3,111 research outputs found

    Semantic Analysis of a Few Anatomical Terms of the 18th-Century Delaware Indians

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    Author Institution: Department of German, The Ohio State University, Columbus 1

    The Christian World View and the New Era in Science

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    The present article will concern itself chiefly with man\u27s mastery over nature by means of the intellectual capacities which God has so lavishly bestowed on him and which God preserves even today, even though man has not fulfilled the intentions of God for the created world. It will also show that the vitiation of God\u27s intentions and purposes for man and the created world is in the process of being resolved even now

    Some Scriptural Aspects of Processes in Nature

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    Nature is like a veil. It both reveals and conceals the truth. What William Taylor says of the parable may also be applied to nature: ... a cloud luminous to some, yet dark to others; the enveilment, but also the unveiling, of the truth to men. If nature appeals only to our intellect, we shall see only that which lies on the surface

    Some Phases of After His Kind in the Light of Modem Science

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    Some would estimate the number of species of animals to be about 1,073,000. Others say that there are about 3,000,000 species of animals. The wide range of difference between these two estimates is due to the diversity of opinion as to the concept species. Since evolution is the background of modern biology, the term species is accordingly defined as an evolving group and net as an aggregation with set bounds and limits. Darwin\u27s Origin of Species takes this view. Opposed to this view is that of the Bible, which speaks of natural groups of plants and animals and calls such a group min (Hebrew), kind (King James), Art (Luther), Gen. 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25. The problem, then, may be stated thus: Either one may assign each living thing to a group called species, which gradually merges into other similar groups; or one may assign each organism to a group, a kind, which has strict boundaries and limits and which, because it has such sharp lines of demarcation, cannot be called a species as the term is now generally understood

    The Pastor After the Heart of God

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    In the first of his Pastoral Letters (1 Tim. 3:1) Paul calls the office of a bishop (ἐπιοχοπή) a good work, χαλὸν ε̈ογον. That is a brief but beautiful and most significant characterization of the Christian ministry