2,314 research outputs found

    Differential H4K16ac levels ensure a balance between quiescence and activation in hematopoietic stem cells

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are able to reconstitute the bone marrow while retaining their self-renewal property. Individual HSCs demonstrate heterogeneity in their repopulating capacities. Here, we found that the levels of the histone acetyltransferase MOF (males absent on the first) and its target modification histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation are heterogeneous among HSCs and influence their proliferation capacities. The increased proliferative capacities of MOF-depleted cells are linked to their expression of CD93. The CD93+ HSC subpopulation simultaneously shows transcriptional features of quiescent HSCs and functional features of active HSCs. CD93+ HSCs were expanded and exhibited an enhanced proliferative advantage in Mof+/− animals reminiscent of a premalignant state. Accordingly, low MOF and high CD93 levels correlate with poor survival and increased proliferation capacity in leukemia. Collectively, our study indicates H4K16ac as an important determinant for HSC heterogeneity, which is linked to the onset of monocytic disorders

    Reformulação das deduções de Lockhart levando em conta a turgescência e a sucção como fatores de crescimento.

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    Estendendo o modelo de Lockhart de crescimento vegetal levando em conta a sucção da parede celular.

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    O modelo proposto por Lockhart em 1965 para descrever o crescimento de uma célula vegetal foi ampliado para levar em conta a pressão hidrostática do apoplasma.bitstream/CNPDIA/8895/1/BP02_96.pd

    Epigenetic Regulators as the Gatekeepers of Hematopoiesis

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    Hematopoiesis is the process by which both fetal and adult organisms derive the full repertoire of blood cells from a single multipotent progenitor cell type, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Correct enactment of this process relies on a synergistic interplay between genetically encoded differentiation programs and a host of cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors. These include the influence of the HSC niche microenvironment, action of specific transcription factors, and alterations in intracellular metabolic state. The consolidation of these inputs with the genetically encoded program into a coherent differentiation program for each lineage is thought to rely on epigenetic modifiers. Recent work has delineated the precise contributions of different classes of epigenetic modifiers to HSC self-renewal as well as lineage specification and differentiation into various cell types. Here, we bring together what is currently known about chromatin status and the development of cells in the hematopoietic system under normal and abnormal conditions

    Ensaio de atividade de B-galactosidase em Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus para estudos de expressão gênica.

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    Este Comunicado Técnico mostra a repetitibilidade de ensaios de atividade de ?-galactosidase, que foram padronizados com G. diazotrophicus, ilustrando sua utilidade em estudos de expressão gênica que envolvem fusões com o gene repórter lacZ. Os resultados mostrados neste Comunicado Técnico ilustram que o meio, as condições de cultivo e o ensaio de atividade de ?-galactosidase estabelecidos para G. diazotrophicus são reprodutíveis, e, portanto, válidos, sendo de grande valia para quantificar níveis de expressão gênica nessa importante bactéria constituinte do inoculante para cana-de-açúcar da Embrapa.bitstream/item/42760/1/COT123-09.pd

    A new language for creativity in fashion design

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    The development of innovative products in all business areas passes through different stages, starting with the research followed by creation until the project's conclusion. The creative process in shoes and clothing design involves the ability to group and rearrange existing elements, ideas and techniques for achieving solutions to meet the presented challenges. The creation process demystifies and breaks rules and put concepts together, so that, in the end, it can introduce a new language to fashion products. This study investigates the difficulties that creative professionals face when developing creative work for companies and the way that external factors can positively or negatively affect the development of new ideas. It also investigates the factors that can motivate the continuous work of fashion designers so their creative potential is not blocked. Throughout the study, theories of various authors were analyzed, discussed techniques on how to spark creativity, showing methods of how to facilitate the performance of the creative professional within an organization, so they can use the information in the best way to renew their creative potential. The results show that there are effective techniques to stimulate the creative, whether it is arising from a simple collection of past experiences, or from more elaborate techniques such as brainstorming, analogies, fractionation, suspension of value judgments, and challenge assumptions, among others suggested by De Bono

    Efeito da temperatura nas antocianinas do açaí.

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    Comportamento Térmico da Fibra do Açaí.

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