10,298 research outputs found

    Data warehouses-TOLAP-decision making

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    Data warehouses (DWH) have been established as the core of decision support systems. On top of a DWH, different applications can be realised with regard to conventional reporting. On line Analytical Processing (OLAP) has reached the maturity as an interactive and explorative way of analysing DWH data. However DWH are mostly organised as snapshot databases. For this reason important tasks like "how many times have products of a specific brand been sold in the "past?" cannot be answered successfully - in order to control the success of reshuffling the product range it is necessary to compare the sales of "old" and "new" products. The same applies in cases where the seasonality aspect for a particular range of products has to be answered. On the other hand, temporal databases allow a valid time to be assigned to data. In this manner, a past state can be reconstructed during retrieval. In this paper, we address the integration of DWH and OLAP with temporal database semantics

    Upconversion raster scanning microscope for long-wavelength infrared imaging of breast cancer microcalcifications

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    This is the final version. Available from Optical Society of America via the DOI in this record. Long-wavelength identification of microcalcifications in breast cancer tissue is demonstrated using a novel upconversion raster scanning microscope. The system consists of quantum cascade lasers (QCL) for illumination and an upconversion system for efficient, high-speed detection using a silicon detector. Absorbance spectra and images of regions of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) from the breast have been acquired using both upconversion and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) systems. The spectral images are compared and good agreement is found between the upconversion and the FTIR systems.European Unio

    NbSe3: Effect of Uniaxial Stress on the Threshold Field and Fermiology

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    We have measured the effect of uniaxial stress on the threshold field ET for the motion of the upper CDW in NbSe3. ET exhibits a critical behavior, ET ~ (1 - e/ec)^g, wher e is the strain, and ec is about 2.6% and g ~ 1.2. This ecpression remains valid over more than two decades of ET, up to the highest fields of about 1.5keV/m. Neither g nor ec is very sensitive to the impurity concentraction. The CDW transition temperature Tp decreases linearly with e at a rate dTp/de = -10K/%, and it does not show any anomaly near ec. Shubnikov de-Haas measurements show that the extremal area of the Fermi surface decreases with increasing strain. The results suggest that there is an intimate relationship between pinning of the upper CDW and the Fermiology of NbSe3.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Corticolimbic dysfunction during facial and prosodic emotional recognition in first-episode psychosis patients and individuals at ultra-high risk

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    Emotional processing dysfunction is widely reported in patients with chronic schizophrenia and first-episode psychosis (FEP), and has been linked to functional abnormalities of corticolimbic regions. However, corticolimbic dysfunction is less studied in people at ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR), particularly during processing prosodic voices. We examined corticolimbic response during an emotion recognition task in 18 UHR participants and compared them with 18 FEP patients and 21 healthy controls (HC). Emotional recognition accuracy and corticolimbic response were measured during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using emotional dynamic facial and prosodic voice stimuli. Relative to HC, both UHR and FEP groups showed impaired overall emotion recognition accuracy. Whilst during face trials, both UHR and FEP groups did not show significant differences in brain activation relative to HC, during voice trials, FEP patients showed reduced activation across corticolimbic networks including the amygdala. UHR participants showed a trend for increased response in the caudate nucleus during the processing of emotionally valenced prosodic voices relative to HC. The results indicate that corticolimbic dysfunction seen in FEP patients is also present, albeit to a lesser extent, in an UHR cohort, and may represent a neural substrate for emotional processing difficulties prior to the onset of florid psychosis

    The Legionella IcmSW complex directly interacts with DotL to mediate translocation of adaptor-dependent substrates

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    Legionella pneumophila is a Gram-negative bacterium that replicates within human alveolar macrophages by evasion of the host endocytic pathway through the formation of a replicative vacuole. Generation of this vacuole is dependent upon the secretion of over 275 effector proteins into the host cell via the Dot/Icm type IVB secretion system (T4SS). The type IV coupling protein (T4CP) subcomplex, consisting of DotL, DotM, DotN, IcmS and IcmW, was recently defined. DotL is proposed to be the T4CP of the L. pneumophila T4SS based on its homology to known T4CPs, which function as inner-membrane receptors for substrates. As a result, DotL is hypothesized to play an integral role(s) in the L. pneumophila T4SS for the engagement and translocation of substrates. To elucidate this role, a genetic approach was taken to screen for dotL mutants that were unable to survive inside host cells. One mutant, dotLY725Stop, did not interact with the type IV adaptor proteins IcmS/IcmW (IcmSW) leading to the identification of an IcmSW-binding domain on DotL. Interestingly, the dotLY725Stop mutant was competent for export of one class of secreted effectors, the IcmSW-independent substrates, but exhibited a specific defect in secretion of IcmSW-dependent substrates. This differential secretion illustrates that DotL requires a direct interaction with the type IV adaptor proteins for the secretion of a major class of substrates. Thus, by identifying a new target for IcmSW, we have discovered that the type IV adaptors perform an additional role in the export of substrates by the L. pneumophila Dot/Icm T4SS
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