7,049 research outputs found

    Modeling the Age of the Cape Riva (Y-2) tephra

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    Electrically charged fluids with pressure in Newtonian gravitation and general relativity in d spacetime dimensions: theorems and results for Weyl type systems

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    Previous theorems concerning Weyl type systems, including Majumdar-Papapetrou systems, are generalized in two ways, namely, we take these theorems into d spacetime dimensions (d≥4{\rm d}\geq4), and we also consider the very interesting Weyl-Guilfoyle systems, i.e., general relativistic charged fluids with nonzero pressure. In particular within Newton-Coulomb theory of charged gravitating fluids, a theorem by Bonnor (1980) in three-dimensional space is generalized to arbitrary (d−1)>3({\rm d}-1)>3 space dimensions. Then, we prove a new theorem for charged gravitating fluid systems in which we find the condition that the charge density and the matter density should obey. Within general relativity coupled to charged dust fluids, a theorem by De and Raychaudhuri (1968) in four-dimensional spacetimes in rendered into arbitrary d>4{\rm d}>4 dimensions. Then a theorem, new in d=4{\rm d}=4 and d>4{\rm d}>4 dimensions, for Weyl-Guilfoyle systems, is stated and proved, in which we find the condition that the charge density, the matter density, the pressure, and the electromagnetic energy density should obey. This theorem comprises, as particular cases, a theorem by Gautreau and Hoffman (1973) and results in four dimensions by Guilfoyle (1999). Upon connection of an interior charged solution to an exterior Tangherlini solution (i.e., a Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution in d-dimensions), one is able to give a general definition for gravitational mass for this kind of relativistic systems and find a mass relation with the several quantities of the interior solution. It is also shown that for sources of finite extent the mass is identical to the Tolman mass.Comment: 27 page

    Behavioural clusters and predictors of performance during recovery from stroke

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    We examined the patterns and variability of recovery post-stroke in multiple behavioral domains. A large cohort of first time stroke patients with heterogeneous lesions was studied prospectively and longitudinally at 1-2 weeks, 3 months and one year post-injury with structural MRI to measure lesion anatomy and in-depth neuropsychological assessment. Impairment was described at all timepoints by a few clusters of correlated deficits. The time course and magnitude of recovery was similar across domains, with change scores largely proportional to the initial deficit and most recovery occurring within the first three months. Damage to specific white matter tracts produced poorer recovery over several domains: attention and superior longitudinal fasciculus II/III, language and posterior arcuate fasciculus, motor and corticospinal tract. Finally, after accounting for the severity of the initial deficit, language and visual memory recovery/outcome was worse with lower education, while the occurrence of multiple deficits negatively impacted attention recovery

    Gravity Waves from a Cosmological Phase Transition: Gauge Artifacts and Daisy Resummations

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    The finite-temperature effective potential customarily employed to describe the physics of cosmological phase transitions often relies on specific gauge choices, and is manifestly not gauge-invariant at finite order in its perturbative expansion. As a result, quantities relevant for the calculation of the spectrum of stochastic gravity waves resulting from bubble collisions in first-order phase transitions are also not gauge-invariant. We assess the quantitative impact of this gauge-dependence on key quantities entering predictions for gravity waves from first order cosmological phase transitions. We resort to a simple abelian Higgs model, and discuss the case of R_xi gauges. By comparing with results obtained using a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism, we show that the choice of gauge can have a dramatic effect on theoretical predictions for the normalization and shape of the expected gravity wave spectrum. We also analyze the impact of resumming higher-order contributions as needed to maintain the validity of the perturbative expansion, and show that doing so can suppress the amplitude of the spectrum by an order of magnitude or more. We comment on open issues and possible strategies for carrying out "daisy resummed" gauge invariant computations in non-Abelian models for which a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism is not presently available.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    The infrared morphology of galactic centers

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    Initial results are presented of a program to map the centers of galaxies in the mid-infrared using the NASA-MSFC 20 pixel bolometer array. Maps at 10.8 micrometer of the galaxies NGC 5236 (M82), NGC 1808, NGC 4536, and NGC 4527 reveal complex emitting regions ranging in size from 500 pc to 2 kpc. The infrared spatial distributions generally resemble those in the visible and radio. In all cases a large fraction of the IRAS 12 micrometer flux originates in spatial structures prominent in the maps

    Constraints on T-Odd, P-Even Interactions from Electric Dipole Moments

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    We construct the relationship between nonrenormalizable,effective, time-reversal violating (TV) parity-conserving (PC) interactions of quarks and gauge bosons and various low-energy TVPC and TV parity-violating (PV) observables. Using effective field theory methods, we delineate the scenarious under which experimental limits on permanent electric dipole moments (EDM's) of the electron, neutron, and neutral atoms as well as limits on TVPC observables provide the most stringent bounds on new TVPC interactions. Under scenarios in which parity invariance is restored at short distances, the one-loop EDM of elementary fermions generate the most severe constraints. The limits derived from the atomic EDM of 199^{199}Hg are considerably weaker. When parity symmetry remains broken at short distances, direct TVPC search limits provide the least ambiguous bounds. The direct limits follow from TVPC interactions between two quarks.Comment: 43 pages, 9 figure

    Charged Current Universality in the MSSM

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    We compute the complete one-loop contributions to low-energy charged current weak interaction observables in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We obtain the constraints on the MSSM parameter space which arise when precision low-energy charged current data are analyzed in tandem with measurements of the muon anomaly. While the data allow the presence of at least one light neutralino, they also imply a pattern of mass splittings among first and second generation sleptons and squarks which contradict predictions of widely used models for supersymmetry breaking mediation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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