127 research outputs found

    Black-wattle growth in reponse to application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

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    Due to the lack of information about Black-wattle fertilization, this study evaluated black-wattle plants growth in response to different fertilization levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium six years after implantation. The statistical design used was a randomized blocks with trifatorial distribution. Total height (m), diameter at breast height (DBH) (cm) and stem volume with bark (m³ ha-1) were evaluated. Black-wattle showed a positive and significant growth response to N and P (interaction) fertilizations and absence for K. m To obtain the maximum development of black-wattle, for the soil and climate condition studied, it is required the use of the maximum dose of nitrogen (40.0 kg ha-1 N) and 78.9 kg ha-1 phosphorus, not requiring the addition of potassium

    Ein neuer mitbedingender Faktor für die Ursache des Follikelsprunges und seine therapeutische Ausnutzung

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    Untersuchungen Über Diphtheriebacillenträger und Ihre Seuchenpolizeiliche Auswertung

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    Zur Regulierung der Hypophyse durch das Ovarium

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    Follikel- und Luteohormon in Ihrer Rück-Wirkung auf den Hypophysen-Vorderlappen

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    Spezielles zur biologischen Wirksamkeit des Dihydrofollikelhormonbenzoats

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    Influence of information about specific absorption rate (SAR) upon customers' purchase decisions and safety evaluation of mobile phones

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    This study investigated whether the SAR value is a purchase-relevant characteristic of mobile phones for laypersons and what effect the disclosure of a precautionary SAR value has on laypersons' risk perception. The study consisted of two parts: Study part 1 used a conjoint analysis design to explore the relevance of the SAR value and other features of mobile phones for an intended buying decision. Study part 2 used an experimental, repeated measures design to examine the effect of the magnitude of SAR values and the disclosure of a precautionary SAR value on risk perception. In addition, the study included an analysis of prior concerns of the study participants with regard to mobile phone risks. Part 1 indicates that the SAR value has a high relevance for laypersons' purchase intentions. In the experimental purchase setting it ranks even before price and equipment features. The results of study part 2 show that providing information of a precautionary limit value does not influence risk perception. This result suggests that laypersons' underlying subjective "safety model" for mobile phones resembles more a "margin of safety" concept than a threshold concept. The latter observation holds true no matter how concerned the participants are
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