647 research outputs found

    Monomial ideals whose depth function has any given number of strict local maxima

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    We construct monomial ideals with the property that their depth function has any given number of strict local maxima

    Infrared emission spectrum and potentials of 0u+0_u^+ and 0g+0_g^+ states of Xe2_2 excimers produced by electron impact

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    We present an investigation of the Xe2_{2} excimer emission spectrum observed in the near infrared range about 7800 cm1^{-1} in pure Xe gas and in an Ar (90%) --Xe (10%) mixture and obtained by exciting the gas with energetic electrons. The Franck--Condon simulation of the spectrum shape suggests that emission stems from a bound--free molecular transition never studied before. The states involved are assigned as the bound (3)0u+(3)0_{u}^{+} state with 6p[1/2]06p [1/2]_{0} atomic limit and the dissociative (1)0g+(1)0_{g}^{+} state with 6s[3/2]16s [3/2]_{1} limit. Comparison with the spectrum simulated by using theoretical potentials shows that the dissociative one does not reproduce correctly the spectrum features.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Coarsening of graded local cohomology

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    Some criteria for graded local cohomology to commute with coarsening functors are proven, and an example is given where graded local cohomology does not commute with coarsening.Comment: minor correction

    Powers of componentwise linear ideals

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    We give criteria for graded ideals to have the property that all their powers are componentwise linear. Typical examples to which our criteria can be applied include the vertex cover ideals of certain finite graphs

    Safety of Novel Microbes for Human Consumption: Practical Examples of Assessment in the European Union

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    Novel microbes are either newly isolated genera and species from natural sources or bacterial strains derived from existing bacteria. Novel microbes are gaining increasing attention for the general aims to preserve and modify foods and to modulate gut microbiota. The use of novel microbes to improve health outcomes is of particular interest because growing evidence points to the importance of gut microbiota in human health. As well, some recently isolated microorganisms have promise for use as probiotics, although in-depth assessment of their safety is necessary. Recent examples of microorganisms calling for more detailed evaluation include Bacteroides xylanisolvens, Akkermansia muciniphila, fructophilic lactic acid bacteria (FLAB), and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. This paper discusses each candidate's safety evaluation for novel food or novel food ingredient approval according to European Union (EU) regulations. The factors evaluated include their beneficial properties, antibiotic resistance profiling, history of safe use (if available), publication of the genomic sequence, toxicological studies in agreement with novel food regulations, and the qualified presumptions of safety. Sufficient evidences have made possible to support and authorize the use of heat-inactivated B. xylanisolvens in the European Union. In the case of A. muciniphila, the discussion focuses on earlier safety studies and the strain's suitability. FLAB are also subjected to standard safety assessments, which, along with their proximity to lactic acid bacteria generally considered to be safe, may lead to novel food authorization in the future. Further research with F. prausnitzii will increase knowledge about its safety and probiotic properties and may lead to its future use as novel food. Upcoming changes in EUU Regulation 2015/2283 on novel food will facilitate the authorization of future novel products and might increase the presence of novel microbes in the food market

    Real-world experience with a Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon for the treatment of atherosclerotic infrainguinal arteries: 12-month interim results of the BIOLUX P-III registry first year of enrolment = Experiência real com balão revestido com paclitaxel para o tratamento de artérias infrainguinais ateroscleróticas: resultados após 12 meses do primeiro ano de seleção de pacientes para o registro BIOLUX P-III

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    Background: Endovascular management of atherosclerotic infrainguinal arteries recently shifted towards drug eluting devices, designed to locally prevent the restenosis process. Numerous clinical studies report an advantage of drug coated balloons over uncoated balloon angioplasty in treating lower extremity peripheral artery disease. However, as coating and balloon platforms are different, each device requires dedicated clinical evaluations. Objective: The aim of the study is to further investigate the safety and effectiveness of a Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon for the treatment of atherosclerotic infrainguinal arteries in a real-world setting. Methods: 203 patients out of a final sample of 882 were enrolled in this prospective multicenter, observational, all-comers registry during the first 12 months. The primary endpoints were major adverse events (defined as procedure or device related death within 30 days post index procedure, clinically-driven target lesion revascularization or major target limb amputation) at 6 months and freedom from clinically-driven target lesion revascularization at 12 months. Both endpoints were adjudicated by a Clinical Events Committee. Results: Mean patient age was 70.2\ub110.4 years (60.1% male). 47.3% of the patients were diabetic and 67.5% had a history of smoking. Severe claudication was reported in 37.4% and 40% had critical limb ischemia. 257 lesions, including 13.2% in the infrapopliteal territory, were treated with Passeo-18 Lux (mean lesion length 75.1 mm\ub169.4, 20% occlusions, 76.3% calcified). At 6 months, the rate of major adverse events was 5.5% (95%CI 3.1-9.7). Freedom from clinically-driven target lesion revascularization at 12 months was 93.2% (95%CI 89.1-95.8). All causes mortality was 6.5% (95%CI 3.8-11.0) and overall amputation rate was 4.2% (95%CI 2.1-8.3) at 12 months. Conclusion: In a real-world environment, the BIOLUX P-III registry preliminary results confirm the safety and efficacy of the Paclitaxel-Coated Passeo-18 Lux balloon as a stand-alone treatment option for atherosclerotic infrainguinal arteries.Contexto: O manejo endovascular de art\ue9rias infrainguinais ateroscler\uf3ticas recentemente tem mudado para dispositivos farmacol\uf3gicos, desenhados para impedir localmente o processo de reestenose. Numerosos estudos cl\uednicos descrevem uma vantagem da angioplastia com uso de bal\uf5es farmacol\uf3gicos sobre os bal\uf5es convencionais no tratamento de doen\ue7a arterial perif\ue9rica dos membros inferiores. No entanto, considerando que as plataformas do revestimento farmacol\uf3gico e dos bal\uf5es s\ue3o diferentes, cada dispositivo requer avalia\ue7\uf5es cl\uednicas espec\uedficas. Objetivo: Fazer investiga\ue7\ue3o adicional sobre a seguran\ue7a e efic\ue1cia de um bal\ue3o revestido com paclitaxel para o tratamento de art\ue9rias infrainguinais ateroscler\uf3ticas em um cen\ue1rio de mundo real. M\ue9todos: 203 pacientes de uma amostra final de 882 pacientes foram inclu\ueddos neste registro prospectivo observacional multic\ueantrico de inclus\ue3o sequencial, durante os primeiros 12 meses. Os desfechos prim\ue1rios foram eventos adversos maiores (definidos como morte relacionada ao procedimento ou ao dispositivo em at\ue9 30 dias ap\uf3s o procedimento-\uedndice, necessidade de revasculariza\ue7\ue3o da les\ue3o-alvo ou amputa\ue7\ue3o significativa do membro-alvo) em 6 meses e aus\ueancia de de revasculariza\ue7\ue3o da les\ue3o-alvo em 12 meses. Ambos os desfechos foram adjudicados por um comit\uea de eventos cl\uednicos. Resultados: A idade m\ue9dia foi 70,2\ub110,4 anos (60,1% sexo masculino). 47,3% dos pacientes eram diab\ue9ticos, e 67,5% tinham hist\uf3ria de tabagismo. Claudica\ue7\ue3o severa foi relatada em 37,4%, e 40% apresentava isquemia cr\uedtica de membro. 257 les\uf5es, incluindo 13,2% em territ\uf3rio infrapopl\uedteo, foram tratadas com o bal\ue3o Passeo-18 Lux (comprimento m\ue9dio das les\uf5es 75,1 mm\ub169,4, 20% oclus\uf5es, 76,3% calcificadas). Aos 6 meses, a taxa de eventos adversos maiores foi de 5,5% (95%CI 3,1-9,7). A aus\ueancia de revasculariza\ue7\ue3o da les\ue3o-alvo aos 12 meses foi de 93,2% (95%CI 89,1-95,8). Mortalidade por todas as causas foi de 6,5% (95%CI 3,8-11,0) e a taxa geral de amputa\ue7\ue3o foi de 4,2% (95%CI 2,1-8,3) aos 12 meses. Conclus\ue3o: Em um cen\ue1rio de mundo real, os resultados preliminares do registro BIOLUX P-III confirmam a seguran\ue7a e efic\ue1cia do bal\ue3o revestido com paclitaxel Passeo-18 Lux como op\ue7\ue3o de tratamento \ufanico para art\ue9rias infrainguinais ateroscler\uf3ticas

    Detection of triplex PCR for the modified qualitative soybean and maize genetically

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    A molecular screening method based on multiplex PCR that involves amplification of specific soybean or maize sequences from plant DNA (lectin or zein) and the amplification of 35S promoter and NOS terminator,for the detection of genetically modified soybean and maize was developed. The new method is proposed,for the simulicmeous cletcctimt of tree genetic elements in the.same run as reliable method for rapid detection of genetically, modified plants with sensitivity of 0.1%

    Urgent need to clarify the definition of chronic critical limb ischemia - a position paper from the European Society for Vascular Medicine

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    Chronic critical lower limb ischemia (CLI) has been defined as ischemia that endangers the leg. An attempt was made to give a precise definition of CLI, based on clinical and hemodynamic data (Second European Consensus). CLI may be easily defined from a clinical point of view as rest pain of the distal foot or gangrene or ulceration. It is probably useful to add leg ulcers of other origin which do not heal because of severe ischemia, and to consider the impact of frailty on adverse outcome. From a hemodynamic viewpoint there is no consensus and most of the existing classifications are not based upon evidence. We should thus propose a definition and then validate it in a prospective cohort in order to define the patients at major risk of amputation, and also to define the categories of patients whose prognosis is improved by revascularisation. From today\u27s available data, it seems clear that the patients with a systolic toe pressure (STP) below 30 mmHg must be revascularised whenever possible. However other patients with clinically suspected CLI and STP above 30 mmHg must be evaluated and treated in specialised vascular units and revascularisation has to be discussed on a case by case basis, taking into account other data such as the WiFi classification for ulcers.In conclusion, many useful but at times contradictory definitions of CLI have been suggested. Only a few have taken into account evidence, and none have been validated prospectively. This paper aims to address this and to give notice that a CLI registry within Europe will be set up to prospectively validate, or not, the previous and suggested definitions of CLI

    Retrieval orientation and the control of recollection: An FMRI study

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    The present study used event-related fMRI to examine the impact of the adoption of different retrieval orientations on the neural correlates of recollection. In each of two study-test blocks, subjects encoded a mixed list of words and pictures, and then performed a recognition memory task with words as the test items. In one block, the requirement was to respond positively to test items corresponding to studied words, and to reject both new items and items corresponding to the studied pictures. In the other block, positive responses were made to test items corresponding to pictures, and items corresponding to words were classified along with the new items. Based on previous event-related potential (ERP) findings, we predicted that in the word task, recollection-related effects would be found for target information only. This prediction was fulfilled. In both tasks, targets elicited the characteristic pattern of recollection-related activity. By contrast, non-targets elicited this pattern in the picture task, but not in the word task. Importantly, the left angular gyrus was among the regions demonstrating this dissociation of non-target recollection effects according to retrieval orientation. The findings for the angular gyrus parallel prior findings for the `left-parietal' ERP old/new effect, and add to the evidence that the effect reflects recollection-related neural activity originating in left ventral parietal cortex. Thus, the results converge with the previous ERP findings to suggest that the processing of retrieval cues can be constrained to prevent the retrieval of goal-irrelevant information