88 research outputs found


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    Pelaku pasar modal menggunakan informasi laporan keuangan sebagai tolak-ukur atau pedoman dalam melakukan transaksi jual-beli saham di suatu perusahaan karena laporan keuangan tersebut merupakan cerminan dari kinerja keuangan perusahaan, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tatakelola perusahaan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan.Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling, jumlah sampel akhir sebanyak 30 perusahaan industri dasar dan kimia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2016-2018. Metodeanalisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear sederhana data panel menggunakan SPSS 24.00. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tatakelola perusahaan idak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Disarankan kepada penelitian selanjutnya jika ingin menindaklanjuti mengenai tatakelola perusahaan dan kinerja keuangan perusahaan atau dengan topic penelitian sejenis dapat diharapkan menambahkan variable lain, seperti variabel kepemilikan institusional. Bagi investor yang akan menanamkan modalnya di perusahaan industri dasar dan kimia hendaknya menjadikan laporan keuangan yang menjadi citra kinerja keuangan perusahaan sebagai acuan dalam mengambil keputusan.

    Yesus Sang Guru yang Gagal dalam Komunitas Masyarakat Yahudi Dari Perspektif Kitab Matius dan Implikasinya bagi Mahasiswa PAK di Institut Injil Indonesia

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    Kitab Matius menceritakan tentang Yesus yang tampil sebagai guru (rabi) yang patut diteladani, karena ajaran-Nya yang mengagumkan dan perbuatan-Nya juga sesuai dengan ajaran-Nya. Yesus menampilkan sikap hidup yang baik dan peduli dengan masyarakat kelas bawah saat itu, sehingga orang-orang Yahudi dapat percaya pada-Nya dan murid-murid/orang-orang memanggil-Nya dengan sebutan guru/rabi. Tokoh Yesus, orang Nazareth, menjadi fenomena di kalangan masyarakat Yahudi karena membawa sesuatu yang baru dalam setiap pelayanan-Nya, misalnya menyembuhkan orang sakit, membangkitkan orang mati, mengusir setan (exorcism), mengajarkan hukum Taurat dan memberitakan tentang kerajaan surga sebagai bagian kemesiasan-Nya. Banyak orang yang mengikuti-Nya, namun tercatat “banyak murid” terbukti tidak membela atau mengikuti-Nya sepenuh hati, apalagi saat Ia akan disalibkan, semua murid terdekat-Nya meninggalkan Dia (Mat. 26: 56b). Tulisan artikel jurnal ini menyatakan, Yesus merupakan seorang guru yang gagal dalam komunitas masyarakat Yahudi dibandingkan dengan pemahaman pada mahasiswa mengenai bagaimana Yesus memainkan peran-Nya sebagai guru di konteks hidup masa-Nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pandangan masyarakat Yahudi terhadap Yesus sebagai Guru berdasarkan kitab Matius dan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap Yesus sebagai guru yang gagal. Penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory dengan penggabungan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Hasilnya dari penelitian ini bahwa, komunitas masyarakat Yahudi masih gagal memahami Yesus Sang Guru, demikian pula banyak terjadi penolakan terhadap eksistensi dan pengajaran-Nya di komunitas orang Yahudi. Kesimpulan, Yesus Sang Guru yang Gagal sudah nyata kehadiran-Nya dan karya Yesus sebagai Guru Agung jelas spektakular.Kitab Matius menceritakan tentang Yesus yang tampil sebagai guru (rabi) yang patut diteladani, karena ajaran-Nya yang mengagumkan dan perbuatan-Nya juga sesuai dengan ajaran-Nya. Yesus menampilkan sikap hidup yang baik dan peduli dengan masyarakat kelas bawah saat itu, sehingga orang-orang Yahudi dapat percaya pada-Nya dan murid-murid/orang-orang memanggil-Nya dengan sebutan guru/rabi. Tokoh Yesus, orang Nazareth, menjadi fenomena di kalangan masyarakat Yahudi karena membawa sesuatu yang baru dalam setiap pelayanan-Nya, misalnya menyembuhkan orang sakit, membangkitkan orang mati, mengusir setan (exorcism), mengajarkan hukum Taurat dan memberitakan tentang kerajaan surga sebagai bagian kemesiasan-Nya. Banyak orang yang mengikuti-Nya, namun tercatat “banyak murid” terbukti tidak membela atau mengikuti-Nya sepenuh hati, apalagi saat Ia akan disalibkan, semua murid terdekat-Nya meninggalkan Dia (Mat. 26: 56b). Tulisan artikel jurnal ini menyatakan, Yesus merupakan seorang guru yang gagal dalam komunitas masyarakat Yahudi dibandingkan dengan pemahaman pada mahasiswa mengenai bagaimana Yesus memainkan peran-Nya sebagai guru di konteks hidup masa-Nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pandangan masyarakat Yahudi terhadap Yesus sebagai Guru berdasarkan kitab Matius dan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap Yesus sebagai guru yang gagal. Penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory dengan penggabungan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Hasilnya dari penelitian ini bahwa, komunitas masyarakat Yahudi masih gagal memahami Yesus Sang Guru, demikian pula banyak terjadi penolakan terhadap eksistensi dan pengajaran-Nya di komunitas orang Yahudi. Kesimpulan, Yesus Sang Guru yang Gagal sudah nyata kehadiran-Nya dan karya Yesus sebagai Guru Agung jelas spektakular

    Comparative Performance of Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc Breeds of Swine

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    The objectives of this study was to analyze the comparative ability of animal genetic, using evaluation of production that has important economic traits including Landrace, Yorkshire, and Duroc breeds of swine. A total of 49 swine consist 15 boars and 34 gilts, with average body weight of 18.50-21.50kg were used in this research. All of samples were raised in the same pen and feeding management. This research used the experimental method of Completely Randomized Design involving three treatments of animal breeds including Landrace, Yorkshire, and Duroc breeds. The data were analyzed by using analysis of covariance procedur General Linier Model and Least Square Means test. Boars and gilts were analyzed in separated data. The result showed that the effect of breed was significantly associated for all traits, but not for boars feed intake. The overall, Yorkshire and Landrace performed better than Duroc for average daily gain, feed conversion ratio, selection index, and age at 90 kg body weight. However, Duroc boars and gilts had the thinnest backfat followed by Yorkshire and Landrace

    The Vertical Profile of Phosphate in Pinang Dalam Lake Buluh China Village Siak Hulu Sub District Kampar District Riau Province

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    This study has been done in Pinang Dalam Oxbow Lake from January-February 2014. This research aims to understand the vertical profile of phosphatein Pinang Dalam oxbow lake. The research used survey method. The sample\u27swere taken from three station, the first station were at inlet, the second stationwere at middle of lake and the third station were at the end of lake. The measuringquality water parameters were depth, transparency, temperature, pH, dissolvedoxygen (DO), carbon dioxide and nitrate. Sampling vertical based ontransparency, namely at surface, 11/2Secchi depth, 21/2Secchi depth, and in thebottom of lake. The result shown the concentration of phosphate at the surface:0.03-0.04 Mg/L; in the 11/2Secchi depth: 0.07-0.09 Mg/L; in the 21/2Secchi depth:0.12-0.15 Mg/L and the bottom of lake: 0.15-0.19 Mg/L. The vertical profile ofphosphate showed the concentration increased with the increment of depth. Thewater quality parameter analyzed were temperature: 28oC–28.34oC; transparancy52.5-54.34 cm; depth: 180.67–429 cm; pH: 5; dissolved oxygen (DO): 1.64-5.88Mg/L; carbon dioxide: 6.79–14.65 Mg/L; nitrate: 0.01-0.13 Mg/L, andphytoplankton abudance: 3523363.7-4293075.48 cel/l. The concentration ofphosphate in Pinang Dalam Lake showed the tropic status was mesotropic and allthe water quality still support the aquatic organisms life

    The Vertical Profiles of Phytoplankton in Danau Pinang Luar Buluh CinaVillage, Siak Hulu Sub- District, District Kampar, Riau Province

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    This research was conducted on the Danau Pinang Luar Buluh Cina Village Siak HuluSubdistrict District Kampar Riau Province in April - Mei 2013 and aims to understand thephytoplankton vertical rofil in the Pinang Luar Lake. There were 3 stations, station 1 isincomingwater area, Station 2 is agencies lake area. Station 3 is end of the lake area. Samplings wereconducted 3 times, once/week.This research aims to determine the vertical profile ofphytoplankton of Danau Pinang Luar.The results showed 24 species of phytoplankton were classified into four classes, namely:Chlorophyceae (11 species), Cyanophyceae (7 species),Bacillariophyceae (5 species), Euglenophyceae (1 species). Average phytoplankton abundancearound 61578 - 495112 cells/l, species diversity index (H ') of phytoplankton around 4,21 - 4,51,uniformity index around 0,87 - 0,93 and dominance index (C) of about 0,046- 0,063. While thewater quality parameters such as temperature of 31°C, the brightness around 65 - 70 cm, a depth ofapproximately 261,7 - 461.7 cm, pH 6, Dissolved Oxygen approximately 2,93 – 6,4 mg/l, free ofcarbon dioxide around 3,96 – 11,88 mg/l, Nitrate around 0,01-0,02 mg/l, Phosphate approximately0,023 mg/l. Based on the abundance of phytoplankton, concluded that Danau Pinang Luar Outerrelatively moderate fertility levels

    Uji Pemberian Peg 6000 Terhadap Morfologi Benih Karet (Hevea Brassiliensis, Muell-arg.) Tanpa Cangkang Setelah Penyimpanan

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    Giving test of PEG 6000 to morphology of rubber seeds (Hevea brassiliensis, Muell-Arg.) shellesafter storage. Rubber seeds are recalcitrant seeds have a very high water content, low storability, sorapid had deterioration, and therefore required special treatment on the storage period to maintainseed viability. Using PEG 6000 increased storage recalcitrant seeds because it has the potential tolimit cell osmoticum changes in water content and oxygen on seed. The purpose of this study to getthe right PEG 6000 concentration to improve seed storability. The research was conducted inJanuary and March 2012 at the Seed Technology Laboratory, Agricultural Faculty, Sumatera UtaraUniversity, Medan – Indonesia. Randomly complete design was applied with four treatments andfour replications, i.e: PEG 6000 ; 0, 150, 300, 450 (gr/l aquadest). Parameters observed germinateseeds in storage and recapitulation germinate seeds ability after storage. The results showed thatPEG 6000 was significantly on germinated seeds in storage but not siqnificant effect on seedgermination after storage and best result was achieved at PEG 300 gr/l aquades, germinated seedsin storage was 0,33% and recapitulation germinate seeds ability after storage was 80,09%

    Korelasi Dan Analisis Lintas Karakter Agronomi Kedelai (Glycine Max [L.] Merrill) Keturunan Persilangan Wilis X MLG 2521

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    Soybean is one of the crops that produce seeds with high protein content, as well as used by the inhabitants of Indonesia. Domestic soybean production can not meet the needs of the national soybean thus needs to be improved, one through breeding varieties with superior. One important step in plant breeding is the selection. To save time and costs of selection, it is necessary to determine the estimated correlation between characters and to determine the causal relationship between characters used path analysis. Through path analysis can be seen directly and indirectly influence between variables forecaster with the response variable. The purpose of this study to obtain information (1) correlation between characters agronomic towards production. (2) direct and indirect effects of agronomic between characters towards production. The research was conducted from October 2013 until January 2014 in the integrated field laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung and observations made in Laboratory of Seed and Plant Breeding, University of Lampung. Soybean seeds used were F5 generation zuriat from Wilis x Mlg 2521, Willis and Mlg 2521. The treatment laid out in a randomized block design, 2 replications. The results showed that there was a positive phenotype correlation between character of days to flowering, plant height, number of branches, number of pods, weight of 100 grains with grain weight per plant and there was no correlation between day to harvesting with the seed weight per plant. Direct selection of the most effective was through the number of pods because number of pods have a direct effect almost equivalent to the correlation. The relationship between the number of pods and weight of seeds per plant explained a real relationship
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