367 research outputs found

    Le Archeidi di Giulio Turcato problematiche conservative e proposte di intervento

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    Le Archeidi, gruppo scultoreo composto da cinque elementi realizzati con laminati di ferro a struttura tubolare assemblati artigianalmente, sono alte circa quattro metri e il loro ingombro varia tra gli ottanta e i novanta centimetri. Vennero realizzate da Giulio Turcato nel 1989 per la citt\ue0 di Salerno, in occasione della prima edizione di \u201cSalerno Incontri d\u2019Arte\u201d, parallelamente alla mostra \u201cGiulio Turcato per/Corso\u201d, tenutasi in tre gallerie della citt\ue0 \u201cLa Bottegaccia\u201d, \u201cIl Catalogo\u201d e \u201cLa Seggiola\u201d. Il gruppo scultoreo era composto da quattro elementi che erano stati scherzosamente definiti dal maestro \u201caculei\u201d e da un quinto che ricordava le sembianze di un \u201cfiore\u201d. Purtroppo, appena le opere vennero collocate lungo il percorso cittadino, una sub\uec un atto vandalico mentre un\u2019altra venne trafugata. Le cinque sculture furono realizzate, seguendo il progetto dell\u2019artista, nella bottega di un fabbro salernitano e successivamente trattate cromaticamente. Le ragioni principali del degrado delle Archeidi sono legate alla collocazione in ambiente esterno e al fatto che l\u2019aspettativa di vita dei materiali utilizzati non garantisce la durabilit\ue0 del gruppo scultoreo. Quattro strutture, di propriet\ue0 del Comune di Salerno, si presentano oggi in un precario stato di conservazione, aggravato dall\u2019umidit\ue0 dello spazio dove sono conservate. Ad un\u2019osservazione preliminare si riscontra un viraggio completo dei colori e la presenza diffusa di ruggine. Le opere, dopo un accurato intervento di restauro, attendono di trovare una nuova collocazione che risponda alle necessit\ue0 di una buona conservazione e al tempo stesso alla natura di \u201copera ambientale\u201d cos\uec come ideata dall\u2019artista

    Sintering behavior of a six-oxide silicate bioactive glass for scaffold manufacturing

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    The intrinsic brittleness of bioactive glasses (BGs) is one of the main barriers to the widespread use of three-dimensional porous BG-derived bone grafts (scaffolds) in clinical practice. Among all the available strategies for improving the mechanical properties of BG-based scaffolds, strut densification upon sintering treatments at high temperatures represents a relatively easy approach, but its implementation might lead to undesired and poorly predictable decrease in porosity, mass transport properties and bioactivity resulting from densification and devitrification phenomena occurring in the material upon heating. The aim of the present work was to investigate the sinter-crystallization of a highly bioactive SiO2-P2O5-CaO–MgO–Na2O–K2O glass (47.5B composition) in reference to its suitability for the fabrication of bonelike foams. The thermal behavior of 47.5B glass particles was investigated upon sintering at different temperatures in the range of 600–850◦C by means of combined thermal analyses (differential thermal analysis (DTA) and hot-stage microscopy (HSM)). Then, XRD measurements were carried out to identify crystalline phases developed upon sintering. Finally, porous scaffolds were produced by a foam replica method in order to evaluate the effect of the sintering temperature on the mechanical properties under compression loading conditions. Assessing a relationship between mechanical properties and sintering temperature, or in other words between scaffold performance and fabrication process, is a key step towards the rationale design of optimized scaffolds for tissue repair

    Finite Element Modeling Application in Forensic Practice: A Periprosthetic Femoral Fracture Case Study

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    The incidence of periprosthetic fractures has rapidly increased in the last two decades and has been the cause of a large number of revision surgeries and permanent physical disability for many patients, as well as a significant socioeconomic burden for many nations. This research deals with a periprosthetic femur fracture real event, occurred following a total hip arthroplasty and treated with one of the most widespread internal fixation methods: the implant of a periprosthetic femur plate system. A Finite Element analysis was performed to investigate the implanted femur plate break after a short follow-up and to understand the plate break causes. Such events are currently object of forensic debate as more and more often hospitals, surgeons, and medical device manufacturers are denounced by patients to whom similar events occur. In this work, different load situations acting on the femur during daily and incidental activities were simulated, in order to validate the correct behavior of the plate, according to the intended use recommended by the manufacturer. The analysis demonstrates that the plate failure can occur in situations of unconventional loading such as that caused by stumbling and in presence of incomplete bone healing

    Biomechanical role and motion contribution of ligaments and bony constraints in the elbow stability: A preliminary study

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    In flexion-extension motion, the interaction of several ligaments and bones characterizes the elbow joint stability. The aim of this preliminary study was to quantify the relative motion of ulna respect to humerus in two human elbow specimens and to investigate the constraints role for maintaining the joint stability in different dissections condition. Two clusters of 4 markers were fixed respectively to ulna and humerus, and their trajectory was recorded by a motion capture system during orthopedic maneuver. Considering the medial ulnar collateral posterior bundle (pMUCL) and the coronoid, two dissection sequences were executed. The orthopedic maneuver of compression, pronation and varus force was repeated at 30°, 60°, 90° flexion for the functional investigation of constraints. Ulna deflection was compared to a baseline flexion condition. Respect to intact elbow, the coronoid osteotomy influences the elbow stability at 90° (deflection=11.49±17.39 mm), while small differences occur at 30° and 60°, due to ligaments constraint. The contemporary pMUCL dissection and coronoid osteotomy causes elbow instability, with large deflection at 30° (deflection=34.40±9.10 mm), 60° (deflection=45.41±18.47 mm) and 90° (deflection=52.16±21.92 mm). Surgeons may consider the pMUCL reconstruction in case of unfixable coronoid fracture

    Are suprapectineal quadrilateral surface buttressing plates performances superior to traditional fixation? A finite element analysis

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    Acetabular fractures have a high impact on patient’s quality of life, and because acetabular fractures are high energy injuries, they often co-occur with other pathologies such as damage to cartilage that could increase related morbidity; thus, it appears of primary importance developing reliable treatments for this disease. This work aims at the evaluation of the biomechanical performances of non-conservative treatments of acetabular fractures through a finite element approach. Two pelvic plates models (the standard suprapectineal plate—SPP, and a suprapectineal quadrilateral surface buttressing plate—SQBP) were analyzed when implanted on transverse or T-shaped fractures. The plates geometries were adapted to the specific hemipelvis, mimicking the bending action that the surgeon performs on the plate intraoperatively. Implemented models were tested in a single leg stance condition. The obtained results show that using the SQBP plate in transverse and T-shaped acetabular fractures generates lower bone stress if compared to the SPP plate. Interfragmentary movement analysis shows that the SQBP plate guarantees greater stability in transverse fractures. In conclusion, the SQBP plate seems worthy of further clinical analysis, having resulted as a promising option in the treatment of transverse and T-shaped acetabular fractures, able to reduce bone stress values and to get performances comparable, and in some cases superior, to traditional fixation