358 research outputs found

    Application of Encapsulation Technology: In Vitro Screening of Two Ficus carica L. Genotypes under Different NaCl Concentrations

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    Salinity stress represents an increasing issue for agriculture and has a great negative impact on plant growth and crop production. The selection of genotypes able to tolerate salt stress could be a suitable solution to overcome the problem. In this context, in vitro cultures can represent a tool for identifying the NaCl tolerant genotypes and quickly producing large populations of them. The possibility of exerting selection for tolerance to NaCl by using encapsulation technology was investigated in two genotypes of fig: 'Houmairi' and 'Palazzo'. The effects of five concentrations of NaCl (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) added to the artificial endosperm were tested on the conversion of synthetic seeds and on the growth of derived shoots/plantlets. Moreover, proline (Pro) and malondialdehyde (MDA), the enzymatic activities of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), and EL (Electrolytic Leakage), as well as the chlorophyll content, flavanols, anthocyanins, and Nitrogen Balance Index (NBI) were determined on shoots/plantlet. The obtained results clearly showed that 'Houmairi' and 'Palazzo' could tolerate salt stress, although a strong difference was found depending on each specific physiological pathway. Indeed, 'Houmairi' was revealed to be more tolerant than 'Palazzo', with different response mechanisms to salt stress. The use of encapsulated vitro-derived explants proved to be a useful method to validate the selection of genotypes tolerant to salinity stress. Further investigation in the field must validate and confirm the legitimacy of the approach

    Estudio de las reacciones diagnósticas del embarazo : Variaciones del hierro no hemínico, en el estado de gravidez

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    Índice - Estudio del método y la determinación de su sensibilidad con distintas concentraciones de sal férrica - Sensibilidad del método para una solución determinada de hierro. - Sensibilidad del método con un suero. - Variaciones fisiológicas del hierro no hemínico en mujeres no embarazadas - Variaciones del hierro en suero de mujeres embarazadas - Estudio cooperativo - Conclusiones - BibliografíaTesis digitalizada en SEDICI gracias a la Biblioteca Central de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas (UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Somatic embryogenesis in Abies nebrodensis, an endangered Sicilian fir

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    Somatic embryogenesis, as a promising biotechnological tool for many conifer trees, has never been applied for the Abies nebrodensis species. Although all the encouraging results previously obtained by the EU LIFE (European LIFE program) funded projects in over ten years, the critically endangered Sicilian fr remains alarmingly close to extinction. In this study, we reported the first protocol of somatic embryogenesis obtained from mature zygotic embryos of the Abies nebrodensis. Seeds from Abies adult trees with specifc identifcation numbers (IN) were collected and full seeds were identifed by X-ray. Diferent experiments were carried out for callus initiation, from both zygotic immature and mature embryos, testing diferent culture media. The immature embryos did not give embryogenic tissue (ET). Embryogenic callus (EC) was successfully induced from mature embryos with variable frequencies (0–40%). Schenk and Hilderbrandt (SH) was the most suitable initiation medium where the obtained callus initiation rate reached up to 40% for IN7 (frst experiment). 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) showed to be essential to induce EC (second experiment). IN8 presented the highest callus initiation rate (40%) among all tested donor trees, whereas IN13 recorded the lowest rate with 4% (third experiment). ET maturation from each singular embryo of IN7, IN8, IN10 and IN21 was successfully achieved in SH medium containing 37,83 µM abscisic acid (ABA), 8% of polyethylene glycol (PEG-4000) and 4% maltose. The encapsulation technology was assessed on the obtained ET and its proliferation was observed after encapsulation

    P03-36 Bradykinesia and mental slowness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Background:Clinical and experimental findings suggest that Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is due to an abnormality of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit. Bradykinesia and mental slowness can be present in patients with basal ganglia disorders affecting the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuit. Aim of this study is to investigate whether bradykinesia and mental slowness are present in patients with OCD.Methods:Participants comprised 19 non-depressed anti-psychotic free patients with OCD.Bradykinesia was assessed with the motor section of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Mental slowness was investigated with the WAIS-R and the Y-BOCS. Psychiatric evaluation was performed with: SCID-I, Y-BOCS, HAMD, HAM-A, and MMPI. Cognitive functions were assessed with the WAIS-R.Results:Bradykinesia and mental slowness were present respectively in the 39% and 89% of the patients. Bradykinesia was positively correlated to Y-BOCS mental slowness score (rho=0.48, p< 0.05), and inversely related to the WAIS-R Performance IQ score (rho=-0.65, p< 0.01). Patients with bradykinesia scored significantly lower in the Similarities and Digit symbol coding WAIS-R subscales as compared to non-bradykinetic patients. in our sample pathological doubt was not associated with IQ measures nor with bradykinesia. Twelve out of 19 patients (63%) showed impairments in the nonverbal function scores.Conclusions:The novel findings of this study is that bradykinesia can be present in patients with OCD, and it is correlated with mental slowness and nonverbal performance impairment. These preliminary data support the notion that dysfunction of basal ganglia is possibly present in OCD patients

    Principais plantas medicinais e fitoterapia na terapêutica de afecções estomacais: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    Introduction: The use of phytotherapy is increasingly common in Brazil and in the world, but most of the treatment of popular use, including for the gastric system, does not have the correct study to prove its efficacy and risks. Methods: To describe the therapeutic purposes of medicinal plants for stomach disorders and the toxicological activities of some of them. Development: A bibliographic survey of articles and theses was carried out that approached the medicinal plants of greater popular use approved or not by ANVISA. Conclusion: There are several effective therapies, but they should be used with caution and guidance to avoid adverse effects typical of any other medicine. Their use with appropriate recommendations should be encouraged because cause less risk compared to allopathic medicines. In addition, the importance of more in-depth studies on these plants is emphasized since many of them do not have concrete data of their active principles and action in the organism.Introdução: O uso da fitoterapia está cada vez mais comum no Brasil e no mundo, mas grande parte dos tratamentos de uso popular, inclusive para o sistema gástrico, não tem o correto estudo para comprovação de sua eficácia e riscos. Métodos: Descrever os fins terapêuticos das plantas medicinais voltadas a afecções de estômago e as atividades toxicológicas de algumas delas. Desenvolvimento: Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico de artigos e teses que abordavam as plantas medicinais de maior uso popular aprovadas ou não pela ANVISA. Conclusão: Existem diversas terapêuticas eficazes, porém devem ser usados com cautela e orientação para evitar efeitos adversos próprios de qualquer outro medicamento. Seu uso com as devidas recomendações deve ser incentivado por terem maior possibilidade de cura e menos riscos em comparação com os medicamentos alopáticos. Além disso ressalta-se a importância de estudos mais aprofundados sobre essas plantas visto que grande parte delas não possuem dados concretos de seus princípios ativos e ação no organismo