56,590 research outputs found

    A Classical Manifestation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle

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    The occupied and unoccupied fermionic BPS quantum states of a type-IIA string stretched between a D6-brane and an orthogonal D2-brane are described in M-theory by two particular holomorphic curves embedded in a Kaluza-Klein monopole. The absence of multiply-occupied fermionic states --- the Pauli exclusion principle --- is manifested in M-theory by the absence of any other holomorphic curves satisfying the necessary boundary conditions. Stable, non-BPS states with multiple strings joining the D6-brane and D2-brane are described M-theoretically by non-holomorphic curves.Comment: harvmac 6 pages. Final version as published in JHE

    String Bit Models for Superstring

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    We extend the model of string as a polymer of string bits to the case of superstring. We mainly concentrate on type II-B superstring, with some discussion of the obstacles presented by not II-B superstring, together with possible strategies for surmounting them. As with previous work on bosonic string we work within the light-cone gauge. The bit model possesses a good deal less symmetry than the continuous string theory. For one thing, the bit model is formulated as a Galilei invariant theory in (D2)+1(D-2)+1 dimensional space-time. This means that Poincar\'e invariance is reduced to the Galilei subgroup in D2D-2 space dimensions. Naturally the supersymmetry present in the bit model is likewise dramatically reduced. Continuous string can arise in the bit models with the formation of infinitely long polymers of string bits. Under the right circumstances (at the critical dimension) these polymers can behave as string moving in DD dimensional space-time enjoying the full N=2N=2 Poincar\'e supersymmetric dynamics of type II-B superstring.Comment: 43 pages, phyzzx require

    Demonstration of the range over which the Langley Research Center digital computer charring ablation program (CHAP) can be used with confidence: Comparisons of CHAP predictions and test data for three ablation materials

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    Comparisons of ablation calculations with the charring ablation computer code and ablation test data are presented over a wide range of environmental conditions in air for three materials: low-density nylon phenolic, Avcoat 5026-39HC/G, and a filled silicon elastomer. Heat fluxes considered range from over 500 Btu/sq ft-sec to less than 50 Btu/sq ft-sec. Pressures range from 0.5 atm to .004 atm. Enthalpies range from about 2000 Btu/lb to 18000 Btu/lb. Predictions of recession, pyrolysis penetration, and thermocouple responses are considered. Recession predictions for nylon phenolic are good as steady state is approached, but strongly transient cases are underpredicted. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted. Recession amounts for Avcoat and silicone elastomer are less well predicted, although high heat flux cases near steady state are fairly satisfactory. Pyrolysis penetrations and thermocouple responses are very well predicted

    Mutual Fund Flows and Performance in Rational Markets

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    We develop a simple rational model of active portfolio management that provides a natural benchmark against which to evaluate observed relationship between returns and fund flows. We show that many effects widely regarded as anomalous are consistent with this simple explanation. In the model, investments with active managers do not outperform passive benchmarks because of the competitive market for capital provision, combined with decreasing returns to scale in active portfolio management. Consequently, past performance cannot be used to predict future returns, or to infer the average skill level of active managers. The lack of persistence in active manager returns does not imply that differential ability across managers is nonexistent or unrewarded, that gathering information about performance is socially wasteful, or that chasing performance is pointless. A strong relationship between past performance and the ow of funds exists in our model, indeed this is the market mechanism that ensures that no predictability in performance exists. Calibrating the model to the fund flows and survivorship rates, we nd these features of the data are consistent with the vast majority (80%) of active managers having at least enough skill to make back their fees.

    Curvature terms in D-brane actions and their M-theory origin

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    We derive the complete (curvature)2(curvature)^2 terms of effective D-brane actions, for arbitrary ambient geometries and world-volume embeddings, at lowest order (disk-level) in the string-loop expansion. These terms reproduce the o(α2)o(\alpha'^2) corrections to string scattering amplitudes, and are consistent with duality conjectures. In the particular case of the D3-brane with trivial normal bundle, considerations of SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) invariance lead to a complete sum of D-instanton corrections for both the parity-conserving and the parity-violating parts of the effective action. These corrections are required for the cancellation of the modular anomalies of massless modes, and are consistent with the absence of chiral anomalies in the intersection domain of pairs of D-branes. We also show that the parity-conserving part of the non-perturbative R^2 action follows from a one-loop quantum calculation in the six-dimensional world-volume of the M5-brane compactified on a two-torus.Comment: tex file, 31 pages, uses harvmac. Some rewriting of section 2, conclusions and appendix B, in particular in what concerns the discussion of seven-branes in the conclusions and the structure of α2\alpha'^2 terms in appendix B. Other minor corrections plus added reference

    Instantons of Type IIB Supergravity in Ten Dimensions

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    A family of SO(10) symmetric instanton solutions in Type IIB supergravity is developed. The instanton of least action is a candidate for the low-energy, semiclassical approximation to the {D=--1} brane. Unlike a previously published solution,[GGP] this admits an interpretation as a tunneling amplitude between perturbatively degenerate asymptotic states, but with action twice that found previously. A number of associated issues are discussed such as the relation between the magnetic and electric pictures, an inversion symmetry of the dilaton and the metric, the R×S9R\times S^9 topology of the background, and some properties of the solution in an "instanton frame" corresponding to a Lagrangian in which the dilaton's kinetic energy vanishes.Comment: 15 pages, no figures; Version 2 has revised sections IV and V. Earlier equations are essentially unchanged, but interpretation changed, on advice of counse

    The principle of least action and the geometric basis of D-branes

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    We analyze thoroughly the boundary conditions allowed in classical non-linear sigma models and derive from first principle the corresponding geometric objects, i.e. D-branes. In addition to giving classical D-branes an intrinsic and geometric foundation, D-branes in nontrivial H flux and D-branes embedded within D-branes are precisely defined. A well known topological condition on D-branes is replaced

    Supersymmetry Constraints on Type IIB Supergravity

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    Supersymmetry is used to derive conditions on higher derivative terms in the effective action of type IIB supergravity. Using these conditions, we are able to prove earlier conjectures that certain modular invariant interactions of order alpha' **3 relative to the Einstein-Hilbert term are proportional to eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on the fundamental domain of SL(2,Z). We also discuss how these arguments generalize to terms of higher order in alpha', as well as to compactifications of supergravity.Comment: 31 pages, harvmac (b); minor correction

    Quantum Theory from Quantum Gravity

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    We provide a mechanism by which, from a background independent model with no quantum mechanics, quantum theory arises in the same limit in which spatial properties appear. Starting with an arbitrary abstract graph as the microscopic model of spacetime, our ansatz is that the microscopic dynamics can be chosen so that 1) the model has a low low energy limit which reproduces the non-relativistic classical dynamics of a system of N particles in flat spacetime, 2) there is a minimum length, and 3) some of the particles are in a thermal bath or otherwise evolve stochastically. We then construct simple functions of the degrees of freedom of the theory and show that their probability distributions evolve according to the Schroedinger equation. The non-local hidden variables required to satisfy the conditions of Bell's theorem are the links in the fundamental graph that connect nodes adjacent in the graph but distant in the approximate metric of the low energy limit. In the presence of these links, distant stochastic fluctuations are transferred into universal quantum fluctuations.Comment: 17 pages, 2 eps figure

    Remarks on the Classical Size of D-Branes

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    We discuss different criteria for `classical size' of extremal Dirichlet p-branes in type-II supergravity. Using strong-weak coupling duality, we find that the size of the strong-coupling region at the core of the (p<3)-branes, is always given by the asymptotic string scale, if measured in the weakly coupled dual string metric. We also point out how the eleven-dimensional Planck scale arises in the classical 0-brane solution, as well as the ten-dimensional Planck scale in the D-instanton solution.Comment: 8 pp, harvma