211 research outputs found

    Methods of regularization for computing orbits in celestial mechanics

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    Numerical and analytical methods for orbit computation in celestial mechanics during and beyond collision by introduction of regularized coordinate

    Human Like Adaptation of Force and Impedance in Stable and Unstable Tasks

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    Abstract—This paper presents a novel human-like learning con-troller to interact with unknown environments. Strictly derived from the minimization of instability, motion error, and effort, the controller compensates for the disturbance in the environment in interaction tasks by adapting feedforward force and impedance. In contrast with conventional learning controllers, the new controller can deal with unstable situations that are typical of tool use and gradually acquire a desired stability margin. Simulations show that this controller is a good model of human motor adaptation. Robotic implementations further demonstrate its capabilities to optimally adapt interaction with dynamic environments and humans in joint torque controlled robots and variable impedance actuators, with-out requiring interaction force sensing. Index Terms—Feedforward force, human motor control, impedance, robotic control. I

    Intrinsic Geometry of a Null Hypersurface

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    We apply Cartan's method of equivalence to construct invariants of a given null hypersurface in a Lorentzian space-time. This enables us to fully classify the internal geometry of such surfaces and hence solve the local equivalence problem for null hypersurface structures in 4-dimensional Lorentzian space-times

    Vortex solutions in axial or chiral coupled non-relativistic spinor- Chern-Simons theory

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    The interaction of a spin 1/2 particle (described by the non-relativistic "Dirac" equation of L\'evy-Leblond) with Chern-Simons gauge fields is studied. It is shown, that similarly to the four dimensional spinor models, there is a consistent possibility of coupling them also by axial or chiral type currents. Static self dual vortex solutions together with a vortex-lattice are found with the new couplings.Comment: Plain TEX, 10 page

    A Simple fMRI Compatible Robotic Stimulator to Study the Neural Mechanisms of Touch and Pain.

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    This paper presents a simple device for the investigation of the human somatosensory system with functional magnetic imaging (fMRI). PC-controlled pneumatic actuation is employed to produce innocuous or noxious mechanical stimulation of the skin. Stimulation patterns are synchronized with fMRI and other relevant physiological measurements like electroencephalographic activity and vital physiological parameters. The system allows adjustable regulation of stimulation parameters and provides consistent patterns of stimulation. A validation experiment demonstrates that the system safely and reliably identifies clusters of functional activity in brain regions involved in the processing of pain. This new device is inexpensive, portable, easy-to-assemble and customizable to suit different experimental requirements. It provides robust and consistent somatosensory stimulation, which is of crucial importance to investigating the mechanisms of pain and its strong connection with the sense of touch

    Conformal Properties of Chern-Simons Vortices in External Fields

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    The construction and the symmetries of Chern-Simons vortices in harmonic and uniform magnetic force backgrounds found by Ezawa, Hotta and Iwazaki, and by Jackiw and Pi are generalized using the non-relativistic Kaluza-Klein-type framework presented in our previous paper. All Schrodinger-symmetric backgrounds are determined.Comment: 10 pages,CPT-94/p.3028, te

    Nonlinear Evolution Equations Invariant Under Schroedinger Group in three-dimensional Space-time

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    A classification of all possible realizations of the Galilei, Galilei-similitude and Schroedinger Lie algebras in three-dimensional space-time in terms of vector fields under the action of the group of local diffeomorphisms of the space \R^3\times\C is presented. Using this result a variety of general second order evolution equations invariant under the corresponding groups are constructed and their physical significance are discussed

    Celestial Mechanics, Conformal Structures, and Gravitational Waves

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    The equations of motion for NN non-relativistic particles attracting according to Newton's law are shown to correspond to the equations for null geodesics in a (3N+2)(3N+2)-dimensional Lorentzian, Ricci-flat, spacetime with a covariantly constant null vector. Such a spacetime admits a Bargmann structure and corresponds physically to a generalized pp-wave. Bargmann electromagnetism in five dimensions comprises the two Galilean electro-magnetic theories (Le Bellac and L\'evy-Leblond). At the quantum level, the NN-body Schr\"odinger equation retains the form of a massless wave equation. We exploit the conformal symmetries of such spacetimes to discuss some properties of the Newtonian NN-body problem: homographic solutions, the virial theorem, Kepler's third law, the Lagrange-Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector arising from three conformal Killing 2-tensors, and motions under inverse square law forces with a gravitational constant G(t)G(t) varying inversely as time (Dirac). The latter problem is reduced to one with time independent forces for a rescaled position vector and a new time variable; this transformation (Vinti and Lynden-Bell) arises from a conformal transformation preserving the Ricci-flatness (Brinkmann). A Ricci-flat metric representing NN non-relativistic gravitational dyons is also pointed out. Our results for general time-dependent G(t)G(t) are applicable to the motion of point particles in an expanding universe. Finally we extend these results to the quantum regime.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    Newton-Hooke spacetimes, Hpp-waves and the cosmological constant

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    We show explicitly how the Newton-Hooke groups act as symmetries of the equations of motion of non-relativistic cosmological models with a cosmological constant. We give the action on the associated non-relativistic spacetimes and show how these may be obtained from a null reduction of 5-dimensional homogeneous pp-wave Lorentzian spacetimes. This allows us to realize the Newton-Hooke groups and their Bargmann type central extensions as subgroups of the isometry groups of the pp-wave spacetimes. The extended Schrodinger type conformal group is identified and its action on the equations of motion given. The non-relativistic conformal symmetries also have applications to time-dependent harmonic oscillators. Finally we comment on a possible application to Gao's generalization of the matrix model.Comment: 21 page

    (1+1) Schrodinger Lie bialgebras and their Poisson-Lie groups

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    All Lie bialgebra structures for the (1+1)-dimensional centrally extended Schrodinger algebra are explicitly derived and proved to be of the coboundary type. Therefore, since all of them come from a classical r-matrix, the complete family of Schrodinger Poisson-Lie groups can be deduced by means of the Sklyanin bracket. All possible embeddings of the harmonic oscillator, extended Galilei and gl(2) Lie bialgebras within the Schrodinger classification are studied. As an application, new quantum (Hopf algebra) deformations of the Schrodinger algebra, including their corresponding quantum universal R-matrices, are constructed.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX. Possible applications in relation with integrable systems are pointed; new references adde