7 research outputs found

    Determination of free and amidated bile acids by high-performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light-scattering mass detection

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    A simple reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method for a simultaneous analysis of free, glycine- and taurine-amidated bile acids is described. The resolution of ursodeoxycholic, cholic, chenodeocycholic, deoxycholic, and lithocholic acids, either free or amidated with glycine and taurine, is achieved using a C-18 octadecylsilane column (30 cm length, 4 micron particle size) with a gradient elution of aqueous methanol (65—-75%) containing 15 mM ammonium acetate, pH 5.40, at 37 degrees C. The separated bile acids are detected with a new evaporative light-scattering mass detector and by absorbance at 200 nm. A complete resolution of the 16 bile acids, including the internal standard nor-deoxycholic acid, is obtained within 55 min. Using the light-scattering mass detector, amidated bile acids and, for the first time, free bile acids can be detected with similar detection limits in the order of 2-7 nmol. The new detector improves the baseline and the signal-to-noise ratio over the UV detection as it is not affected by impurities present in the samples with higher molar absorptivity than bile acids or by the change in the mobile phase composition during the gradient. The method fulfills all the standard requirements of precision and accuracy and the linearity of the mass detector is over 5 decade the detection limit. The new method has been used for the direct analysis of bile acid in stools and bile with only a preliminary clean-up procedure using a C-18 reverse phase extraction

    Relationship between structure and intestinal absorption of bile acids with a steroid or side-chain modification

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    A structure-activity relationship for bile acid (BA) intestinal absorption is known to exist. To better understand the BA structural requirements for optimal BA intestinal absorption, rabbit ileal perfusion studies were performed. Unconjugated BA: Ursodeoxycholic (UDCA) and ursocholic acid (UCA) with methyl (6MUDCA and 6MUCA) or fluoro group (6FUDCA and 6FUCA) in the 6 position and UCA with a methyl group in 23 position (23MUCA) were compared with unconjugated UDCA, UCA, deoxycholic (DCA), chenodeoxycholic (CDCA), hyocholic (HCA), and hyodeoxycholic (HDCA) acid. BA lipophilicity was evaluated by their octanol-water partition coefficient. Conjugated BA: Taurine-conjugated UDCA and UCA with a methyl group in the 23 position (T23MUDCA and T23MUCA) were compared with the corresponding taurine- conjugated natural analogs. An analog of glycine-conjugated UDCA with the C24 amide bond replaced by a -CO-CH2- in the 24 position (24PUDCA) was studied and results were compared with the natural form (GUDCA). Unconjugated BA absorption was dose dependent (i.e., passive) and followed their lipophilicity: DCA > 6MUDCA > CDCA > HDCA > UDCA > HCA > 6FUDCA > 6MUCA > 6FUCA > UCA. Conjugated BA absorption was active, and V(max) was in the following order: TCA > TUDCA > TUCA > T23MUCA > T23MUDCA > 24PUDCA > GUDCA. 24PUDCA transport was also active and higher than GUDCA. Conclusion: Passive transport is dependent on BA lipophilicity. Conjugated BAs are actively transported, and the presence of a 23-C methyl group does not improve transport when compared with the natural analogs. The substitution of the C24 amide bond with a -CO-CH2- still affords interaction of the BA with the intestinal transport carrier

    New 6-substituted bile acids: physico-chemical and biological properties of 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid and 6 alpha-methyl-7-epicholic acid.

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    New analogs of ursodeoxycholic acid and 7-epicholic acid containing a 6 alpha-methyl group were synthesized, and their physico-chemical properties were studied and compared with those of their natural analogs. The 6 alpha-methyl group slightly increases the lipophilicity and slightly lowers the critical micellar concentration with respect to the corresponding natural analogs. Simulated bile 50% enriched with 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid, with a total bile acid/phospholipid ratio of 10/1, demonstrated a higher cholesterol-holding capacity and a faster cholesterol gallstone dissolution rate with respect to ursodeoxycholic acid, while 6 alpha-methyl-7-epicholic acid and 7-epicholic acid were much less efficient in these processes. The 6 alpha-methyl analogs were highly stable toward 7-dehydroxylation when incubated with human stool in anaerobic conditions. Their transport, metabolism, and effect on biliary lipid secretion were evaluated both in rats and hamsters after acute intravenous and intraduodenal infusion at a dose of 10 mumol/min per kg. In both species, 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid is efficiently secreted in bile, with a cumulative recovery similar to that of ursodeoxycholic acid. The only metabolites of 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid identified were its glycine and taurine amidated forms. 6 alpha-Methyl-7-epicholic acid was efficiently secreted into bile when infused intravenously, and to a lesser extent when infused intraduodenally, in both rats and hamsters; it was secreted in bile as amidate and also as free acid. When 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid, 6 alpha-methyl-7-epicholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, and 7-epicholic acid were chronically administered to hamsters (for 3 weeks, at a dose of 50 mg/kg per day) their accumulation in gallbladder bile was, respectively, 25.1%, 4.0%, 15.2%, and 3.4% of the total bile acids. In conclusion, of the two analogs, only 6 alpha-methyl ursodeoxycholic acid shows potential as a cholesterol gallstone-dissolving agent. In this regard, its most important properties are moderate lipophilicity, good metabolic stability, and better conservation in the enterohepatic circulation, with respect to ursodeoxycholic acid