39 research outputs found

    Management Control System for Effective Job Performance Among Librarians in Federal And State University Libraries : Evidence From South East Nigeria

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    In this study, we assessed the management control system used for effective job performance among librarians in five federal university libraries and five State university libraries in South East, Nigeria. Our 38-item questionnaire was validated by three experts: one from the Department of Science Education (Education Measurement and Evaluation unit) and two from the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Later we used descriptive statistics and found out that the university libraries adopted performance appraisal system, duties rotation system, controlled activities system and regulation of staff attendance to a great extent, and also that the management control system has contributed to the effective job performance since it enables employees to understand their job expectations and to encourage librarians’ positive work attitude. Based on these findings, we recommended that performance appraisal and staff evaluation should be performed from time to time to identify areas which require improvements. Henceforth, federal and state governments in Nigeria should make funds available for university libraries to enable them adopt effective management control system and procure facilities and resources to enhance job performance in their libraries among other

    Prevalence of asymptomatic Co-Infection of Candidiasis and Vaginal Trichomoniasis among Pregnant Women in Abakaliki, South-Eastern Nigeria

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    One thousand five hundred (1500) pregnant women at their different trimesters who are within the age of 20 and 40 years were investigated for the prevalence of co-infection of Candida albicans and Tirchomonas vaginalis in Abakaliki, South-Eastern Nigeria between March and October 2010. Their personal biometric data and trimesters of gestation were documented. The vaginal swab specimen were examined using wet preparation technique, and culture. Germ-tube test was specifically used for the C. albicans. Three hundred and twenty six (22%) had asymptomatic coinfections while 412 (27.5%) and 355 (24%) had asymptomatic candidiasis and trichomonas as single infection respectively. Women within the age bracket of 31-35 had the highest prevalence of T. vaginalis (36.00%) while those within 36-40 years and 26-30 years had the highest prevalence of C. albicans (33.33%) and co-infections (43.00%) respectively. Women within their 3rd trimesters of pregnancy had the highest prevalence of 30.40% and 32.41% respectively for T. vaginalis and C. albicans, while those in their 2nd trimester had the highest prevalence in co-infections (30.00%). Keywords: Asymptomatic, prevalence, co-infection, Candida albicans, Tirchomonas vaginali

    Assessment of the Effects of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy on the Renal Function of Patients with HIV-1 in a Rural Setting of South Eastern Nigeria

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    A study to assess the effects of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy on the renal function of patients with HIV-1 in a rural setting of South Eastern Nigeria was conducted. One hundred and forty seven adult patients with mean age of 31 years comprising of 65 females and 82 males were enlisted for this study. This investigation was carried in the Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki where the subjects were registered and placed on antiretroviral therapy and evaluated for eighteen months with respect to renal function parameters such as creatinine and urea in correlation with CD4 T-cell count. Personnel factors such as age, sex and social status were also considered. The result revealed that 42 (28%) patients showed elevated serum urea and creatinine values above normal range as indicated by mean values of 71.6mg/dl and 3.92mg/dl from initial values of 50.71mg/dl and 1.24mg/dl at baseline respectively in the 18th month respectively the value are significant as p<0.05 and had a correlations coefficient of .975 .829 at 0.01 level with CD4+ T-cell. Also the CD4+ T-cell count increased from mean value of 81±16 cell/?l to 521±27 cell/?l at 18th months. The result shows that while the antiretroviral therapy may show good prognosis when considered on the basis of CD4+ T-cell turn over the impact on renal function is significantly deleterious. While the treatment of HIV infected person with anti retroviral is receiving wider attention, the side effects of these drugs are continually manifesting among some recipients especially in rural poor setting. This may not be unconnected with concomitant administration of other drugs such as antimalarial. There is therefore the need for proper monitoring of patients on antiretroviral therapy for adverse effect on renal function. Keywords: Assessment, antiretroviral, HIV-1, creatinine, urea, CD4+ T-cell

    Microbiological Examination and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Microorganisms Isolated From Salt Mining Site in Ebonyi State

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    The microbial examination and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of microorganism isolated from salt mining site in Ebonyi state was evaluated in the present study using standard microbiological technique. A total of 300 samples were randomly collected in three sample groups (A, B and C) of 100 each. Isolation, identification and characterization of organisms present on the soil samples were determined by culturing, Gram-staining and biochemical techniques. The result showed that the following organisms were isolated with their frequency as follow: Bacillus species (37.3%) and Staphylococcus species (23.5%) had the highest frequency in whole sample group A and B, while Klebsiella species (15.7%), Pseudomonas species (13.7%) and Erwinia species (9.8%), had the least. Rhizopus species (42.0%) and Aspergillus species (26.0%) where the highest fungi isolated, followed by Penicillum species (20.0%), while Mucor species (4.0%), and Fusarium species (8.0%) recorded the least. Sample group C showed high microbial population of all the microbial isolates when compared to sample group A and B. Disc diffusion method was used to determine the susceptibility of isolated bacteria to various antibiotics (ofloxacin, pefloxacin, ciprorex, augumentin, gentamycin, ciproflox, septrin, ampicillin), while agar well diffusion method was used to determine the susceptibility of isolated fungi to some antifungal drugs (metronidazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, fluconazole). The antibacterial activity of the antibiotics used showed that ciproflox has the best inhibitory effect on all the bacteria isolates, followed by augmentin, while septrin and gentamycin showed no inhibitory effect on all the test bacteria. Ketoconazole showed the highest inhibitory effect on the fungal isolates, followed by itraconazole, while metronidazole and fluconazole showed the least inhibitory effect on the entire test fungal isolates. Hence multiple drug resistance of most isolates to appropriate drugs of choice are of great public health concern and calls for periodic monitoring of antibiograms to detect possible changing patterns. Microbes isolated in the salt mining site can also be used as a source of gene(s) that can increase salt tolerance in different crop species through genetic engineering. Keywords: Microorganisms, antibacterial, antifungal, resistance, salt mining site, Ebonyi State

    Farmers Knowledge of the Role of Extension Services in Akwa-Ibom State Nigeria

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    Abstract The study examined farmers’ knowledge of the role of extension services in Akwa-Ibom State. Specifically, the study examined socio-economic characteristics of the farmers in the study area, ascertained level of farmer’s knowledge on the role of agricultural extension in general agricultural development and also identified problems militating against farmers’ knowledge of these roles in the state. Multistage sampling techniques were used in selecting 180 respondents for the study. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis while Probit regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that the farmers had high knowledge in areas of role and information transfer through agricultural extension, while they had low knowledge in areas of effective implementation of knowledge and information gained. This has impeded the expected food security the nation hopes to attain through proper training and implementation of programs by farmers. However, major constraints limiting farmers’ knowledge in agricultural extension are poor understanding and application of technologies ( = 4.4) as well as irregular visit and supervision of farmers by extension agents ( = 4.0).  Probit regression analysis shows that extension contact (2.705), level of education (3.389), farm status (3.282), income (2.505) and membership of cooperatives (6.012) were positive and highly significantly related to the level of farmers’ knowledge in the state. The study therefore recommends that knowledge of extension service should be brought closer to the farmers, through participatory extension approach under stable policy and sustainable institutional arrangement

    Farmers Knowledge of the Role of Extension Services in Akwa-Ibom State Nigeria

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    Abstract The study examined farmers’ knowledge of the role of extension services in Akwa-Ibom State. Specifically, the study examined socio-economic characteristics of the farmers in the study area, ascertained level of farmer’s knowledge on the role of agricultural extension in general agricultural development and also identified problems militating against farmers’ knowledge of these roles in the state. Multistage sampling techniques were used in selecting 180 respondents for the study. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis while Probit regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that the farmers had high knowledge in areas of role and information transfer through agricultural extension, while they had low knowledge in areas of effective implementation of knowledge and information gained. This has impeded the expected food security the nation hopes to attain through proper training and implementation of programs by farmers. However, major constraints limiting farmers’ knowledge in agricultural extension are poor understanding and application of technologies ( = 4.4) as well as irregular visit and supervision of farmers by extension agents ( = 4.0).  Probit regression analysis shows that extension contact (2.705), level of education (3.389), farm status (3.282), income (2.505) and membership of cooperatives (6.012) were positive and highly significantly related to the level of farmers’ knowledge in the state. The study therefore recommends that knowledge of extension service should be brought closer to the farmers, through participatory extension approach under stable policy and sustainable institutional arrangement

    The hospital microbiome project: Meeting report for the UK science and innovation network UK-USA workshop 'beating the superbugs: Hospital microbiome studies for tackling antimicrobial resistance', October 14th 2013

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    The UK Science and Innovation Network UK-USA workshop 'Beating the Superbugs: Hospital Microbiome Studies for tackling Antimicrobial Resistance' was held on October 14th 2013 at the UK Department of Health, London. The workshop was designed to promote US-UK collaboration on hospital microbiome studies to add a new facet to our collective understanding of antimicrobial resistance. The assembled researchers debated the importance of the hospital microbial community in transmission of disease and as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance genes, and discussed methodologies, hypotheses, and priorities. A number of complementary approaches were explored, although the importance of the built environment microbiome in disease transmission was not universally accepted. Current whole genome epidemiological methods are being pioneered in the UK and the benefits of moving to community analysis are not necessarily obvious to the pioneers; however, rapid progress in other areas of microbiology suggest to some researchers that hospital microbiome studies will be exceptionally fruitful even in the short term. Collaborative studies will recombine different strengths to tackle the international problems of antimicrobial resistance and hospital and healthcare associated infections

    The hospital microbiome project: meeting report for the UK science and innovation network UK-USA workshop ‘beating the superbugs: hospital microbiome studies for tackling antimicrobial resistance’, October 14th 2013

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    The UK Science and Innovation Network UK-USA workshop ‘Beating the Superbugs: Hospital Microbiome Studies for tackling Antimicrobial Resistance’ was held on October 14th 2013 at the UK Department of Health, London. The workshop was designed to promote US-UK collaboration on hospital microbiome studies to add a new facet to our collective understanding of antimicrobial resistance. The assembled researchers debated the importance of the hospital microbial community in transmission of disease and as a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance genes, and discussed methodologies, hypotheses, and priorities. A number of complementary approaches were explored, although the importance of the built environment microbiome in disease transmission was not universally accepted. Current whole genome epidemiological methods are being pioneered in the UK and the benefits of moving to community analysis are not necessarily obvious to the pioneers; however, rapid progress in other areas of microbiology suggest to some researchers that hospital microbiome studies will be exceptionally fruitful even in the short term. Collaborative studies will recombine different strengths to tackle the international problems of antimicrobial resistance and hospital and healthcare associated infections