95 research outputs found

    Homogeneous Pd-Catalyzed Enantioselective Decarboxylative Protonation

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    General homogeneous conditions for the palladium-catalyzed synthesis of carbonyl compounds with tertiary carbon stereocenters at the Ī±-position are reported. The highly reactive catalyst tolerates a variety of substrate substitution and functionality, and generates enantioenriched cyclic ketones from racemic allyl Ī²-ketoester starting materials

    Pendant Hydrogen-Bond Donors in Cobalt Catalysts Independently Enhance CO_2 Reduction

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    The bioinspired incorporation of pendant proton donors into transition metal catalysts is a promising strategy for converting environmentally deleterious CO_2 to higher energy products. However, the mechanism of proton transfer in these systems is poorly understood. Herein, we present a series of cobalt complexes with varying pendant secondary and tertiary amines in the ligand framework with the aim of disentangling the roles of the first and second coordination spheres in CO_2 reduction catalysis. Electrochemical and kinetic studies indicate that the rate of catalysis shows a first-order dependence on acid, CO_2, and the number of pendant secondary amines, respectively. Density functional theory studies explain the experimentally observed trends and indicate that pendant secondary amines do not directly transfer protons to CO_2, but instead bind acid molecules from solution. Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism in which noncooperative pendant amines facilitate a hydrogen-bonding network that enables direct proton transfer from acid to the activated CO_2 substrate

    Telomere Recognition and Assembly Mechanism of Mammalian Shelterin

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    Shelterin is a six-subunit protein complex that plays crucial roles in telomere length regulation, protection, and maintenance. Although several shelterin subunits have been studied inĀ vitro, the biochemical properties of the fully assembled shelterin complex are not well defined. Here, we characterize shelterin using ensemble biochemical methods, electron microscopy, and single-molecule imaging to determine how shelterin recognizes and assembles onto telomeric repeats. We show that shelterin complexes can exist in solution and primarily locate telomeric DNA through a three-dimensional diffusive search. Shelterin can diffuse along non-telomeric DNA but is impeded by nucleosomes, arguing against extensive one-dimensional diffusion as a viable assembly mechanism. Our work supports a model in which individual shelterin complexes rapidly bind to telomeric repeats as independent functional units, which do not alter the DNA-binding mode of neighboring complexes but, rather, occupy telomeric DNA in a "beads on a string" configuration

    One-pot three-step thioconjugate addition-oxidation-Dielsā€“Alder reactions of ethyl propiolate

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    Ethyl propiolate undergoes one-pot three-step thioconjugate addition-oxidation-Dielsā€“Alder cycloaddition when treated with a variety of thiols in the presence of catalytic base, meta-chloroperbenzoic acid, lithium perchlorate, and cyclopentadiene. The reaction of Sā€‘aryl thiols is catalyzed by trialkylamines, and the reaction of aliphatic thiols requires catalytic alkoxide base. Yields of the major diastereomer of the conveniently functionalized bicyclic products range from 47 to 81% depending upon the thiol reactant, which compares favorably to yields observed when the entire synthesis is performed step by step

    The effect of replacing dietary barley with dry corn gluten feed on the dynamics of ruminal pH

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    ABSTRACT The effect of replacing the barley with dry corn gluten feed (DCGF) on ruminal pH was studied on three fistulated dry cows, arranged in a 3x3 Latin square experimental design. The diets, fed once a day, consisted in alfalfa hay, ryegrass hay and barley-based compound feed. In the experimental groups, barley was partially (50%) or totally replaced by DCGF. Rumen pH was measured in rumen fluid sampled at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 hours after the morning meal. Following pH parameters were calculated: mean pH, minimum pH, maximum pH, duration of pH decrease below 6.2, intensity of pH decrease below 6.2, area under pH curve and time when pH reached its minimum. Both partial and total replacement of barley with DCGF induced a significant increase of mean ruminal pH from 6.31 to 6.47 and 6.63, respectively. The differences are more marked when only biologically relevant decrease of pH, below 6.2, was considered. Thus, duration of pH decrease below 6.2 diminished from 6.25 hours in control group to 4.85 and 2.30 hours, respectively. Intensity of pH decrease below 6.2 also diminished, from 2.93 hours x pH units in control group, to 1.53 and 0.58 hours x pH units in experimental groups. It was concluded that replacement of barley with DCGF clearly increased the level of the ruminal pH, thus being as a possible solution in preventing the excessive post-prandial decrease of pH and its negative effects on ruminal activity

    Molecular mechanisms of cobalt-catalyzed hydrogen evolution

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    Several cobalt complexes catalyze the evolution of hydrogen from acidic solutions, both homogeneously and at electrodes. The detailed molecular mechanisms of these transformations remain unresolved, largely owing to the fact that key reactive intermediates have eluded detection. One method of stabilizing reactive intermediates involves minimizing the overall reaction free-energy change. Here, we report a new cobalt(I) complex that reacts with tosylic acid to evolve hydrogen with a driving force of just 30 meVāˆ•Co. Protonation of Co^I produces a transient Co^(IIII)-H complex that was characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The Co^(IIII)-H intermediate decays by second-order kinetics with an inverse dependence on acid concentration. Analysis of the kinetics suggests that Co^(IIII)-H produces hydrogen by two competing pathways: a slower homolytic route involving two Co^(IIII)-H species and a dominant heterolytic channel in which a highly reactive Co^(II)-H transient is generated by Co^I reduction of Co^(IIII)-H

    The Inner-Sphere Process in the Enantioselective Tsuji Allylation Reaction with (S)-t-Bu-phosphinooxazoline Ligands

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    We propose an inner-sphere mechanism explaining the unique performance of the Tsuji asymmetrical allylation reaction using hard prochiral enolate nucleophiles and non-prochiral allyl groups. Using first principles quantum mechanics (B3LYP density functional theory), we find that the pathway for this reaction involves nucleophilic attack followed by interconversion from a five-coordinate Pd complex to a four-coordinate complex. This intermediate is trapped in a potential well and escapes via reductive elimination that proceeds through a seven-membered transition state to generate the product and a Pd^0 complex. This seven-membered transition state contrasts dramatically from the usual three-centered Cāˆ’C reductive elimination paradigm generally associated with Cāˆ’C coupling reactions. This inner-sphere asymmetric allylation pathway involving hard enolates is energetically more favorable than outer-sphere nucleophilic attack, a process understood to occur in asymmetric allylic alkylations with soft enolates

    Electronically Modified Cobalt Aminopyridine Complexes Reveal an Orthogonal Axis for Catalytic Optimization for COā‚‚ Reduction

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    The design of effective electrocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction requires understanding the mechanistic underpinnings governing the binding, reduction, and protonation of COā‚‚. A critical aspect to understanding and tuning these factors for optimal catalysis revolves around controlling the electronic environments of the primary and secondary coordination sphere. Herein we report a series of para-substituted cobalt aminopyridine macrocyclic catalysts 2ā€“4 capable of carrying out the electrochemical reduction of COā‚‚ to CO. Under catalytic conditions, complexes 2ā€“4, as well as the unsubstituted cobalt aminopyridine complex 1, exhibit i_(cat)/i_p values ranging from 144 to 781. Complexes 2 and 4 exhibit a pronounced precatalytic wave suggestive of an ECEC mechanism. A Hammett analysis reveals that ligand modifications with electron-donating groups enhance catalysis (Ļ < 0), indicative of positive charge buildup in the transition state. This trend also extends to the Co^(I/0) potential, where complexes possessing more negative E(CoI/0) reductions exhibit greater i_(cat)/i_p values. The reported modifications offer a synthetic lever to tune catalytic activity, orthogonal to our previous study of the role of pendant hydrogen bond donors

    One-pot synthesis of (Z)-B-sulfonyl enoates from ethyl propiolate

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    B-Sulfonyl enoates may be synthesized through a one-pot two-step sequence from ethyl propiolate with good to excellent selectivity for the Z isomer. Trialkylamines catalyze thioconjugate additions of aryl thiols, and alkoxides catalyze the addition of aliphatic thiols. Addition of meta-chloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA) and LiClO4 to the reaction mixture provides rapid access to the sulfonyl enoates. Yields of the pure Z isomer range from 51 ā€“ 90%

    A Single-stranded DNA-binding Protein of Bacteriophage T7 Defective in DNA Annealing

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    The annealing of complementary strands of DNA is a vital step during the process of DNA replication, recombination, and repair. In bacteriophage T7-infected cells, the product of viral gene 2.5, a single-stranded DNA-binding protein, performs this function. We have identified a single amino acid residue in gene 2.5 protein, arginine 82, that is critical for its DNA annealing activity. Expression of gene 2.5 harboring this mutation does not complement the growth of a T7 bacteriophage lacking gene 2.5. Purified gene 2.5 protein-R82C binds single-stranded DNA with a greater affinity than the wild-type protein but does not mediate annealing of complementary strands of DNA. A carboxyl-terminal-deleted protein, gene 2.5 protein-Delta26C, binds even more tightly to single-stranded DNA than does gene 2.5 protein-R82C, but it anneals homologous strands of DNA as well as does the wild-type protein. The altered protein forms dimers and interacts with T7 DNA polymerase comparable with the wild-type protein. Gene 2.5 protein-R82C condenses single-stranded M13 DNA in a manner similar to wild-type protein when viewed by electron microscopy
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