10,856 research outputs found

    A high order compact scheme for hypersonic aerothermodynamics

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    A novel high order compact scheme for solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations has been developed. The scheme is an extension of a method originally proposed for solving the Euler equations, and combines several techniques for the solution of compressible flowfields, such as upwinding, limiting and flux vector splitting, with the excellent properties of high order compact schemes. Extending the method to the Navier-Stokes equations is achieved via a Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting technique, which represents an unusual and attractive way to include viscous effects. This approach offers a more accurate and less computationally expensive technique than discretizations based on more conventional operator splitting. The Euler solver has been validated against several inviscid test cases, and results for several viscous test cases are also presented. The results confirm that the method is stable, accurate and has excellent shock-capturing capabilities for both viscous and inviscid flows

    Galaxy Morphology - Halo Gas Connections

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    We studied a sample of 38 intermediate redshift MgII absorption-selected galaxies using (1) Keck/HIRES and VLT/UVES quasar spectra to measure the halo gas kinematics from MgII absorption profiles and (2) HST/WFPC-2 images to study the absorbing galaxy morphologies. We have searched for correlations between quantified gas absorption properties, and host galaxy impact parameters, inclinations, position angles, and quantified morphological parameters. We report a 3.2-sigma correlation between asymmetric perturbations in the host galaxy morphology and the MgII absorption equivalent width. We suggest that this correlation may indicate a connection between past merging and/or interaction events in MgII absorption-selected galaxies and the velocity dispersion and quantity of gas surrounding these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages; 3 figures; contributed talk for IAU 199: Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Line

    Tidal Barrier and the Asymptotic Mass of Proto Gas-Giant Planets

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    Extrasolar planets found with radial velocity surveys have masses ranging from several Earth to several Jupiter masses. While mass accretion onto protoplanetary cores in weak-line T-Tauri disks may eventually be quenched by a global depletion of gas, such a mechanism is unlikely to have stalled the growth of some known planetary systems which contain relatively low-mass and close-in planets along with more massive and longer period companions. Here, we suggest a potential solution for this conundrum. In general, supersonic infall of surrounding gas onto a protoplanet is only possible interior to both of its Bondi and Roche radii. At a critical mass, a protoplanet's Bondi and Roche radii are equal to the disk thickness. Above this mass, the protoplanets' tidal perturbation induces the formation of a gap. Although the disk gas may continue to diffuse into the gap, the azimuthal flux across the protoplanets' Roche lobe is quenched. Using two different schemes, we present the results of numerical simulations and analysis to show that the accretion rate increases rapidly with the ratio of the protoplanet's Roche to Bondi radii or equivalently to the disk thickness. In regions with low geometric aspect ratios, gas accretion is quenched with relatively low protoplanetary masses. This effect is important for determining the gas-giant planets' mass function, the distribution of their masses within multiple planet systems around solar type stars, and for suppressing the emergence of gas-giants around low mass stars

    On well-balanced schemes for non-equilibrium flow with stiff source terms

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    In the modeling of unsteady reactive problems, the interaction of turbulence with finiterate chemistry introduces a wide range of space and time scales, leading to additional numerical difficulties. A main difficulty stems from the fact that most numerical algorithms used in reacting flows were originally designed to solve non-reacting fluids. As a result, spatial stiffness due to reacting source terms and turbulence/chemistry interaction are major stumbling blocks to numerical algorithm development. One of the important numerical issues is the proper numerical treatment of a system of highly coupled stiff non-linear source terms, which will result in possible spurious steady state numerical solutions (see Lafon & Yee 1996). It was shown in LeVeque (1998) that a well-balanced scheme, which can preserve the steady state solution exactly, may solve this spurious numerical behavior. The goal of this work is to consider a simple 1-D model with one temperature and three species as studied by Gnoffo, Gupta & Shinn (1989) and to study the well-balanced property of various popular linear and non-linear numerical schemes in the literature. The different behaviors of those numerical schemes in preserving steady states and in resolving small perturbations of such states will be shown