10,943 research outputs found

    Effects of maternal subnutrition during early pregnancy on cow hematological profiles and offspring physiology and vitality in two beef breeds

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    This experiment evaluated the effects of subnutrition during early gestation on hematology in cows (Bos Taurus) and on hematological, metabolic, endocrine, and vitality parameters in their calves. Parda de Montaña and Pirenaica dams were inseminated and assigned to either a control (CONTROL, 100% requirements) or a nutrient‐restricted group (SUBNUT, 65%) during the first third of gestation. Dam blood samples were collected on days 20 and 253 of gestation, and calf samples were obtained during the first days of life. Pirenaica dams presented higher red series parameters than Parda de Montaña dams, both in the first and the last months of gestation. During early pregnancy, granulocyte numbers and mean corpuscular hemoglobin were lower in Pirenaica‐SUBNUT than in Pirenaica‐CONTROL cows. Calves from the SUBNUT cows did not show a physiological reduction in red series values in early life, suggesting later maturation of the hematopoietic system. Poor maternal nutrition affected calf endocrine parameters. Newborns from dystocic parturitions showed lower NEFA concentrations and weaker vitality responses. In conclusion, maternal nutrition had short‐term effects on cow hematology, Pirenaica cows showing a higher susceptibility to undernutrition; and a long‐term effect on their offspring endocrinology, SUBNUT newborns showing lower levels of IGF‐1 and higher levels of cortisol.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business and the European Union Regional Development Funds (INIA RTA 2013‐00059‐C02 and INIA RZP 2015‐001) and the Government of Aragon under the Grant Research Group Funds (A14_17R). A. Noya received a PhD grant from INIA‐Government of Aragon

    Determinação de herbicidas em água por enriquecimento em discos de extração.

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    Visando à identificação e quantificação de dezenove (19) herbicidas supostamente presentes em águas da bacia do rio Corumbataí, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, por causa do uso de agrotóxicos no cultivo predominante da região, cana de açúcar, foi desenvolvido método multiresíduos para análise desses herbicidas. A detecção e separação dos compostos foi efetuada por cromatografia gasosa com detector específico de nitrogênio e fósforo (NPD) para 8 dos herbicidas, com a utilização de coluna DB-5 30,0m x 0,25mm x 1.0µm, a qual apresentou a melhor resposta dentre as utilizadas. Por cromatografia líquida com detector ultravioleta-visível (UV-VIS) os demais herbicidas, foram separados utilizando coluna Lichrosorb RP-18, 5µm x 250mm x 4,6mm. A intenção de estabelecer método único de extração de resíduos de herbicidas trouxe a vantagem da rapidez no processo e permitiu o uso de volumes adequados de amostras, assim como a utilização de dois sistemas de detecção facilitou a separação dos analitos

    Polarization Diffusion from Spacetime Uncertainty

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    A model of Lorentz invariant random fluctuations in photon polarization is presented. The effects are frequency dependent and affect the polarization of photons as they propagate through space. We test for this effect by confronting the model with the latest measurements of polarization of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) photons.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Procedimento para linearização de isotermas de adsorção de clomazone.

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    O comportamento de produtos químicos em solos resulta de numerosas interações com os constituintes de suas diferentes frações, especialmente com minerais de argila e materiais húmicos. A partição dos herbicidas entre as fases líquida, sólida e gasosa determina seu movimento e grau de disponibilidade em solos e, conseqüentemente, no ambiente. A relação quantitativa entre o que é retido nas frações sólidas do solo ? adsorção ? e o que permanece em solução, em equilíbrio, é descrita por isotermas de adsorção. O conhecimento dessa relação permite que, através de técnicas de modelagem, se façam predições do destino do produto, em termos de contaminação ambiental. Neste trabalho mostra-se a obtenção de isotermas de adsorção através do ajuste linear de dados experimentais obtidos no laboratório a modelos matemáticos utilizados em estudos de adsorção, obtendo-se estimativas do coeficiente de adsorção de clomazone em Planossolo utilizado para cultivo de arroz irrigado no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Otimização da separação cromatográfica de dissulfeto de carbono para aplicação na análise de resíduos de ditiocarbamatos por CG/FPD.

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    Foram otimizadas as condições para separação cromatográfica de CS2 na análise de ditiocarbamatos por cromatografia gasosa utilizando detector fotométrico de chama no modo enxofre. Foram utilizadas as colunas capilares: Chrompack CP-SIL 8-CB de 5% fenil 95% metilpolisiloxano de 50m x 0,32mm x 1,2mm; Restek RTX-1, 100% dimetilpolisiloxano com 30m x 0,32mm x 4mm e a megabore de poliestireno divinilbenzeno, HP PLOT-Q de 30m x 0,53mm x 40mm. Para cada coluna foi obtido o limite de detecção de 0,05mg mL-1; 0,27mg mL-1 e 0,03mg mL-1, respectivamente. A coluna HP Plot-Q foi a que permitiu melhor quantificação do dissulfeto de carbono tendo apresentado resolução e simetria de pico muito superior as demais colunas avaliadas

    Factorization of the Two Loop Four-Particle Amplitude in Superstring Theory Revisited

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    We study in detail the factorization of the newly obtained two-loop four-particle amplitude in superstring theory. In particular some missing factors from the scalar correlators are obtained correctly, in comparing with a previous study of the factorization in two-loop superstring theory. Some details for the calculation of the factorization of the kinematic factor are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2, minor corrections and references update

    The Modular Group, Operator Ordering, and Time in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity

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    A choice of time-slicing in classical general relativity permits the construction of time-dependent wave functions in the ``frozen time'' Chern-Simons formulation of (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity. Because of operator ordering ambiguities, however, these wave functions are not unique. It is shown that when space has the topology of a torus, suitable operator orderings give rise to wave functions that transform under the modular group as automorphic functions of arbitrary weights, with dynamics determined by the corresponding Maass Laplacians on moduli space.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Coulomb gas representation of quantum Hall effect on Riemann surfaces

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    Using the correlation function of chiral vertex operators of the Coulomb gas model, we find the Laughlin wavefunctions of quantum Hall effect, with filling factor ν=1/m\nu =1/m, on Riemann sufaces with Poincare metric. The same is done for quasihole wavefunctions. We also discuss their plasma analogy.Comment: 10 pages, LaTex, the paper is completely rewritten, It will be appeared in : Jour. Phys. A 32 (1999

    A negative mass theorem for surfaces of positive genus

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    We define the "sum of squares of the wavelengths" of a Riemannian surface (M,g) to be the regularized trace of the inverse of the Laplacian. We normalize by scaling and adding a constant, to obtain a "mass", which is scale invariant and vanishes at the round sphere. This is an anlaog for closed surfaces of the ADM mass from general relativity. We show that if M has positive genus then on each conformal class, the mass attains a negative minimum. For the minimizing metric, there is a sharp logarithmic Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality and a Moser-Trudinger-Onofri type inequality.Comment: 8 page