1,097 research outputs found

    Is the interstellar gas of starburst galaxies well mixed?

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    The extent to which the ISM in galaxies is well mixed is not yet settled. Measured metal abundances in the diffuse neutral gas of star--forming gas--rich dwarf galaxies are deficient with respect to that of the ionized gas. The reasons, if real, are not clear and need to be based on firm grounds. Far-UV spectroscopy of giant HII regions such as NGC604 in the spiral galaxy M33 using FUSE allows us to investigate possible systematic errors in the metallicity derivation. We still find underabundances of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and iron in the neutral phase by a factor of~6. This could either be explained by the presence of less chemically evolved gas pockets in the sightlines or by dense clouds out of which HIIregions form. Those could be more metallic than the diffuse medium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures;contribution to Starbursts: from 30 Dor to Lyman Break Galaxies, 6 -10 September 2004, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, U

    Chemical abundances and radial velocities in the extremely metal-poor galaxy DDO 68

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    We present chemical abundances and radial velocities of six HII regions in the extremely metal-poor star-forming dwarf galaxy DDO 68. They are derived from deep spectra in the wavelength range 3500 - 10,000 {\AA}, acquired with the Multi Object Double Spectrograph (MODS) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). In the three regions where the [O III]λ\lambda4363 {\AA} line was detected, we inferred the abundance of He, N, O, Ne, Ar, and S through the "direct" method. We also derived the oxygen abundances of all the six regions adopting indirect method calibrations. We confirm that DDO 68 is an extremely metal-poor galaxy, and a strong outlier in the luminosity - metallicity relation defined by star-forming galaxies. With the direct-method we find indeed an oxygen abundance of 12+log(O/H)=7.14±\pm0.07 in the northernmost region of the galaxy and, although with large uncertainties, an even lower 12+log(O/H)=6.96±\pm0.09 in the "tail". This is, at face value, the most metal-poor direct abundance detection of any galaxy known. We derive a radial oxygen gradient of -0.06±\pm0.03 dex/kpc (or -0.30 dex R251R_{25}^{-1}) with the direct method, and a steeper gradient of -0.12±\pm0.03 dex/kpc (or -0.59 dex R251R_{25}^{-1}) from the indirect method. For the α\alpha-element to oxygen ratios we obtain values in agreement with those found in other metal-poor star-forming dwarfs. For nitrogen, instead, we infer much higher values, leading to log(N/O)1.4\sim-1.4, at variance with the suggested existence of a tight plateau at 1.6-1.6 in extremely metal poor dwarfs. The derived helium mass fraction ranges from Y=0.240±\pm0.005 to Y=0.25±\pm0.02, compatible with standard big bang nucleosynthesis. Finally, we measured HII region radial velocities in the range 479-522 km/s from the tail to the head of the "comet", consistent with the rotation derived in the HI.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    HST resolves stars in a tiny body falling on the dwarf galaxy DDO 68

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    We present new Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of a stream-like system associated with the dwarf galaxy DDO 68, located in the Lynx-Cancer Void at a distance of D\sim12.65 Mpc from us. The stream, previously identified in deep Large Binocular Telescope images as a diffuse low surface brightness structure, is resolved into individual stars in the F606W (broad V) and F814W (\simI) images acquired with the Wide Field Camera 3. The resulting V, I color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the resolved stars is dominated by old (age\gtrsim1-2 Gyr) red giant branch (RGB) stars. From the observed RGB tip, we conclude that the stream is at the same distance as DDO 68, confirming the physical association with it. A synthetic CMD analysis indicates that the large majority of the star formation activity in the stream occurred at epochs earlier than \sim1 Gyr ago, and that the star formation at epochs more recent than \sim500 Myr ago is compatible with zero. The total stellar mass of the stream is 106M\sim10^{6} M_{\odot}, about 1/100 of that of DDO~68. This is a striking example of hierarchical merging in action at the dwarf galaxy scales.Comment: ApJ in pres

    Feedback in the local LBG Analog Haro 11 as probed by far-UV and X-ray observations

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    We have re-analyzed FUSE data and obtained new Chandra observations of Haro 11, a local (D_L=88 Mpc) UV luminous galaxy. Haro 11 has a similar far-UV luminosity (10^10.3 L_\odot), UV surface brightness (10^9.4 L_\odot kpc^-2), SFR, and metallicity to that observed in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We show that Haro 11 has extended, soft thermal (kT~0.68 keV) X-ray emission with a luminosity and size which scales with the physical properties (e.g. SFR, stellar mass) of the host galaxy. An enhanced alpha/Fe, ratio of ~4 relative to solar abundance suggests significant supernovae enrichment. These results are consistent with the X-ray emission being produced in a shock between a supernovae driven outflow and the ambient material. The FUV spectra show strong absorption lines similar to those observed in LBG spectra. A blueshifted absorption component is identified as a wind outflowing at ~200-280 km/s. OVI\lambda\lambda1032,1038 emission, the dominant cooling mechanism for coronal gas at T~10^5.5 K is also observed. If associated with the outflow, the luminosity of the OVI emission suggests that <20% of the total mechanical energy from the supernovae and solar winds is being radiated away. This implies that radiative cooling through OVI is not significantly inhibiting the growth of the outflowing gas. In contradiction to the findings of Bergvall et al 2006, we find no convincing evidence of Lyman continuum leakage in Haro 11. We conclude that the wind has not created a `tunnel' allowing the escape of a significant fraction of Lyman continuum photons and place a limit on the escape fraction of f_{esc}<2%. Overall, both Haro 11 and a previously observed LBG analogue VV 114, provide an invaluable insight into the X-ray and FUV properties of high redshift LBGs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 40 pages, 17 figure

    Imaging the multi-level magma reservoir at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)

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    The continuous GPS network operating on Mt. Etna with its 36 stations is currently one of the largest worldwide. The aim of this network is the evaluation of volcanic hazard and the modelling of the active sources. In this paper, we propose an in-depth analysis and modelling of continuous GPS data collected at Mt. Etna from May 2008 to December 2010. The analyzed period has been divided into four different coherent phases: 1) 14 May 2008-02 August 2008 (deflation of the entire GPS network); 2) 02 August 2008-14 June 2009 (deflation of the summit area and inflation at lower heights); 3) 14 June 2009-21 May 2010 (inflation of the entire GPS network); 4) 21 May 2010-31 December 2010 (inflation at medium and low heights and end of the inflation in the summit area). Analytical models indicate a non-uniform deformation style revealing spaced sources acting at different time on different segments of a multi-level magma reservoir. The Etnean plumbing system imaged here is depicted as an elongated magma reservoir that extends from the volcano body downwards to about 6.5 km below sea level (b.s.l.), sloping slightly towards the North-West, with storage volumes located at about 6.5, 2.0 and 0.0 km (b.s.l.). The changes in position of the modelled pressure sources during the analyzed time intervals indicate that, throughout the 2008 eruptive period, the deformation field was mostly driven by the upward migration of magma. On the other hand, the pattern of deformation recorded after the end of the eruption strongly suggests a significant contribution of the magma overpressure generated by the gas boiling, thus outlining the importance of volatiles content in magma. Citation: Aloisi, M., M. Mattia, C. Ferlito, M. Palano, V. Bruno, and F. Cannav (2011), Imaging the multi-level magma reservoir at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy), Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L16306, doi:10.1029/2011GL048488

    Morpho‐physiological classification of italian tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum l.) according to drought tolerance during vegetative and reproductive growth

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    Irrigation is fundamental for agriculture but, as climate change becomes more persistent, there is a need to conserve water and use it more efficiently. It is therefore crucial to identify cultivars that can tolerate drought. For economically relevant crops, such as tomatoes, this purpose takes on an even more incisive role and local agrobiodiversity is a large genetic reservoir of promising cultivars. In this study, nine local Italian cultivars of tomatoes plus four widely used commercial cultivars were considered. These experienced about 20 d of drought, either at vegetative or reproductive phase. Various physio‐morphological parameters were monitored, such as stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthesis (A), water use efficiency (WUE), growth (GI) and soil water content (SWC). The different responses and behaviors allowed to divide the cultivars into three groups: tolerant, susceptible, and intermediate. The classification was also confirmed by a principal component analysis (PCA). The study, in addition to deepening the knowledge of local Italian tomato cultivars, reveals how some cultivars perform better under stress condition than commercial ones. Moreover, the different behavior depends on the genotype and on the growth phase of plants. In fact, the Perina cultivar is the most tolerant during vegetative growth while the Quarantino cultivar is mostly tolerant at reproductive stage. The results suggest that selection of cultivars could lead to a more sustainable agriculture and less wasteful irrigation plans