823 research outputs found

    Lost: The Crisis Of Jobless and Out Of School Teens and Young Adults In Chicago, Illinois and the U.S.

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    This report contains compilations and calculations of various employment data for males and females 16 to 24 years old by race/ethnicity from 2005 to 2014, comparing Chicago, Illinois, the U.S. and in some instances, adding Los Angeles and New York. Besides an array of figures and tables, the report contains GIS generated maps that illustrate the relationship between employment data and population distribution by race/ethnicity. A significant contribution of this report is its demonstration that low rates of employment are spatially concentrated in neighborhoods that are also racially segregated. This report clearly highlights that youth employment rates are tied to conditions in neighborhoods and cannot be seen as distinct from what is happening in the neighborhoods themselves. The devastation of unemployment in turn, wreaks havoc on the neighborhood

    Tiller Demography within Synthetic Grass Populations

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    Like other populations of biological organisms, the collective aging structure of a population of grass tillers has meaning and consequences far beyond the development of an individual within it. Using various methods, it is possible to assign numerical indices to tiller development so that it can be described numerically. By sampling a population of tillers and assigning a numerical index to each, the average stage of tillers within a population can be calculated and a repeatable assessment of its development determined. The average or mean stage count (MSC) of tiller development is commonly calculated and used to compare the development of grass species, cultivars, and sward responses to any number of variables that can influence development. While meaningful for such purposes, focusing on the average stage overlooks important demographic information about the tiller population that may have significant consequences to its functioning and management. Variation among the maturity of tillers within a grass population has important implications relative to functional attributes of a sward comprised of a tiller population. A more complete analysis of the data should include the number of stages present and an index reflecting the nature of their distribution within the tiller population. By sampling tiller populations over time, it is possible to make useful inferences about the dynamics of their development which has several important implications for crop management and improvement. The objective of this research was to explore the use of diversity indices to describe variation in tiller populations. Two diversity indices, Shannon’s and Simpson, were evaluated using data from a replicated study comparing the growth and development of smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) and intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey). Both indices provided repeatable insights into the distribution of growth stages present in the tiller populations that were useful for distinguishing between the two species and among sampling dates

    Control reproductivo del verraco

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    El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue actualizar los métodos utilizados para evaluar al reproductor porcino y enfatizar su importancia en las unidades de producción de cerdos. Para tal fin, se incluyó el examen de los órganos genitales, la valoración macroscópica y microscópica del semen, el comportamiento en la monta y los factores capaces de alterar la fertilidad

    Monitoring and Assisting Maternity-Infant Care in Rural Areas (Mamicare)

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    We present our project called MAMICare that is motivated by the alarming number of maternity and infant deaths in rural areas due mainly to a poor monitoring of pregnancy progress and lack of appropriate alerting mechanism in case of abnormal gestation evolution. We are proposing an information technology solution based on mobile devices, and health sensors such as ECG (electrocardiogram), stethoscope, pulse-oximeter, and blood-glucose meter to automatically collect relevant health data for a better monitoring of pregnant women. In this paper we address the current status of the maternity infant death problem especially in rural areas of Mexico. We review some applications of IT in health systems (known also as Electronic Health or simply e-Health) and discuss how these are related to our proposal and how they differ. In the paper we present our proposed solution and discuss the current status of our work

    Procedimientos para aumentar el potencial reproductivo en ovejas y cabras

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    El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar la importancia de algunos procedimientos que pueden ser utilizados para aumentar el potencial reproductivo en ovinos y caprinos. Se presentan métodos de sincronización del estro, estimulación de la ovulación, inseminación artificial, transferencia de embriones y manipulación genética