198 research outputs found

    Assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning nuclear power plant in Italy

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    The assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant is presented here through the results of an environmental monitoring survey carried out in the area surrounding the Garigliano Power Plant. The levels of radioactivity in soil, water, air and other environmental matrices are shown, in which {\alpha}, {\beta} and {\gamma} activity and {\gamma} equivalent dose rate are measured. Radioactivity levels of the samples from the Garigliano area are analyzed and then compared to those from a control zone situated more than 100 km away. Moreover, a comparison is made with a previous survey held in 2001. The analyses and comparisons show no significant alteration in the radiological characteristics of the area surroundings the plant, with an overall radioactivity depending mainly from the global fallout and natural sources

    Assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning nuclear power plant in Italy

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    The assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant is presented here through the results of an environmental monitoring survey carried out in the area surrounding the Garigliano Power Plant. The levels of radioactivity in soil, water, air and other environmental matrices are shown, in which {\alpha}, {\beta} and {\gamma} activity and {\gamma} equivalent dose rate are measured. Radioactivity levels of the samples from the Garigliano area are analyzed and then compared to those from a control zone situated more than 100 km away. Moreover, a comparison is made with a previous survey held in 2001. The analyses and comparisons show no significant alteration in the radiological characteristics of the area surroundings the plant, with an overall radioactivity depending mainly from the global fallout and natural sources.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Ag X-ray fluorescence on different thickness and concentration layers

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    This work derives from the requirement to investigate on the silver surface enrichment of objects of historical and artistic interest using the X-ray fluorescence non-destructive technique (XRF). The aim is the thickness estimation through the experimental relationship between Kα Kβ and Kα Lα of Ag as a function of the thickness. Measurements on silver sheets of different thicknesses and three concentrations are carried out using a XRF spectrometer with a maximum voltage of 50kV. The results allow to analyse the plating layer of silver objects also to make other interesting considerations

    RaMonA system for radon and thoron measurement

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    RaMonA is a homemade system for the measurements in air of the specific activity of 222Rn (radon) and 220Rn (thoron) based on the electrostatic collection of the alpha emissions of the ionized descendants of the two radioisotopes. The use of a semiconductor detector and of an appropriate signal processing apparatus allows to obtain alpha spectra with excellent energy resolution. The system has been used for many years for the continuous monitoring of the gas indoors, outdoors and in soil air. For several purposes, different geometries of the measurement chamber are realized and suitably calibrated, even in mixed atmospheres of 222Rn and 220Rn. In this paper, the different measurement systems and their potentialities are presented and the collection efficiencies of the different polonium isotopes are compared

    Istallazione di una stazione per la rivelazione continua Radon mediante spettrometria alfa nella Solfatara di Pozzuoli

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    INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Napoli - Osservatorio Vesuviano)Published1-221.4. TTC - Sorveglianza sismologica delle aree vulcaniche attiveN/A or not JCRrestricte

    An overview of physics teacher professional development activities organized within the Italian PLS-Physics plan over the past five years

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    The Italian PLS-"Piano Lauree Scientifiche"project has among its objectives the improvement of school-university cooperation, with a special emphasis on in-service teacher professional development. In pursuit of such goal, growing resources and an increasing effort to strengthen the collaboration with schools have been employed in the past years. A working group within the physics section of the PLS project has developed a questionnaire to inquire about teacher formation activities organized during the past five years. After extensive revision and testing, the university network of PLS-Physics was asked to fill the questionnaire. The resulting data from 139 initiatives provides an interesting perspective on the kind of activities, organizational choices and educational priorities for teacher professional development within the PLS-physics project


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    La realizzazione della stazione descritta nel presente rapporto è frutto di una collaborazione tra ricercatori della Sezione di Napoli dell’ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) e ricercatori dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano (OV), Sezione di Napoli dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), e costituisce un’attività sperimentale per il monitoraggio dell’attività vulcanica dei Campi Flegrei.INGV Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaPublished1.2. TTC - Sorveglianza geochimica delle aree vulcaniche attive2.4. TTC - Laboratori di geochimica dei fluidi4.5. Studi sul degassamento naturale e sui gas petroliferiope

    Thickness determination of the gilding on brass materials by XRF technique

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    The gold coating layer of the gold-plated brass objects was estimated using calibration curves obtained with a handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF). Calibration curves were obtained using reference materials (Au and brass) and intensity ratios of the X-ray fluorescence peaks generated in both the gold coating and the brass substrate. In addition, a calibration was also performed with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) multivariate analysis method. Good agreement was obtained by comparing the results of the different methods. The calibrations were successfully applied to gold-plated brass jewels and samples

    Coating thickness of plated objects using XRF technique concentrations

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    The coating layer thickness of the double-layer objects was estimated using the concentration value of an element of the covering layer or of the substrate after obtaining suitable calibration curves using reference materials. The x-ray fluorescence technique was used with a handheld instrument to determine the concentration of elements. Various experimental configurations were built using gold- and silver-plated materials. The concentration calibrations curve as a function of coating layer thickness were successfully applied to gold-plated brass and copper jewelry, gold-plated samples and an ancient silver coin. The results obtained using the concentrations are in good agreement with those of other more elaborate methods

    Coating thickness of plated objects using XRF technique concentrations

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    The coating layer thickness of the double-layer objects was estimated using the concentration value of an element of the covering layer or of the substrate after obtaining suitable calibration curves using reference materials. The x-ray fluorescence technique was used with a handheld instrument to determine the concentration of elements. Various experimental configurations were built using gold- and silver-plated materials. The concentration calibrations curve as a function of coating layer thickness were successfully applied to gold-plated brass and copper jewelry, gold-plated samples and an ancient silver coin. The results obtained using the concentrations are in good agreement with those of other more elaborate methods