2,030 research outputs found

    Finite-Size Effects and Operator Product Expansions in a CFT for d>2

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    The large momentum expansion for the inverse propagator of the auxiliary field λ(x)\lambda(x) in the conformally invariant O(N) vector model is calculated to leading order in 1/N, in a strip-like geometry with one finite dimension of length LL for 2<d<42<d<4. Its leading terms are identified as contributions from λ(x)\lambda(x) itself and the energy momentum tensor, in agreement with a previous calculation based on conformal operator product expansions. It is found that a non-trivial cancellation takes place by virtue of the gap equation. The leading coefficient of the energy momentum tensor contribution is shown to be related to the free energy density.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX 2 eps figures, minor changes in text. Revised version to be published in Phys.Lett. B. email: [email protected] [email protected]

    Covariant gaussian approximation in Ginzburg - Landau model

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    Condensed matter systems undergoing second order transition away from the critical fluctuation region are usually described sufficiently well by the mean field approximation. The critical fluctuation region, determined by the Ginzburg criterion, T/Tc1Gi\left \vert T/T_{c}-1\right \vert \ll Gi, is narrow even in high TcT_{c} superconductors and has universal features well captured by the renormalization group method. However recent experiments on magnetization, conductivity and Nernst effect suggest that fluctuations effects are large in a wider region both above and below TcT_{c}. In particular some "pseudogap" phenomena and strong renormalization of the mean field critical temperature TmfT_{mf} can be interpreted as strong fluctuations effects that are nonperturbative (cannot be accounted for by "gaussian fluctuations"). The physics in a broader region therefore requires more accurate approach. Self consistent methods are generally "non - conserving" in the sense that the Ward identities are not obeyed. This is especially detrimental in the symmetry broken phase where, for example, Goldstone bosons become massive. Covariant gaussian approximation remedies these problems. The Green's functions obey all the Ward identities and describe the fluctuations much better. The results for the order parameter correlator and magnetic penetration depth of the Ginzburg - Landau model of superconductivity are compared with both Monte Carlo simulations and experiments in high TcT_{c} cuprates.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Signature of Schwinger's pair creation rate via radiation generated in graphene by strong electric current

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    Electron - hole pairs are copuously created by an applied electric field near the Dirac point in graphene or similar 2D electronic systems. It was shown recently that for sufficiently large electric fields and ballistic times the I-V characteristics become strongly nonlinear due to Schwinger's pair creation. Since there is no energy gap the radiation from the pairs' annihilation is enhanced. The spectrum of radiation is calculated. The angular and polarization dependence of the emitted photons with respect to the graphene sheet is quite distinctive. For very large currents the recombination rate becomes so large that it leads to the second Ohmic regime due to radiation friction.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    On the Free-Energy of Three-Dimensional CFTs and Polylogarithms

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    We study the O(N) vector model and the U(N) Gross-Neveu model with fixed total fermion number, in three dimensions. Using non-trivial polylogarithmic identities, we calculate the large-N renormalized free-energy density of these models, at their conformal points in a ``slab'' geometry with one finite dimension of length L. We comment on the possible implications of our results.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 2 eps figures; v2 typos corrected; v3 Expanded discussion of the results, added reference

    Phase diagram of the three-dimensional NJL model

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    With the exception of confinement the three-dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL_3) model incorporates many of the essential properties of QCD. We discuss the critical properties of the model at nonzero temperature T and/or nonzero chemical potential μ\mu. We show that the universality class of the thermal transition is that of the d=2 classical spin model with the same symmetry. We provide evidence for the existence of a tricritical point in the (μ\mu,temperature) plane. We also discuss numerical results by Hands et al. which showed that the system is critical for μ>μc\mu>\mu_c and the diquark condensate is zero.Comment: 3 pages, To appear in the proceedings of Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP 2002), Julich, Germany, 9-14 Jun 200

    Ballistic transport, chiral anomaly and emergence of the neutral electron - hole plasma in graphene

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    The process of coherent creation of particle - hole excitations by an electric field in graphene is quantitatively described using a dynamic "first quantized" approach. We calculate the evolution of current density, number of pairs and energy in ballistic regime using the tight binding model. The series in electric field strength EE up to third order in both DC and AC are calculated. We show how the physics far from the two Dirac points enters various physical quantities in linear response and how it is related to the chiral anomaly. The third harmonic generation and the imaginary part of conductivity are obtained. It is shown that at certain time scale tnlE1/2t_{nl}\propto E^{-1/2} the physical behaviour dramatically changes and the perturbation theory breaks down. Beyond the linear response physics is explored using an exact solution of the first quantized equations. While for small electric fields the I-V curve is linear characterized by the universal minimal resistivity σ=π/2(e2/h)\sigma =\pi /2(e^{2}/h)%, at t>tnlt>t_{nl} the conductivity grows fast. The copious pair creation (with rate E3/2E^{3/2}), analogous to Schwinger's electron - positron pair creation from vacuum in QED, leads to creation of the electron - hole plasma at ballistic times of order tnlt_{nl}. This process is terminated by a relaxational recombination.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures

    Electrical conductivity beyond linear response in layered superconductors under magnetic field

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    The time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau approach is used to investigate nonlinear response of a strongly type-II superconductor. The dissipation takes a form of the flux flow which is quantitatively studied beyond linear response. Thermal fluctuations, represented by the Langevin white noise, are assumed to be strong enough to melt the Abrikosov vortex lattice created by the magnetic field into a moving vortex liquid and marginalize the effects of the vortex pinning by inhomogeneities. The layered structure of the superconductor is accounted for by means of the Lawrence-Doniach model. The nonlinear interaction term in dynamics is treated within Gaussian approximation and we go beyond the often used lowest Landau level approximation to treat arbitrary magnetic fields. The I-V curve is calculated for arbitrary temperature and the results are compared to experimental data on high-TcT_{c} superconductor YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O%_{7-\delta}.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure