504 research outputs found

    Multimodalidade e contexto: problemas, assunções e hipóteses

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    Drawing on the paradigmatic and sociosemiotic orientation provided by Systemic Functional Theory, this paper explores the following question: assuming a mutually constitutive relationship between text and context of situation, how does this play out in multimodal artifacts? For example, can an image realize the same cultural elements as a verbal instance (and vice versa)? To suggest possible answers, we will examine how the global dimensions of stratification, instantiation and metafunction can make explicit the elements that are at play when framing the relationship between language and context, as well as the consequences of such ideas for understanding multimodality as a sociosemiotic phenomenon. This is followed by an analytical illustration and, finally, by concluding remarks on issues that future research may address.Tomando como base a orientação paradigmática e sociossemiótica oferecida pela Teoria Sistêmico-Funcional, este artigo explora a seguinte questão: assumindo uma relação de constituição mútua entre texto e contexto de situação, como isso se dá nos artefatos multimodais? Por exemplo, uma imagem pode realizar os mesmos elementos culturais que um enunciado verbal (e vice-versa)? Para sugerir algumas vias de resposta, examinaremos como as dimensões globais de estratificação, instanciação e metafunção podem explicitar os elementos que estão em jogo quando se enquadram as relações entre linguagem e contexto, assim como as consequências de tais teorizações para a compreensão da multimodalidade como fenômeno sociossemiótico. A isso se segue uma ilustração analítica e, enfim, apresentamos considerações finais sobre questões de que pesquisas futuras podem se ocupar

    Reação fenotípica de genótipos de soja a phakopsora pachyrhizi em ambientes distintos.

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    Estudos sobre o fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, causador da ferrugem-asiática da soja, tem mostrado que existe variabilidade genética entre as populações do fungo de diferentes regiões do mundo onde ele ocorre. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar e comparar a reação fenotípica de genótipos de soja infectados naturalmente por P. pachyrhizi em dois locais, Chapadão do Sul, MS e Londrina, PR. Para isso, 26 genótipos foram semeados a campo e avaliados quanto a severidade, a esporulação e o tipo de lesão causada pela ferrugem. Três genótipos apresentaram diferenças marcantes de reação à doença, entre os dois locais, sendo possível inferir que as populações de ferrugem que ocorreram na safra 2009/2010, nos municípios avaliados, mostraram-se geneticamente diferentes devido à reação que causaram nos genótipos testados

    Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity in Prader–Willi Syndrome Comparison With Obese Subjects

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Butler, Merlin G. et al. “Energy Expenditure and Physical Activity in Prader–Willi Syndrome: Comparison With Obese Subjects.” American journal of medical genetics. Part A 143A.5 (2007): 449–459., which has been published in final form at 10.1002/ajmg.a.31507. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hypotonia, suck and feeding difficulties, hypogonadism, small hands and feet, developmental delay, hyperphagia and early childhood obesity and a particular facial appearance. The obesity associated with PWS is the result of a chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure (EE) due to hyperphagia, decreased physical activity, reduced metabolic rate and an inability to vomit. EE is affected by body composition as well as exercise. Individuals with PWS have a lower lean body mass (LBM) compared with controls which may contribute to reduced basal level EE. To determine the relationship among body composition, activity levels and metabolic rates, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and a whole-room respiration chamber were used to measure body composition, total EE (TEE), resting EE (REE), physical activity, and mechanical work (MW) during an 8 hr monitoring period. The chamber consisted of a live-in whole-room indirect calorimeter equipped with a force platform floor to allow simultaneous measurement of EE, physical activity, and work efficiency during spontaneous activities and standardized exercise. Participants with PWS (27 with 15q11–q13 deletion and 21 with maternal disomy 15 with an average age of 23 years) had significantly decreased TEE by 20% and reduced LBM compared to 24 obese subjects. Similarly, REE was significantly reduced by 16% in the individuals with PWS relative to the comparison subjects. Total MW performed during the 8 hr monitoring period was significantly reduced by 35% in the PWS group. The energy cost of physical activity is related to the duration, intensity and type of activity and the metabolic efficiency of the individual. After adjusting group differences in LBM by analysis of variance, TEE and REE were no longer different between the two groups. Our data indicate that there is a significant reduction of EE in individuals with PWS resulting from reduced activity but also from lower energy utilization due to reduced LBM which consists primarily of muscle

    Possibilities of using silicate rock powder: An overview

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    This study evaluates the on use of crushed rocks (remineralizers) to increase soil fertility levels and which contributed to increase agricultural productivity, recovery of degraded areas, decontamination of water, and carbon sequestration. The use of these geological materials is part of the assumptions of rock technology and, indirectly, facilitates the achievement of sustainable development goals related to soil management, climate change, and the preservation of water resources. Research over the past 50 years on silicate rocks focused on soil fertility management and agricultural productivity. More recently, the combined use with microorganisms and organic correctives have shown positive results to mitigate soil degradation; to expand carbon sequestration and storage; and to contribute to the adsorption of contaminants from water and soil. In this article we show results obtained in several countries and we show that this technology can contribute to the sustainability of agriculture, as well as to reverse global warming. Although mineral nutrients are released more slowly from these types of inputs, they remain in the soil for a longer time, stimulating the soil biota. In addition, they are a technology to soluble synthetic fertilizers replace, since the few nutrients derived from such inputs not consumed by plants are lost by leaching, contaminating groundwater and water resources. In addition, conventional methods rely heavily on chemical pesticides which cause damage to soil's microfauna (responsible for the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling) and the loss of organic carbon (in the form of dioxide), which is quickly dispersed in the atmosphere. Silicate rock powders are applied in natura, have long-lasting residual effects and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

    Analysis of acoustic feedback cancellation systems based on direct closed-loop identification

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    This work presents, using the least squares estimation theory, a theoretical and experimental analysis on the performance of the standard adaptive filtering algorithms when applied to acoustic feedback cancellation. Expressions for the bias and covariance matrix of the acoustic feedback path estimate provided by these algorithms are derived as a function of the signals statistics as well as derivatives of the cost function. It is demonstrated that, in general, the estimate is biased and presents a large covariance because the closed-loop nature of the system makes the cross-correlation between the loudspeaker and system input signals non-zero. Simulations are carried out to exemplify the results using speech signals, a long acoustic feedback path and the recursive least squares algorithm. The results illustrate that these algorithms converge very slowly to a solution that is not the true acoustic feedback path. The relationship between the performance of the adaptive filtering algorithms and the aforementioned cross-correlation is proven by varying the signal-to-noise ratio and the delay introduced by the forward path.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do estado nutricional de agroecossistemas de café orgânico no estado de Minas Gerais.

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    A produção de café orgânico vem se constituindo uma tendência necessária e irreversível do agronegócio brasileiro. Essa atividade tem-se destacado como uma alternativa de renda para alguns cafeicultores, devido à crescente demanda mundial por alimentos mais saudáveis. Entretanto, grande parte das técnicas propostas pela agricultura orgânica está sendo aplicada empiricamente no cultivo de café, principalmente no Estado de Minas Gerais, maior região produtora de café do Brasil. Levando-se em consideração a baixa fertilidade natural dos solos dessa região cafeeira, bem como a elevada extração de nutrientes pelo cafeeiro, objetivou-se neste trabalho identificar possíveis fatores limitantes para a produção orgânica do cafeeiro, relacionados à fertilidade do solo e ao estado nutricional das plantas. Foram realizadas avaliações da fertilidade do solo e análise das folhas em vinte e uma lavouras orgânicas representativas do Estado de Minas Gerais. As amostras de solo foram analisadas para determinação do pH, acidez potencial e dos teores de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Al e matéria orgânica. As amostras foliares foram analisadas para determinação dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Com base nos padrões de interpretação para cafeeiros convencionais propostos pela literatura, estabeleceram-se as freqüências com que os caracteres analisados foram inferiores aos critérios de interpretação da fertilidade do solo e estado nutricional das plantas. A análise dos dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva. Novos trabalhos nessa nova área são necessários, visando a uma melhor interpretação da análise foliar e da fertilidade do solo, quando se trabalha com café orgânico

    Importance of xenarthrans in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Abstract\ud Background\ud Several pathogens that cause important zoonotic diseases have been frequently associated with armadillos and other xenarthrans. This mammal group typically has evolved on the South American continent and many of its extant species are seriously threatened with extinction. Natural infection of armadillos with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in hyperendemic areas has provided a valuable opportunity for understanding the role of this mammal in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most important systemic mycoses in Latin America.\ud \ud Findings\ud This study aimed to detect P. brasiliensis in different xenarthran species (Dasypus novemcinctus, Cabassous spp., Euphractus sexcinctus, Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla), by molecular and mycological approaches, in samples obtained by one of the following strategies: i) from road-killed animals (n = 6); ii) from naturally dead animals (n = 8); iii) from animals that died in captivity (n = 9); and iv) from living animals captured from the wild (n = 2). Specific P. brasiliensis DNA was detected in several organs among 7/20 nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) and in 2/2 anteaters (M. tridactyla). The fungus was also cultured in tissue samples from one of two armadillos captured from the wild.\ud \ud Conclusion\ud Members of the Xenarthra Order, especially armadillos, have some characteristics, including a weak cellular immune response and low body temperature, which make them suitable models for studying host-pathogen interaction. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals, from PCM endemic areas, may be more common than initially postulated and reinforces the use of these animals as sentinels for the pathogen in the environment.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP-n° 05/56771-9, 06/03597-4). We also thank the Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem do Estado de São Paulo (DER), as well as Prof. Dr. Reinaldo José da Silva and Juliana Griese for information about the road-killed animals.This work was supported by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESPn° 05/567719, 06/035974). We also thank the Departamento de Estradas de Rodagem do Estado de São Paulo (DER), as well as Prof. Dr. Reinaldo José da Silva and Juliana Griese for information about the roadkilled animals

    Rochagem: uma alternativa sustentável na remineralização de solos.

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    As práticas de agricultura modernas, como as que envolvem produção extensiva e a monocultura, promovem uma acentuada queda de fertilidade dos solos e geram a demanda de reposição de nutrientes através de adubos químicos. As formulações tradicionais do NPK disponibilizam macro e micronutrientes às culturas por meio de compostos solúveis e concentrados. Sua aplicação continuada em solos gera perdas inerentes à lixiviação pela água da chuva, o que acaba por contaminar os recursos hídricos, e à fixação do P solúvel em solos ricos em caolinitas, e torna-o indisponível nos ciclos seguintes de plantio.bitstream/item/204007/1/13297-2011-p.34-35.pd