random heteropolymer, we explore the phases of the system for large and small T0. For large T0, the system exhibits a (dynamical) spin glass phase, like that found for the random heteropolymer, below a temperature Tg. For small T0, we find an ordered phase, characterized by a nonzero overlap with the native state, below a temperature Tn \propto 1/T0 > Tg. However, the random-globule phase remains locally stable below Tn, down to the dynamical glass transition at Tg. Thus, in this model, folding is rapid for temperatures between Tg and Tn, but below Tg the system can get trapped in conformations uncorrelated with the native state. At a lower temperature, the ordered phase can also undergo a dynamical glass transition, splitting into substates separated by large barriers.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, 6 figure

    Simulations of Chaperone-Assisted Folding †

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