1,297 research outputs found

    Massive, Topologically Massive, Models

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    In three dimensions, there are two distinct mass-generating mechanisms for gauge fields: adding the usual Proca/Pauli-Fierz, or the more esoteric Chern-Simons (CS), terms. Here we analyze the three-term models where both types are present, and their various limits. Surprisingly, in the tensor case, these seemingly innocuous systems are physically unacceptable. If the sign of the Einstein term is ``wrong'' as is in fact required in the CS case, then the excitation masses are always complex; with the usual sign, there is a (known) region of the two mass parameters where reality is restored, but instead we show that a ghost problem arises, while, for the ``pure mass'' two-term system without an Einstein action, complex masses are unavoidable. This contrasts with the smooth behavior of the corresponding vector models. Separately, we show that the ``partial masslessness'' exhibited by (plain) massive spin-2 models in de Sitter backgrounds is formally shared by the three-term system: it also enjoys a reduced local gauge invariance when this mass parameter is tuned to the cosmological constant.Comment: 7 pages, typos corrected, reference adde

    Regret Bounds for Reinforcement Learning with Policy Advice

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    In some reinforcement learning problems an agent may be provided with a set of input policies, perhaps learned from prior experience or provided by advisors. We present a reinforcement learning with policy advice (RLPA) algorithm which leverages this input set and learns to use the best policy in the set for the reinforcement learning task at hand. We prove that RLPA has a sub-linear regret of \tilde O(\sqrt{T}) relative to the best input policy, and that both this regret and its computational complexity are independent of the size of the state and action space. Our empirical simulations support our theoretical analysis. This suggests RLPA may offer significant advantages in large domains where some prior good policies are provided

    Newtonian Counterparts of Spin 2 Massless Discontinuities

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    Massive spin 2 theories in flat or cosmological (Λ0\Lambda \ne 0) backgrounds are subject to discontinuities as the masses tend to zero. We show and explain physically why their Newtonian limits do not inherit this behaviour. On the other hand, conventional ``Newtonian cosmology'', where Λ\Lambda is a constant source of the potential, displays discontinuities: e.g. for any finite range, Λ\Lambda can be totally removed.Comment: 6 pages, amplifies the ``Newtonian cosmology'' analysis. To appear as a Class. Quantum Grav. Lette

    Topologically massive gravity as a Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator

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    We give a detailed account of the free field spectrum and the Newtonian limit of the linearized "massive" (Pauli-Fierz), "topologically massive" (Einstein-Hilbert-Chern-Simons) gravity in 2+1 dimensions about a Minkowski spacetime. For a certain ratio of the parameters, the linearized free theory is Jordan-diagonalizable and reduces to a degenerate "Pais-Uhlenbeck" oscillator which, despite being a higher derivative theory, is ghost-free.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, RevTEX4; version 2: a new paragraph and a reference added to the Introduction, a new appendix added to review Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillators; accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    All unitary cubic curvature gravities in D dimensions

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    We construct all the unitary cubic curvature gravity theories built on the contractions of the Riemann tensor in D -dimensional (anti)-de Sitter spacetimes. Our construction is based on finding the equivalent quadratic action for the general cubic curvature theory and imposing ghost and tachyon freedom, which greatly simplifies the highly complicated problem of finding the propagator of cubic curvature theories in constant curvature backgrounds. To carry out the procedure we have also classified all the unitary quadratic models. We use our general results to study the recently found cubic curvature theories using different techniques and the string generated cubic curvature gravity model. We also study the scattering in critical gravity and give its cubic curvature extensions.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, v2: A subsection on cubic curvature extensions of critical gravity is added, v3: The part regarding critical gravity is revised. Version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Finite-Dimensional Calculus

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    We discuss topics related to finite-dimensional calculus in the context of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. The truncated Heisenberg-Weyl algebra is called a TAA algebra after Tekin, Aydin, and Arik who formulated it in terms of orthofermions. It is shown how to use a matrix approach to implement analytic representations of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra in univariate and multivariate settings. We provide examples for the univariate case. Krawtchouk polynomials are presented in detail, including a review of Krawtchouk polynomials that illustrates some curious properties of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra, as well as presenting an approach to computing Krawtchouk expansions. From a mathematical perspective, we are providing indications as to how to implement in finite terms Rota's "finite operator calculus".Comment: 26 pages. Added material on Krawtchouk polynomials. Additional references include

    Food Stamps and the Working Poor

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    The authors show that many households that are eligible for food stamps do not receive them, and that eligible individuals\u27 enrollment is influenced by the states\u27 administrative requirements. Highlighted are the procedures for certifying applicants and recertifying recipients, and policies for treatment of able-bodied adults without dependents.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1275/thumbnail.jp