1,462,443 research outputs found
Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor
We show how the quantum Hall effect in an inverted-gap semiconductor (with
electron- and hole-like states at the conduction- and valence-band edges
interchanged) can be used to inject, precess, and detect the electron spin
along a one-dimensional pathway. The restriction of the electron motion to a
single spatial dimension ensures that all electrons experience the same amount
of precession in a parallel magnetic field, so that the full electrical current
can be switched on and off. As an example, we calculate the magnetoconductance
of a p-n interface in a HgTe quantum well and show how it can be used to
measure the spin precession due to bulk inversion asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, extended versio
Probability of Reflection by a Random Laser
A theory is presented (and supported by numerical simulations) for
phase-coherent reflection of light by a disordered medium which either absorbs
or amplifies radiation. The distribution of reflection eigenvalues is shown to
be the Laguerre ensemble of random-matrix theory. The statistical fluctuations
of the albedo (the ratio of reflected and incident power) are computed for
arbitrary ratio of sample thickness, mean free path, and absorption or
amplification length. On approaching the laser threshold all moments of the
distribution of the albedo diverge. Its modal value remains finite, however,
and acquires an anomalous dependence on the illuminated surface area.Comment: 8 pages (revtex), 3 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let
Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots
Destructive interference of single-electron tunneling between three quantum
dots can trap an electron in a coherent superposition of charge on two of the
dots. Coupling to external charges causes decoherence of this superposition,
and in the presence of a large bias voltage each decoherence event transfers a
certain number of electrons through the device. We calculate the counting
statistics of the transferred charges, finding a crossover from sub-Poissonian
to super-Poissonian statistics with increasing ratio of tunnel and decoherence
rates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
On the causal Barrett--Crane model: measure, coupling constant, Wick rotation, symmetries and observables
We discuss various features and details of two versions of the Barrett-Crane
spin foam model of quantum gravity, first of the Spin(4)-symmetric Riemannian
model and second of the SL(2,C)-symmetric Lorentzian version in which all
tetrahedra are space-like. Recently, Livine and Oriti proposed to introduce a
causal structure into the Lorentzian Barrett--Crane model from which one can
construct a path integral that corresponds to the causal (Feynman) propagator.
We show how to obtain convergent integrals for the 10j-symbols and how a
dimensionless constant can be introduced into the model. We propose a `Wick
rotation' which turns the rapidly oscillating complex amplitudes of the Feynman
path integral into positive real and bounded weights. This construction does
not yet have the status of a theorem, but it can be used as an alternative
definition of the propagator and makes the causal model accessible by standard
numerical simulation algorithms. In addition, we identify the local symmetries
of the models and show how their four-simplex amplitudes can be re-expressed in
terms of the ordinary relativistic 10j-symbols. Finally, motivated by possible
numerical simulations, we express the matrix elements that are defined by the
model, in terms of the continuous connection variables and determine the most
general observable in the connection picture. Everything is done on a fixed
two-complex.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX 2e, 1 figur
Asymptotics of Relativistic Spin Networks
The stationary phase technique is used to calculate asymptotic formulae for
SO(4) Relativistic Spin Networks. For the tetrahedral spin network this gives
the square of the Ponzano-Regge asymptotic formula for the SU(2) 6j symbol. For
the 4-simplex (10j-symbol) the asymptotic formula is compared with numerical
calculations of the Spin Network evaluation. Finally we discuss the asymptotics
of the SO(3,1) 10j-symbol.Comment: 31 pages, latex. v3: minor clarification
Thermal radiation and amplified spontaneous emission from a random medium
We compute the statistics of thermal emission from systems in which the
radiation is scattered chaotically, by relating the photocount distribution to
the scattering matrix - whose statistical properties are known from
random-matrix theory. We find that the super-Poissonian noise is that of a
black body with a reduced number of degrees of freedom. The general theory is
applied to a disordered slab and to a chaotic cavity, and is extended to
include amplifying as well as absorbing systems. We predict an excess noise of
amplified spontaneous emission in a random laser below the laser threshold.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figure
Improved high-temperature-strength nickel-base superalloy
Nickel-base superalloy has a strength of 20,000 psi at 2,200 degrees F, approximately double the strength of the strongest available cast nickel-base alloys. It is not subject to the formation of embrittling phases upon long time exposure at intermediate temperatures
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