1,456 research outputs found

    Fast generation of stability charts for time-delay systems using continuation of characteristic roots

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    Many dynamic processes involve time delays, thus their dynamics are governed by delay differential equations (DDEs). Studying the stability of dynamic systems is critical, but analyzing the stability of time-delay systems is challenging because DDEs are infinite-dimensional. We propose a new approach to quickly generate stability charts for DDEs using continuation of characteristic roots (CCR). In our CCR method, the roots of the characteristic equation of a DDE are written as implicit functions of the parameters of interest, and the continuation equations are derived in the form of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Numerical continuation is then employed to determine the characteristic roots at all points in a parametric space; the stability of the original DDE can then be easily determined. A key advantage of the proposed method is that a system of linearly independent ODEs is solved rather than the typical strategy of solving a large eigenvalue problem at each grid point in the domain. Thus, the CCR method significantly reduces the computational effort required to determine the stability of DDEs. As we demonstrate with several examples, the CCR method generates highly accurate stability charts, and does so up to 10 times faster than the Galerkin approximation method.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Rekomendasi Penerima Beasiswa Menggunakan Fuzzy Multi Attribut Decision Making (FMADM) Dan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)

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    Scholarship is a donation in term of financial assistance that is given to an individual, student or pupils. Even though, the target distribution of the scholarships is sometime not relevant. It is because the scholarship distribution has not yet used a tool or method to determine suitable scholarship recipients. For that reason, it needs to design a system to determine the scholarship recipients using Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. FMADM method is used to looking for an alternative of some Alternatives with some criteria that determined before. Moreover, SAW method is used to rank the existing alternatives. The result of this research can be used as a tool to make decision with recommendation of the scholarship recipients

    Study of tissue temperature distribution during laser-immunotherapy for cancer treatment

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    Scope and Method of Study: The ideal cancer treatment modality should not only cause primary tumor suppression but also induce an anti-tumor immunity, which is essential in controlling metastatic tumors. Motivation of this work is to monitor temperature during laser-cancer treatment. A Monte Carlo method for the light transport in tissue and a finite difference method for the solution of heat diffusion equation were performed to estimate the laser dose parameters, and concentration levels of dye and immunoadjuvant. The specimens used were gelatin phantom, rats and mice. Magnetic Resonance Imaging thermometry (MRT) and infrared thermography (IRT) have been used for the measurement of temperature in the biological tissues during treatment of the primary tumors. Thermal imaging is used to estimate the laser-dose in application to cancer treatment. The thermal imaging and dose calculation can increase the level of safety in the treatment by providing information on target tissue and also on surrounding normal tissue.Findings and Conclusions: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been applied to measure the thermal distribution in gel phantom and tumor-bearing rats during laser treatment. Infrared thermography has been applied to measure the surface temperature under the same conditions in tumor-bearing mice. Intratumoral injection of both indocyanine green (ICG) and glycated chitosan (GC) followed by 805-nm laser irradiation has been found efficacious in the cancer treatment. The temperature rise with ICG and laser combination therapy was about 25 °C and with the ICG, GC, and laser combination therapy, the temperature increased by 30 °C. This infers that ICG and GC injection potentiates the laser-immunotherapy. In both the cases, the tumor temperature attains the cancer cell damage temperature range of 60 °C - 70 °C resulting in an increase in the survival time of the treated mice. More importantly, the temperature profiles in this study agree with the Monte Carlo simulation results. In summary, a combination therapy using a laser, a laser-absorbing dye, and an immunoadjuvant guided by temperature measurement probes, such as MRT and IRT, is an effective treatment modality

    The Transport of Water in Wet-Formed Networks of Cellulose Fibers and Powdered Superabsorbent

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    The wicking behavior of water into wet-formed paper strips consisting of cellulose fibers and varying proportions of powdered carboxymethyl cellulose superabsorbent is investigated and contrasted with the performance of similar composites made with the superabsorbent in fiber form. The degree of pore blocking caused by the swelling of the powdered superabsorbent is found to be significantly greater than that produced by the fibrous form, at the same superabsorbent loading

    Efficacy in treatment of moderate to severe degree organophosphorus poisoning with fresh frozen plasma, atropine and 2-pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride as compared to treatment with atropine and 2-pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride in Western Odisha

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    Background: Organophosphorus (OP) compounds are one of the most common agents used for suicidal poisoning. People in the middle socioeconomic status are mainly affected. The most important determinant of death in OP poisoning is the severity. The ideal treatment of OP poisoning, this study was undertaken to compare the efficacy of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) along with the standard regimen of atropine and oximes.Methods: 80 patients were taken in this study (40 cases and 40 controls) with history and biochemical pictures suggestive of acute OP poisoning. Normality assumption and equality of variance were satisfied for most of quantitative variables. As a comparison of the baseline data of the study groups did not reveal any significant difference (p>0.05), the result at a given point of time between two groups were also compared with the same methods of assess the comparative changes.Results: Total 80 patients >15 years of age were taken for the study. Out of the total 63.7% are female and 36.3% are males. OP compounds are commonly used as suicidal agent. Salivation is the most common presenting symptoms in both cases and controls. The mean value of serum cholinesterase on day -1 in cases and controls are nearly same but the subsequent mean values as the days progresses are higher in cases than that controls.Conclusions: FFP showed its positive effect in reducing the development of intermediate syndrome/ fatality/ ventilatory support.

    Penilaian Kinerja PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Pamekasan dengan Penerapan Metode Balanced Scorecard

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    Balanced scorecard (BSC) merupakan salah satu alternatif pengukuran kinerja yang bertujuan menggabungkan ukuran kinerja keuangan dan non keuangan. Pengukuran ini merupakan hasil dari suatu proses berdasarkan misi dan strategi dari suatu Perusahaan. Terdapat 4 aspek yang diukur diantaranya perspektif keuangan, perspektif konsumen, perspektif proses bisnis internal serta perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan tahunan Perusahaan dari tahun 2015 sampai 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Pamekasan dengan menggunakan BSC. Dengan menggunakan penilaian kinerja tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa hubungan sebab akibat antara faktor pendukung kinerja dengan hasil yang dicapai. Diharapkan PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Pamekasan mampu menjadi bank terpercaya, memiliki komitmen dan dapat menghasilkan laba yang optimal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perspektif keuangan menunjukkan kinerja yang baik. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh pada perspektif nasabah ini maka kinerjanya dikatakan cukup baik. Dengan nilai yang dihasilkan pada perspektif proses bisnis internal ini, kinerjanya termasuk baik. Perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran menunjukkan kinerja yang baik. Melihat dari hasil secara keseluruhan akan perolehan prosentase disetiap perspektif BSC yang dinilai, maka kinerja PT. Bank Jatim Cabang Pamekasan tergolong baik.   Balanced scorecard (BSC) is an alternative performance of measurement that aims at combining financial and non-financial performance measures. This measurement is the result of the process based on the mission and strategy of the company. There are 4 aspects measured including financial perspective, consumer perspective, internal business process perspective, then, growth and learning perspective. The data collection used secondary data obtained from the company's annual report from 2015 to 2017. This study aimed to determine how the performance of PT. Bank Jatim of Pamekasan Branch Office used BSC. By using the performance appraisal, it can be seen that the causal relationship between performance supporting factors and the results are achieved. It is expected that PT. Bank Jatim of Pamekasan Branch Office is able to become a trusted bank, have a good commitment, and be able to earn optimal profit. The results of this study indicate that the financial perspective shows a good performance. By the result obtained in the customers' perspective, it means that the performance is good enough. By the value generated in the perspective of this internal business process, the performance is good. Growth and learning perspectives show a good performance. Based on the overall results related to the percentage acquisition in each perspective of BSC assessed, thus, the performance of PT. Bank Jatim of Pamekasan Branch Office is rated well