555 research outputs found

    Recursive Algorithms for Computing the Cramer-Rao Bound

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    Computation of the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) on estimator variance requires the inverse or the pseudo-inverse Fisher information matrix (FIM). Direct matrix inversion can be computationally intractable when the number of unknown parameters is large. In this correspondence, we compare several iterative methods for approximating the CRB using matrix splitting and preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms. For a large class of inverse problems, we show that nonmonotone Gauss-Seidel and preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithms require significantly fewer flops for convergence than monotone “bound preserving” algorithms.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/85866/1/Fessler94.pd

    Assessing a treatment on the basis of an individual or a group. An example: the homeopathic treatment of digestive-tract strongyles in sheep

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    Homeopathic treatments, widely used in organic farming, remain unevaluated. Assessment is difficult since the individuals that respond to treatment are not identified, although it is central to the concept of homeopathic treatment. Classifying lambs into those to be treated (since they have high parasitic infection rate or poor production performances) or that should remain untreated (in other words, even when treated, they will not benefit from treatment) is not simple. The identification of lambs to be treated can be based on parasitological examinations (eggs per gram of faeces), clinical (anaemia or diarrhoea)or production-related (weight gain) results. The classification of lambs was a posteriori and based on dendrograms using UPGMA (unweighted pairwise grouping on arithmetic average) and Gower’s similarity index. Parasitological, clinical and production identifiers were used for assessing the efficacy of Teucrium marum (9 CH) on digestive-tract strongyles. There was no reduction in gastro-intestinal infection in lambs with high infection rates or poor live weight gain

    Stomach temperature records reveal nursing behaviour and transition to solid food consumption in an unweaned mammal, the harbour seal pup (Phoca vitulina)

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    Knowledge of milk transfer from mother to offspring and early solid food ingestions in mammals allows for a greater understanding of the factors affecting transition to nutritional independence and pre-weaning growth and survival. Yet studies monitoring suckling behaviour have often relied on visual observations, which might not accurately represent milk intake. We assessed the use of stomach temperature telemetry to monitor suckling and foraging behaviour in free-ranging harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups during lactation. Stomach temperature declines were analysed using principal component and cluster analyses, as well as trials using simulated stomachs resulting in a precise classification of stomach temperature drops into milk, seawater and solid food ingestions. Seawater and solid food ingestions represented on average 15.361.6% [0-40.0%] and 0.760.2% [0-13.0%], respectively, of individual ingestions. Overall, 63.7% of milk ingestions occurred while the pups were in the water, of which 13.9% were preceded by seawater ingestion. The average time between subsequent ingestions was significantly less for seawater than for milk ingestions. These results suggest that seawater ingestion might represent collateral ingestion during aquatic suckling attempts. Alternatively, as solid food ingestions (n = 19) were observed among 7 pups, seawater ingestion could result from missed prey capture attempts. This study shows that some harbour seals start ingesting prey while still being nursed, indicating that weaning occurs more gradually than previously thought in this species. Stomach temperature telemetry represents a promising method to study suckling behaviour in wild mammals and transition to nutritional independence in various endotherm species

    Reshaping our understanding of species’ roles in landscape-scale networks

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    Data associate with Ecology Letters manuscript number: ELE-01021-2018.R2; Hackett et al. Reshaping our understanding of species’ roles in landscape-scale networks<div><br></div><div>See READ ME text file for specific detail</div

    Toward the development of the International Classification of Functioning Core Sets for children with cerebral palsy: a global expert survey

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    The goal of the International Classification of Functioning is to standardize the classification of health and function of children around the world. To facilitate the application of this classification, International Classification of Functioning-based tools like the Core Sets are being developed. We conducted an international survey of professional experts to identify the most relevant areas of functioning in children with cerebral palsy. The questionnaire covered each component of the classification. In total, 193 professionals completed the survey (response rate 78%). Overall, 9706 answers were linked to the classification (pediatric version) by 2 professionals. From the experts\u27 perspective, movement-related areas and social participation are the most relevant areas of functioning. Experts suggest a more comprehensive profile of functioning in particular in areas of personal capacity and social participation. The results of this survey will inform the development of the International Classification of Functioning Core Sets for children with cerebral palsy

    An argument for the use of Aristotelian method in bioethics

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    The main claim of this paper is that the method outlined and used in Aristotle's Ethics is an appropriate and credible one to use in bioethics. Here “appropriate” means that the method is capable of establishing claims and developing concepts in bioethics and “credible” that the method has some plausibility, it is not open to obvious and immediate objection. It begins by suggesting why this claim matters and then gives a brief outline of Aristotle's method. The main argument is made in three stages. First, it is argued that Aristotelian method is credible because it compares favourably with alternatives. In this section it is shown that Aristotelian method is not vulnerable to criticisms that are made both of methods that give a primary place to moral theory (such as utilitarianism) and those that eschew moral theory (such as casuistry and social science approaches). As such, it compares favourably with these other approaches that are vulnerable to at least some of these criticisms. Second, the appropriateness of Aristotelian method is indicated through outlining how it would deal with a particular case. Finally, it is argued that the success of Aristotle's philosophy is suggestive of both the credibility and appropriateness of his method.</p

    Influence of definition based versus pragmatic birth registration on international comparisons of perinatal and infant mortality: population based retrospective study

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    Objectives To examine variations in the registration of extremely low birthweight and early gestation births and to assess their effect on perinatal and infant mortality rankings of industrialised countries

    The genus <i>Elaphomyces </i>(<i>Ascomycota</i>, <i>Eurotiales</i>):a ribosomal DNA-based phylogeny and revised systematics of European 'deer truffles'

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    Elaphomyces (‘deer truffles’) is one of the most important ectomycorrhizal fungal genera in temperate and subarctic forest ecosystems, but also one of the least documented in public databases. The current systematics are mainly based on macromorphology, and is not significantly different from that proposed by Vittadini (1831). Within the 49 species recognised worldwide, 23 were originally described from Europe and 17 of these were described before the 20th century. Moreover, very recent phylogenetic treatments of the genus are mainly based on a few extra-European species and most common European species are still poorly documented. Based on an extensive taxonomic sampling mainly made in the biogeographically rich Cantabrian area (Spain), complemented with collections from France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Sweden, all currently recognized species in Europe have been sequenced at the ITS and 28S of the rDNA. Combined phylogenetic analyses yielded molecular support to sections Elaphomyces and Ceratogaster (here emended), while a third, basal lineage encompasses the sections Malacodermei and Ascoscleroderma as well as the tropical genus Pseudotulostoma. Species limits are discussed and some taxa formerly proposed as genuine species based on morphology and biogeography are re-evaluated as varieties or forms. Spore size and ornamentation, features of the peridial surface, structure of the peridium, and the presence of mycelium patches attached to the peridial surface emerge as the most significant systematic characters. Four new species: E. barrioi, E. quercicola, E. roseolus and E. violaceoniger, one new variety: E. papillatus var. sulphureopallidus, and two new forms: E. granulatus forma pallidosporus and E. anthracinus forma talosporus are introduced, as well as four new combinations in the genus: E. muricatus var. reticulatus, E. muricatus var. variegatus, E. papillatus var. striatosporus and E. morettii var. cantabricus. Lectotypes and epitypes are designated for most recognised species. For systematic purposes, new infrageneric taxa are introduced: E. sect. Ascoscleroderma stat. nov., E. subsect. Sclerodermei stat. nov., E. subsect. Maculati subsect. nov., E. subsect. Muricati subsect. nov., and E. subsect. Papillati subsect. nov. Lastly, E. laevigatus, E. sapidus, E. sulphureopallidus and E. trappei are excluded from the genus and referred to Rhizopogon roseolus, Astraeus sapidus comb. nov., Astraeus hygrometricus and Terfezia trappei comb. nov. (syn.: Terfezia cistophila), respectively
