228,595 research outputs found

    Validez estructural de las pruebas de evaluación de realización cognitiva

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    En este artículo se discuten las contri buciones del Análisis Fa c t o rial Confi rm at o rio a la evaluación de los modelos estru c t u rales de las aptitudes. Se contrasta el ajuste a va rios modelos fa c t o riales altern at ivos de los resultados obtenidos en una mu e s t ra de jóvenes portugueses de enseñanza media y superior (N=849), con doce pru ebas que evalúan tres procesos (comprensión, ra zonamiento y pensamiento dive rgente), mediante ítems de cuat ro contenidos (verbal, fi g u rat ivo ab s t racto, espacial y nu m é rico). Un modelo de seis fa c t o res, que re fleja la importancia conjunta de los procesos cog n i t ivos y de los contenidos, parece el más adecuado. En este contexto, se afi rma que es necesario revisar de nu evo la oposición tradicional ent re modelos jerárquicos y taxonómicos, puesto que ambos tipos son complementarios.Structural Validity of the Provas de Avaliação da Realização Cognitiva. In this article the authors analise the contribution of confirmatory factor analysis in the evaluation of structural models of cognitive abilities. Alternative models are tested in a sample of high school and college students (N=849), in a battery of 12 tests that evaluate three processes (comprehension, reasoning and divergent thinking) considering four itens contents (verbal, figural-abstract, spatial and numerical). A model with six factors, that reflects the variance of the cognitive processes involved and the content of the tasks appears to be the most adjusted. In this context, it is concluded that it may be necessary to re-analyse the traditional dichotomy between hierarchical and taxonomic models of cognitive abilities, once both are seen as complementary

    The Blind Art Collector

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    A wordless comic exploring literal and metaphorical blindness and the unwritten codes that influence the art market. Inspired by a story told by Fran Liebowitz. The Morse Code in the comic spells out B-L-I-N-D A-R-T C-O-L-L-E-C-T-O-R.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/jurgen/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Vaccinia virus immune evasion: mechanisms, virulence and immunogenicity

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    Virus infection of mammalian cells is sensed by pattern recognition receptors and leads to an innate immune response that restricts virus replication and induces adaptive immunity. In response, viruses have evolved many countermeasures that enable them to replicate and be transmitted to new hosts, despite the host innate immune response. Poxviruses, such as vaccinia virus (VACV), have large DNA genomes and encode many proteins that are dedicated to host immune evasion. Some of these proteins are secreted from the infected cell, where they bind and neutralize complement factors, interferons, cytokines and chemokines. Other VACV proteins function inside cells to inhibit apoptosis or signalling pathways that lead to the production of interferons and pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. In this review, these VACV immunomodulatory proteins are described and the potential to create more immunogenic VACV strains by manipulation of the gene encoding these proteins is discussed

    Commercial Transactions

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    The emphasis of this article reflects the degree to which commercial law today is statutory. Particularly in California, where the Uniform Commercial Code has only been in effect since January 1, 1965, few cases construing that statute reached the appellate courts during the year 1967. However, the state legislature in 1967 amended 25 sections of the California Commercial Code. Although these amendments cover a wide range of substantive problems, they can be viewed in the light of the policy of the code as enunciated in section 1102(2)(c), [t]o make uniform the law among the various jurisdictions. In addition, one group of these amendments can best be analyzed by the effect upon freedom of contract

    The Genetics of Life and Death: Virus-Host Interactions Underpinning Resistance to African Swine Fever, a Viral Hemorrhagic Disease

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    Pathogen transmission from wildlife hosts to genetically distinct species is a major driver of disease emergence. African swine fever virus (ASFV) persists in sub-Saharan Africa through a sylvatic cycle between warthogs and soft ticks that infest their burrows. The virus does not cause disease in these animals, however transmission of the virus to domestic pigs or wild boar causes a hemorrhagic fever that is invariably fatal. ASFV transmits readily between domestic pigs and causes economic hardship in areas where it is endemic. The virus is also a significant transboundary pathogen that has become established in Eastern Europe, and has recently appeared in China increasing the risk of an introduction of the disease to other pig producing centers. Although a DNA genome mitigates against rapid adaptation of the virus to new hosts, extended epidemics of African swine fever (ASF) can lead to the emergence of viruses with reduced virulence. Attenuation in the field leads to large deletions of genetic material encoding genes involved in modulating host immune responses. Therefore resistance to disease and tolerance of ASFV replication can be dependent on both virus and host factors. Here we describe the different virus-host interfaces and discuss progress toward understanding the genetic determinants of disease outcome after infection with ASFV

    Composição acarina e descrição de espécies de Eriophyoidea em genótipos de amoreira-preta no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fitossanidade. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas. Orientador: Dr. Uemerson Silva da Cunha Coorientador: Dr. Dori Edson Nava

    Status of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients after chemotherapy under the ndistrict tuberculosis programme

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    In North Arcot district, where Short Course Chemotherapy (SCC) had been introduced in 1983, a cross sectional survey was carried out in respect of smear positive patients put on SCC or traditional regimens between April 1986 and March 1988. It was found that 19% of the treatment cards from the D . T . C . w e r e i n r e s p e c t o f d u p l i c a t e registrations. The address given was inadequate in 13% of the cards. Only 69% of the smear positive patients had accepted short course chemotherapy and the rest were given traditional regimens. The cross sectional survey covered the period 6 to 36 months after the start of treatment. Overall mortality in patients with tuberculosis was 28% during 36 months. It was 3-5 times as high in those who had taken less than 50% of chemotherapy, irrespective of age. Thirty one percent of the patients were smear positive at the time of the home visit. However, among those who had taken 80% or more of chemotherapy, 20% on SCC and 26% placed on conventional treatment were sputum positive. Nonetheless, even among those who had taken less than 50% of chemotherapy about 58% were sputum negative


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    Mono- and tri-vanadium-substituted Keggin-type heteropolyoxoanions [SiW12O40]4- and[PW12O40] 4- were evaluated as photocatalysts for the photodegradation of three hazardous food pesticides: Atrazine, Chlorpyrifos and Dieldrin. Kinetic experiments were performed under UV irradiation at 254nm. The degradation of each pesticide was assessed by investigating its disappearance with time using High Performance Liquid Chromatography c o n n e c t e d to an Ultra-Violet s p e c t r o p h o t ome t e r d e t e c t o r (HPLC-UV). The photocatalytic degradation of the three pesticides exhibited first order kinetics. It was found that the introduction of vanadium addenda atoms into the Keggin-type polyoxometalates decrease the degradation rate for the photocatalytic transformation of each pesticide as well as the degradation percentage. This effect was significantly related to the number of vanadium metal ions substituting the tungsten addenda atoms. As a general trend, the photocatalytic efficiency of {XVW11} was better than that of {XV3W9}. A marked drop was noticed in the photocatalytic degradation of Atrazine. 90% of Atrazine was decomposed in the presence of [a-SiW12O40] 4- at a rate of 1 ppm/min whereas the degradation percentage decreased to 5 5 % i n t h e presence of [a-SiVW11O40] 5- at a decreased rate of 0.7 ppm/min

    Para uma gramática do aspecto no verbo Português

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Linguagem - Ramo de Conhecimento Linguística PortuguesaCom a finalidade de se ficar a conhecer o estado da investigação em torno do a s p e c t o no verbo português, passam-se em revista, recenseando-os de algum modo, vários estudos, quase exclusivamente de autoria brasileira e portuguesa, que versam a temática aqui apresentada, e que foram produzidos nos últimos vinte a vinte e cinco anos. • Com o propósito de se tomar conhecimento dos pressupostos teóricometodológicos em que assenta a investigação, procede-se à caracterização do a s p e c t o v e r b a l distinguindo os seus processos expressivos (a s p e c t o l e x i c a l e a s p e c t o g r ama t i c a l e respectivas tipologias), (re)conhecem-se os conceitos de a u x i l i a r i z a ç ã o e g r ama t i c a l i z a ç ã o e os correlatos v e r b o a u x i l i a r e p e r í f r a s e v e r b a l , traçam-se as coordenadas do modelo descritivo, explicam-se a constituição e finalidades do corpus e/ou dos corpora, identificam-se formal e denominativamente as f o rma s v e r b a i s p e r i f r á s t i - c a s (por oposição às não-perifrásticas e bi(multi)perifrásticas) e, por fim, procurase descortinar a sua estruturação em termos de significado aspectual. • Com o objectivo (primacial) de se revelar a combinatória de algumas perífrases verbais que representam a c o n s t i t u i ç ã o t emp o r a l i n t e r n a das situações (o núcleo duro da categoria aspecto) no português actual, perseguindo as preferências ou tendências, descrevem-se, com base em corpora, as suas propriedades morfo-sintácticas (com que formas flexionais de tempo-aspecto-modo e pessoa-número se combinam formando, assim, os respectivos subparadigmas que constituem o paradigma perifrasticamente expresso), sintáctico-semânticas (com que tipos proposicionais e respectivas formas coocorrem, tipos de sujeito e respectiva quantificação, número e natureza dos argumentos e respectiva configuração sintáctica) e semântico-lexicais (com que tipos de predicados verbais se combinam – se e s t a t i v o s , se d e p r o c e s s o , se d e p r o c e s s o c u lmi - n a d o , se d e c u l mi n a ç ã o , se p o n t u a i s – e respectivas implicações significativas), designadamente as de p r o g r e s s i v o ( e < estar + gerúndio>), p r o g r e s s i v o c omi t a t i v o (, < andar + gerúndio>, e ) e p r o g r e s s i v o g r a d a t i - v o (, e ). Simultaneamente, trata-se da e s p e c i a l i z a ç ã o (perífrases que de algum modo se “especializaram/ especializam” na manifestação de uma particularidade significativa a partir do significado prototípico que as caracteriza) e/ou da v a r i a ç ã o (construções perifrásticas linguística e não-linguisticamente condicionadas) nas distintas formas verbais perifrásticas. E, assim, se pretende ficar a conhecer uma parte da «gramática do a s p e c t o no verbo do português actual», à luz essencialmente da sua variante europeia.• This thesis has the aim to give an overview of and insight into the state of the research on the a s p e c t in the Portuguese verb, reviewing, in a way, some of the studies that deal with the subject. Most of these studies have been produced in the past 20 to 25 years, almost exclusively by Brazilian or Portuguese authors. • It seeks to inform about the theoretical and methodological presumptions on which the research is based, procedes to the characterization of the v e r b a l a s p e c t distinguishing its expressive processes (l e x i c a l a s p e c t and g r amma t i c a l a s p e c t and respective typologies), (re)cognizes the concepts of a u x i l i a r i z a t i o n and g r a mma t i c a l i z a t i o n and the correlates a u x i l i a r y v e r b and v e r b a l p e r i p h r a s i s , traces the coordinates of the descriptive model, explains the constitution and purpose of the corpus and/ or the corpora, identifies formally and denominatively the v e r b a l p e r i p h r a s i s f o rms (in opposition to non-periphrastical and bi- or multiperiphrasticals) and, finally, tries to uncover its organization in terms of aspectual meaning. • With the (primary) aim to reveal the combinatories of some verbal periphrases that represent the i n t e r n a l t emp o r a l c o n s t i t u e n c y of the situations (the very heart of the category aspect) in today’s Portuguese, following the preferences or tendencies, I will describe, on the basis of corpora, their morpho-syntactical properties (the flectional forms of Tense-Aspect-Mode and Person-Number they combine with, thus forming the respective sub-paradigms that constitute the paradigm that is expressed by a periphrasis), syntactic-semantic properties (the propositional types and respective forms the co-occur with, types of subject and respective quantification, number and nature of the arguments and their syntactic configuration) as well as semantic-lexical properties (the types of verbal predicates they go with – whether s t a t e v e r b s , p r o c e s s v e r b s , c u l mi n a t e d p r o c e s s v e r b s , c u l mi n a t i o n v e r b s or p o i n t v e r b s – and their significant implications), that is: the p r o g r e s s i v e ( and ), c omi t a t i v e - p r o g r e s s i v e (, < andar + gerund>, and ) e g r a d a t i v e - p r o g r e s s i v e (, and ). Simultaneously, it is about the s p e c i a l i z a t i o n (periphrases that (have) somehow specialize(d), because they show a particular meaning, that has emerged from the prototype meaning that characterizes it) and/or the v a r i a t i o n (linguistically and non-linguistically conditioned periphrastic constructions) in the various periphrastical verbal forms. And, thus, this thesis aims to inform about a part of the «grammar of the a s p e c t in today’s Portuguese verb», essentially in the light of the European variant.• Afin de connaître l’état de la recherche sur l’a s p e c t dans le verbe portugais, nous avons passé en revue, en les recensant d’une certaine manière, plusieurs études, presque toutes d’auteurs brésiliens et portugais, qui portent sur le thème présenté ici et qui ont été produits au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. • L’intention étant de prendre connaissance des présupposés théoricométhodologi- ques sur lesquels la recherche repose, nous procédons à la caractérisation de l’a s p e c t v e r b a l en distinguant ses procédés expressifs (a s p e c t l e x i c a l et a s p e c t g r a mma t i c a l et leurs typologies respectives), on (re)connaît les concepts d’a u x i l i a r i s a t i o n et de g r amma t i c a l i s a t i o n et les corrélats v e r b e a u x i l i a i r e et p é r i p h r a s e v e r b a l e ; on trace les coordonnées du modèle descriptif, on explique la constitution et les finalités du corpus et/ou des corpora, on identifie formellement et dénominativement les f o rme s v e r b a l e s p é r i p h r a s t i q u e s (par opposition aux nonpériphrastiques et aux bi(multi)périphrastiques), et, pour finir, on cherche à démêler leur structuration en termes de signification aspectuelle. • Avec l’objectif (primatial) de révéler la combinatoire de certaines périphrases verbales qui représentent la c o n s t i t u t i o n t e mp o r e l l e i n t e r n e des situations (le noyau dur de la catégorie aspect) dans le portugais actuel, en poursuivant les préférences ou tendances, on décrit, à partir des corpora, ses propriétés morphosyntaxiques (avec quelles formes flexionnelles de temps-aspect-mode et personne-nombre elles se combinent et forment ainsi les subparadigmes respectifs qui constituent le paradigme périphrastiquement exprimé); syntacticosémantiques (avec quels types propositionnels et avec quelles formes respectives elles entrent en cooccurrence, les types de sujet et leur quantification respective, le nombre et la nature des arguments et leur configuration syntactique respective) et sémanticolexicaux (avec quels types de prédicats verbaux elles se combinent, s’ils sont s t a t i f s , s’ils sont d e p r o c è s , s’ils sont d e p r o c è s c u lmi n é , s’ils sont d e c u lmi n a t i o n , s’ils sont p o n c t u e l s – et leurs respectives implications significatives), surtout celles du p r o g r e s s i f ( et < estar + gérondif>), p r o g r e s s i f - c omi t a t i f (, , et ) et p r o g r e s s i f - g r a d a t i f (< ir + gérondif>, et ). On traite simultanément la s p é c i a l i s a t i o n (périphrases qui en quelque sorte “se sont spécialisées/se spécialisent” dans la manifestation d’une particularité significative à partir de la signification prototype qui les caractérise) et/ou la v a r i a t i o n (constructions périphrastiques linguistiquement et non-linguistiquement conditionnées) dans les différentes formes verbales périphrastiques. C’est ainsi que l’on prétend rendre compte d’une partie de «la grammaire de l’a s p e c t dans le verbe du portugais actuel», et cela essentiellement à la lumière de sa variante européenne.• Con la finalidad de conocer el estado de la investigación sobre el a s p e c t o en el verbo portugués, se examinan, enumerándolos de algún modo, varios estudios, casi exclusivamente de autoría brasileña y portuguesa, que versan sobre la temática aquí presentada, y que fueron producidos en los últimos veinte o veinticinco años. • Con el propósito de dar a conocer los principios teórico-metodológicos en que se fundamenta la investigación, se procede a la caracterización del a s p e c t o v e r b a l distinguiendo sus procesos expresivos (a s p e c t o l é x i c o y a s p e c t o g r ama t i c a l y respectivas tipologías), se reconocen los conceptos de a u x i - l i a r i z a c i ó n y g r a ma t i c a l i z a c i ó n y sus correlatos v e r b o a u x i l i a r y p e r í f r a s i s v e r b a l , se presentan las coordenadas del modelo descriptivo, se explican la constitución y finalidades del corpus y/o de los corpora, se identifican formal y denominativamente las f o rma s v e r b a l e s p e r i f r á s t i c a s (por oposición a las no-perifrásticas y bi(multi)perifrásticas) y, finalmente, se procura comprender su estructura en términos de significado aspectual. • Con el objetivo (primordial) de mostrar la combinatoria de algunas perífrasis verbales que representan la c o n s t i t u c i ó n t e mp o r a l i n t e r n a de las situaciones (el núcleo duro de la categoría aspecto) en el portugués actual, buscando las preferencias o tendencias, se describen, con base en corpora, sus propiedades morfosintácticas (con qué formas flexionales de tiempo-aspecto-modo y persona-número se combinan formando, así, los respectivos subparadigmas que constituyen el paradigma perifrásticamente realizado), sintáctico-semánticas (con qué tipos proposicionales y respectivas formas se combina, tipos de sujeto y respectiva cuantificación, número y naturaleza de los argumentos y respectiva configuración sintáctica) y léxico-semánticas (con qué tipos de predicados verbales se combinan – e s t a t i v o s , d e p r o c e s o , d e p r o c e s o c u l mi n a d o , d e c u l mi n a c i ó n , p u n t u a l e s – y respectivas implicaciones significativas), designadamente las de p r o g r e s i v o ( y ), p r o g r e s i v o c omi t a t i v o (, , < viver + gerundio> y ) y p r o g r e s i v o g r a d a t i v o (, y ). Al mismo tiempo, se trata de la e s p e c i a - l i z a c i ó n (perífrasis que de algún modo se “especializaron/especializan” en la manifestación de una particularidad significativa a partir del significado prototípico que las caracteriza) y/o de la v a r i a c i ó n (construcciones perifrásticas lingüística y no-lingüísticamente condicionadas) en las distintas formas verbales perifrásticas. Y, de esta manera, se pretende dar a conocer una parte de la «gramática del a s p e c t o en el verbo del portugués actual», a la luz esencialmente de su variante europea.• Um einen Einblick in und Überblick über den Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet des A s p e k t s im portugiesischen Verb zu geben, werden in dieser Arbeit einige Studien – fast ausschließlich von brasilianischen und portugiesischen Autoren –, die das Thema behandeln und in den vergangenen 20 bis 25 Jahren verfasst wurden, vorgestellt und auf gewisse Weise rezensiert. • Um Kenntnis zu erhalten über die theoretischen und methodologischen Voraussetzungen, auf denen die Forschung beruht, wird dann eine Charakterisierung des V e r b a l a s p e k t s vorgenommen, indem seine Ausdrucksmittel unterschieden werden (l e x i k a l i s c h e r A s p e k t und g r amma t i k a l i s c h e r A s p e k t und jeweilige Typologien); die Konzepte von A u x i l i a r i s i e r u n g und G r amma t i k a l i s i e r u n g und die Korrelate H i l f s v e r b und V e r b a l p e r i - p h r a s e werden erfasst und unterschieden; die Koordenaten des deskriptiven Modells werden beschrieben; Aufbau und Zielsetzungen des Korpus und/oder der Korpora werden erläutert; die p e r i p h r a s t i s c h e n V e r b a l f o rme n werden formal und namentlich identifiziert (und von den unperiphrastischen und bi- bzw. mehrperiphrastischen Verbalformen abgesetzt) und gegen Ende wird der Versuch unternommen, seine Strukturierung hinsichtlich einer aspektualen Bedeutung aufzudecken. • Um (in erster Linie) die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten einiger Verbalperiphrasen aufzudecken, die für die i n t e r n e t e mp o r a l e B e s c h a f f e n h e i t der Situationen (der harte Kern der Kategorie Aspekt) im heutigen Portugiesisch stehen, und Tendenzen und Präferenzen zu beobachten, werden auf der Grundlage von Korpora ihre morpho-syntaktischen (Mit welchen Flexionsformen von Tempus-Aspekt-Modus und Person-Numerus gehen sie Verbindungen ein und bilden auf diese Weise die jeweiligen Unterparadigmen, die das Paradigma konstituieren, das durch eine Periphrase ausgedrückt wird?), syntaktisch-semantischen (In welchen Satzarten und jeweiligen Formen kommen sie zusammen vor, Subjektarten und ihre Quantifizierung, Anzahl und Eigenschaft der Argumente und entsprechende Satzkonfiguration) und semantisch-lexikalischen (Mit welchen Arten von Verbalprädikaten lassen sie sich kombinieren: mit Z u s t a n d s v e r b e n , P r o z e s s v e r b e n , K u l mi n a t i o n s p r o z e s s v e r b e n , K u lmi n a t i o n s - v e r b e n , p u n k t u e l l e n V e r b e n – und ihre Implikationen hinsichtlich der jeweiligen Bedeutung) Eigenschaften beschrieben, insbesondere die von P r o g r e s s i v ( und ), K omi t a t i v p r o g r e s s i v (, , < viver + Gerundium> und ) und G r a d a t i v p r o g r e s s i v (< ir + Gerundium>, und ). Gleichzeitig wird die S p e z i a l i s i e r u n g behandelt (Verbalperiphrasen, die sich auf die eine oder andere Weise “spezialisieren/spezialisiert haben”, weil sich bei ihnen ausgehend von ihrer ursprünglichen Bedeutung eine Bedeutungseigenheit zeigt, die für sie bezeichnend ist) und/oder die V a r i a t i o n (sprachlich und nicht-sprachlich bedingte periphrastische Konstruktionen) bei den verschiedenen periphrastischen Verbalformen. Und so soll Einblick gegeben werden in einen Teil der «Grammatik des A s p e k t s im Verb des heutigen Portugiesisch», hauptsächlich im Licht ihrer europäischen Variante