2,576 research outputs found

    Study of sampling systems for comets and Mars

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    Several aspects of the techniques that can be applied to acquisition and preservation of samples from Mars and a cometary nucleus were examined. Scientific approaches to sampling, grounded in proven engineering methods are the key to achieving the maximum science value from the sample return mission. If development of these approaches for collecting and preserving does not preceed mission definition, it is likely that only suboptimal techniques will be available because of the constraints of formal schedule timelines and the normal pressure to select only the most conservative and least sophisticated approaches when development has lagged the mission milestones. With a reasonable investment now, before the final mission definition, the sampling approach can become highly developed, ready for implementation, and mature enough to help set the requirements for the mission hardware and its performance

    Superfluid turbulence and pulsar glitch statistics

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    Experimental evidence is reviewed for the existence of superfluid turbulence in a differentially rotating, spherical shell at high Reynolds numbers (\Rey\gsim 10^3), such as the outer core of a neutron star. It is shown that torque variability increases with \Rey, suggesting that glitch activity in radio pulsars may be a function of \Rey as well. The \Rey distribution of the 67 glitching radio pulsars with characteristic ages τc≤106\tau_c \leq 10^6 {\rm yr} is constructed from radio timing data and cooling curves and compared with the \Rey distribution of all 348 known pulsars with τc≤106\tau_c \leq 10^6 {\rm yr}. The two distributions are different, with a Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability ≥1−3.9×10−3\geq 1 - 3.9 \times 10^{-3}. The conclusion holds for (modified) Urca and nonstandard cooling, and for Newtonian and superfluid viscosities

    Implications of Hyperon Pairing for Cooling of Neutron Stars

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    The implications of hyperon pairing for the thermal evolution of neutron stars containing hyperons are investigated. The outcome of cooling simulations are compared for neutron star models composed only of nucleons and leptons, models including hyperons, and models including pairing of hyperons. We show that lambda and neutron pairing suppresses all possible fast neutrino emission processes in not too massive neutron stars. The inclusion of lambda pairing yields better agreement with X-ray observations of pulsars. Particularly, the surface temperatures deduced from X-ray observations within the hydrogen atmosphere model are more consistent with the thermal history of neutron stars containing hyperons, if the critical temperature for the onset of lambda and nucleon pairing is not too small.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To be published in ApJL. The postscript and additional tables can be found at http://www.physik.uni-muenchen.de/sektion/suessmann/astro/cool/schaab.089

    Feasibility of self-structured current accessed bubble devices in spacecraft recording systems

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    The self-structured, current aperture approach to magnetic bubble memory is described. Key results include: (1) demonstration that self-structured bubbles (a lattice of strongly interacting bubbles) will slip by one another in a storage loop at spacings of 2.5 bubble diameters, (2) the ability of self-structured bubbles to move past international fabrication defects (missing apertures) in the propagation conductors (defeat tolerance), and (3) moving bubbles at mobility limited speeds. Milled barriers in the epitaxial garnet are discussed for containment of the bubble lattice. Experimental work on input/output tracks, storage loops, gates, generators, and magneto-resistive detectors for a prototype device are discussed. Potential final device architectures are described with modeling of power consumption, data rates, and access times. Appendices compare the self-structured bubble memory from the device and system perspectives with other non-volatile memory technologies

    Global Ultrasound Elastography Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Displacement estimation is very important in ultrasound elastography and failing to estimate displacement correctly results in failure in generating strain images. As conventional ultrasound elastography techniques suffer from decorrelation noise, they are prone to fail in estimating displacement between echo signals obtained during tissue distortions. This study proposes a novel elastography technique which addresses the decorrelation in estimating displacement field. We call our method GLUENet (GLobal Ultrasound Elastography Network) which uses deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to get a coarse time-delay estimation between two ultrasound images. This displacement is later used for formulating a nonlinear cost function which incorporates similarity of RF data intensity and prior information of estimated displacement. By optimizing this cost function, we calculate the finer displacement by exploiting all the information of all the samples of RF data simultaneously. The Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR) and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the strain images from our technique is very much close to that of strain images from GLUE. While most elastography algorithms are sensitive to parameter tuning, our robust algorithm is substantially less sensitive to parameter tuning.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; added acknowledgment section, submission type late

    Heat kernel estimates and spectral properties of a pseudorelativistic operator with magnetic field

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    Based on the Mehler heat kernel of the Schroedinger operator for a free electron in a constant magnetic field an estimate for the kernel of E_A is derived, where E_A represents the kinetic energy of a Dirac electron within the pseudorelativistic no-pair Brown-Ravenhall model. This estimate is used to provide the bottom of the essential spectrum for the two-particle Brown-Ravenhall operator, describing the motion of the electrons in a central Coulomb field and a constant magnetic field, if the central charge is restricted to Z below or equal 86

    Correleation of the SAGE III on ISS Thermal Models in Thermal Desktop

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    The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III) instrument is the fifth in a series of instruments developed for monitoring aerosols and gaseous constituents in the stratosphere and troposphere. SAGE III was launched on February 19, 2017 and mounted to the International Space Station (ISS) to begin its three-year mission. A detailed thermal model of the SAGE III payload, which consists of multiple subsystems, has been developed in Thermal Desktop (TD). Correlation of the thermal model is important since the payload will be expected to survive a three-year mission on ISS under varying thermal environments. Three major thermal vacuum (TVAC) tests were completed during the development of the SAGE III Instrument Payload (IP); two subsystem-level tests and a payload-level test. Additionally, a characterization TVAC test was performed in order to verify performance of a system of heater plates that was designed to allow the IP to achieve the required temperatures during payload-level testing; model correlation was performed for this test configuration as well as those including the SAGE III flight hardware. This document presents the methods that were used to correlate the SAGE III models to TVAC at the subsystem and IP level, including the approach for modeling the parts of the payload in the thermal chamber, generating pre-test predictions, and making adjustments to the model to align predictions with temperatures observed during testing. Model correlation quality will be presented and discussed, and lessons learned during the correlation process will be shared

    Using the UM dynamical cores to reproduce idealised 3-D flows

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences UnionWe demonstrate that both the current (New Dynamics), and next generation (ENDGame) dynamical cores of the UK Met Office global circulation model, the UM, reproduce consistently, the long-term, large-scale flows found in several published idealised tests. The cases presented are the Held-Suarez test, a simplified model of Earth (including a stratosphere), and a hypothetical tidally locked Earth. Furthermore, we show that using simplifications to the dynamical equations, which are expected to be justified for the physical domains and flow regimes we have studied, and which are supported by the ENDGame dynamical core, also produces matching long-term, large-scale flows. Finally, we present evidence for differences in the detail of the planetary flows and circulations resulting from improvements in the ENDGame formulation over New Dynamics.We would like to thank Paul Ullrich and Kevin Heng for their valuable comments, when reviewing this manuscript. We would also like to thank Tom Melvin for his expert advice, and both Charline Marzin and Douglas Boyd for technical help. This work is supported by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no. 247060) and by the Consolidated STFC grant ST/J001627/1. This work is also partly supported by the Royal Society award WM090065. The calculations for this paper were performed on the DiRAC Facility jointly funded by STFC, the Large Facilities Capital Fund of BIS, and the University of Exeter
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