994 research outputs found

    Memory metal actuator

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    A mechanical actuator can be constructed by employing a plurality of memory metal actuator elements in parallel to control the amount of actuating force. In order to facilitate direct control by digital control signals provided by a computer or the like, the actuating elements may vary in stiffness according to a binary relationship. The cooling or reset time of the actuator elements can be reduced by employing Peltier junction cooling assemblies in the actuator

    Retinally stabilized differential resolution television display

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    A remote television viewing system employing an eye tracker is disclosed, wherein a small region of the image appears in high resolution, and the remainder of the image appears in low resolution. The eye tracker monitors the position of the viewer's line of sight. The eye tracker position data is transmitted to the remote television camera and control. Both the remote camera and television display are adapted to have selectable high-resolution and low resolution raster scan modes. The position data from the eye tracker is used to determine the point at which the high-resolution scan is to commence. The video data defining the observed image is encoded in a novel format, wherein in each data field, the data representing the position of the high resolution region of predetermined size appears first, followed by the high resolution zone video data and then the low-resolution region data. As the viewer's line of sight relative to the displayed image changes, the position of the high resolution region changes to track the viewer's line of sight

    Computer vision

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    The field of computer vision is surveyed and assessed, key research issues are identified, and possibilities for a future vision system are discussed. The problems of descriptions of two and three dimensional worlds are discussed. The representation of such features as texture, edges, curves, and corners are detailed. Recognition methods are described in which cross correlation coefficients are maximized or numerical values for a set of features are measured. Object tracking is discussed in terms of the robust matching algorithms that must be devised. Stereo vision, camera control and calibration, and the hardware and systems architecture are discussed

    Studies on silane to 70 GPa

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    Raman and X-ray diffraction studies were made on silane in the diamond anvil cell using three different gaskets, stainless steel, tungsten and rhenium. The structure existing between 10 and 27 GPa is well characterized by the monoclinic space group P21c (#14). While the Gibbs free energy of formation of silane is positive at one atmosphere, it is calculated from the equation of state of silane and its reactants that this becomes negative near 4 GPa and remains negative until 13 GPa and then becomes positive again. At about 27 GPa, where quasi-quantum mechanical calculations suggest there should be a transformation from 4-fold to 6-fold (or even higher), the sample turns black. The Raman modes seize to exist beyond 30 GPa after showing softening above 25 GPa. At higher pressures it turns silvery. The gaskets play a different role as will be discussed. The sample brought back from 70 GPa contains amorphous Si (with attached hydrogen) as well as crystalline silicon. The lowest free energy system at high pressure is the decomposed reactants as observed

    Rossby-Haurwitz waves of a slowly and differentially rotating fluid shell

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    Recent studies have raised doubts about the occurrence of r modes in Newtonian stars with a large degree of differential rotation. To assess the validity of this conjecture we have solved the eigenvalue problem for Rossby-Haurwitz waves (the analogues of r waves on a thin-shell) in the presence of differential rotation. The results obtained indicate that the eigenvalue problem is never singular and that, at least for the case of a thin-shell, the analogues of r modes can be found for arbitrarily large degrees of differential rotation. This work clarifies the puzzling results obtained in calculations of differentially rotating axi-symmetric Newtonian stars.Comment: 8pages, 3figures. Submitted to CQ

    Effect of pressure on the polarized infrared optical response of quasi-one-dimensional LaTiO3.41_{3.41}

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    The pressure-induced changes in the optical properties of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor LaTiO3.41_{3.41} were studied by polarization-dependent mid-infrared micro-spectroscopy at room temperature. For the polarization of the incident radiation parallel to the conducting direction, the optical conductivity spectrum shows a pronounced mid-infrared absorption band, exhibiting a shift to lower frequencies and an increase in oscillator strength with increasing pressure. On the basis of its pressure dependence, interpretations of the band in terms of electronic transitions and polaronic excitations are discussed. Discontinuous changes in the optical response near 15 GPa are in agreement with a recently reported pressure-induced structural phase transition and indicate the onset of a dimensional crossover in this highly anisotropic system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition in low-dimensional TiOCl

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    We studied the transmittance and reflectance of the low-dimensional Mott-Hubbard insulator TiOCl in the infrared and visible frequency range as a function of pressure. The strong suppression of the transmittance and the abrupt increase of the near-infrared reflectance above 12 GPa suggest a pressure-induced insulator-to-metal transition. The pressure-dependent frequency shifts of the orbital excitations, as well as the pressure dependences of the charge gap and the spectral weight of the optical conductivity above the phase transition are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    General Relativistic Rossby-Haurwitz waves of a slowly and differentially rotating fluid shell

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    We show that, at first order in the angular velocity, the general relativistic description of Rossby-Haurwitz waves (the analogues of r-waves on a thin shell) can be obtained from the corresponding Newtonian one after a coordinate transformation. As an application, we show that the results recently obtained by Rezzolla and Yoshida (2001) in the analysis of Newtonian Rossby-Haurwitz waves of a slowly and differentially rotating, fluid shell apply also in General Relativity, at first order in the angular velocity.Comment: 4 pages. Comment to Class. Quantum Grav. 18(2001)L8

    Evolution equations for slowly rotating stars

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    We present a hyperbolic formulation of the evolution equations describing non-radial perturbations of slowly rotating relativistic stars in the Regge--Wheeler gauge. We demonstrate the stability preperties of the new evolution set of equations and compute the polar w-modes for slowly rotating stars.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure
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