2,452 research outputs found

    Development of processes for the production of solar grade silicon from halides and alkali metals, phase 1 and phase 2

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    High temperature reactions of silicon halides with alkali metals for the production of solar grade silicon are described. Product separation and collection processes were evaluated, measure heat release parameters for scaling purposes and effects of reactants and/or products on materials of reactor construction were determined, and preliminary engineering and economic analysis of a scaled up process were made. The feasibility of the basic process to make and collect silicon was demonstrated. The jet impaction/separation process was demonstrated to be a purification process. The rate at which gas phase species from silicon particle precursors, the time required for silane decomposition to produce particles, and the competing rate of growth of silicon seed particles injected into a decomposing silane environment were determined. The extent of silane decomposition as a function of residence time, temperature, and pressure was measured by infrared absorption spectroscopy. A simplistic model is presented to explain the growth of silicon in a decomposing silane enviroment

    The development of an advanced system to cool a man in a pressure suit

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    Conductive cooling system for cooling man in pressurized space sui

    Representation Homology, Lie Algebra Cohomology and Derived Harish-Chandra Homomorphism

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    We study the derived representation scheme DRep_n(A) parametrizing the n-dimensional representations of an associative algebra A over a field of characteristic zero. We show that the homology of DRep_n(A) is isomorphic to the Chevalley-Eilenberg homology of the current Lie coalgebra gl_n^*(C) defined over a Koszul dual coalgebra of A. We extend this isomorphism to representation schemes of Lie algebras: for a finite-dimensional reductive Lie algebra g, we define the derived affine scheme DRep_g(a) parametrizing the representations (in g) of a Lie algebra a; we show that the homology of DRep_g(a) is isomorphic to the Chevalley-Eilenberg homology of the Lie coalgebra g^*(C), where C is a cocommutative DG coalgebra Koszul dual to the Lie algebra a. We construct a canonical DG algebra map \Phi_g(a) : DRep_g(a)^G -> DRep_h(a)^W, which is a homological extension of the classical restriction homomorphism. We call \Phi_g(a) a derived Harish-Chandra homomorphism. We conjecture that, for a two-dimensional abelian Lie algebra a, the derived Harish-Chandra homomorphism is a quasi-isomorphism, and provide some evidence for this conjecture. For any complex Lie algebra g, we compute the Euler characteristic of DRep_g(a)^G in terms of matrix integrals over G and compare it to the Euler characteristic of DRep_h(a)^W.This yields an interesting combinatorial identity, which we prove for gl_n and sl_n (for all n). Our identity is analogous to the classical Macdonald identity, and our quasi-isomorphism conjecture is analogous to the strong Macdonald conjecture proved by S.Fishel, I.Grojnowski and C.Teleman. We explain this analogy by giving a new homological interpretation of Macdonald's conjectures in terms of derived representation schemes, parallel to our Harish-Chandra quasi-isomorphism conjecture.Comment: 61 pages; minor correction

    Oxidation, Reduction and Semi-Classical Limit for Quantum Matrix Geometries

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    Matrix configurations define noncommutative spaces endowed with extra structure including a generalized Laplace operator, and hence a metric structure. Made dynamical via matrix models, they describe rich physical systems including noncommutative gauge theory and emergent gravity. Refining the construction in [1], we construct a semi-classical limit through an immersed submanifold of complex projective space based on quasi-coherent states. We observe the phenomenon of oxidation, where the resulting semi-classical space acquires spurious extra dimensions. We propose to remove this artifact by passing to a leaf of a carefully chosen foliation, which allows to extract the geometrical content of the noncommutative spaces. This is demonstrated numerically via multiple examples

    The Space Station Photovoltaic Panels Plasma Interaction Test Program: Test plan and results

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    The Plasma Interaction Test performed on two space station solar array panels is addressed. This includes a discussion of the test requirements, test plan, experimental set-up, and test results. It was found that parasitic current collection was insignificant (0.3 percent of the solar array delivered power). The measured arcing threshold ranged from -210 to -457 V with respect to the plasma potential. Furthermore, the dynamic response of the panels showed the panel time constant to range between 1 and 5 microsec, and the panel capacitance to be between .01 and .02 microF

    Development of an internal restraint system for an integrated restraint-pressure suit system Report, 7 Jun. 1965 - 28 Jun. 1966

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    Internal restraint system, composed of liquid filled garment and separate auxiliary system, for integrated restraint pressure suit for acceleration protection and thermal transpor

    Structure Constants of the Fractional Supersymmetry Chiral Algebras

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    The fractional supersymmetry chiral algebras in two-dimensional conformal field theory are extended Virasoro algebras with fractional spin currents. We show that associativity and closure of these algebras determines their structure constants in the case that the Virasoro algebra is extended by precisely one current. We compute the structure constants of these algebras explicitly and we show that correlators of the currents satisfy non-Abelian braiding relations.Comment: 44 page