592 research outputs found

    Viewing Time Measures of Sexual Interest and Sexual Offending Propensity: An Online Survey of Fathers

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    Relative viewing times (VTs)-time required to view and evaluate sexually salient images-discriminate individuals with a sexual interest in children, as indirectly indexed by their history of sexual offending against children, from those without such history. In an online sample of 652 fathers, we measured VTs and sexual attraction ratings to child and adult images. We assessed participants' sexual offending history and propensity (self-reported likelihood to have a sexual contact with a child, a non-consensual sexual contact with an adult, and propensity toward father-daughter incest). In contrast with VT studies involving clinical or forensic samples, VTs and attraction ratings failed to discriminate participants with a sexual offending history. VTs successfully distinguished participants with a propensity to sexually offend against children but failed to identify those with a propensity toward incest. Conversely, attraction ratings distinguished participants with a propensity toward incest but failed to identify those with a propensity to sexually offend against children. Correlations between VTs and attraction ratings were small. Results illustrate, for the first time, the distribution of VT measures in community fathers, support the feasibility of online administration of VT tasks to detect propensity to sexually offend against children, and indicate that sexual interest in children and incest propensity are distinct

    Brain responses in aggression-prone individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of anger- and aggression-eliciting tasks

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    Reactive aggression in response to perceived threat or provocation is part of humans' adaptive behavioral repertoire. However, high levels of aggression can lead to the violation of social and legal norms. Understanding brain function in individuals with high levels of aggression as they process anger- and aggression-eliciting stimuli is critical for refining explanatory models of aggression and thereby improving interventions. Three neurobiological models of reactive aggression - the limbic hyperactivity, prefrontal hypoactivity, and dysregulated limbic-prefrontal connectivity models - have been proposed. However, these models are based on neuroimaging studies involving mainly non-aggressive individuals, leaving it unclear which model best describes brain function in those with a history of aggression. We conducted a systematic literature search (PubMed and Psycinfo) and Multilevel Kernel Density meta-analysis (MKDA) of nine functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies (eight included in the between-group analysis [i.e., aggression vs. control groups], five in the within-group analysis). Studies examined brain responses to tasks putatively eliciting anger and aggression in individuals with a history of aggression alone and relative to controls. Individuals with a history of aggression exhibited greater activity in the superior temporal gyrus and in regions comprising the cognitive control and default mode networks (right posterior cingulate cortex, precentral gyrus, precuneus, right inferior frontal gyrus) during reactive aggression relative to baseline conditions. Compared to controls, individuals with a history of aggression exhibited increased activity in limbic regions (left hippocampus, left amygdala, left parahippocampal gyrus) and temporal regions (superior, middle, inferior temporal gyrus), and reduced activity in occipital regions (left occipital cortex, left calcarine cortex). These findings lend support to the limbic hyperactivity model in individuals with a history of aggression, and further indicate altered temporal and occipital activity in anger- and aggression-eliciting conditions involving face and speech processing

    Clinical validation results of an innovative non-invasive device for colorectal cancer preventive screening through fecal exhalation analysis

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    Screening is recommended to reduce both incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer. Currently, many countries employ fecal occult blood test (FOBT). In Emilia-Romagna (Italy), since 2005, FOBT immunochemical version (FIT) is performed every two years on people aged between 50 and 69 years. A colonoscopy is then carried out on those who are FIT positive. However, FIT shows approximately 65% false positives (non-tumoral bleedings), leading to many negative colonoscopies. The use of an economic and easy-to-use method to check FOBT-positives will improve screening effectiveness, reducing costs to the national health service. This work illustrates the results of a three-year clinical validation protocol (started in 2016) of a patented device composed of a core of nanostructured gas sensors. This device was designed to identify CRC presence by fecal volatile compounds, with a non-invasive, in vitro and low-cost analysis. Feces are, in fact, affected by tumor-volatile biomarkers, produced by cellular peroxidation and metabolic alterations. The protocol consisted in the analysis of fecal samples of FIT-positive subjects, using colonoscopy as a gold standard. A total of 398 samples were analyzed with machine learning techniques, leading to a sensitivity and specificity of 84.1% and 82.4%, respectively, and a positive predictive value of 72% (25–35% for FIT)

    The tumor suppressor gene fat modulates the EGFR-mediated proliferation control in the imaginal tissues of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Molecules involved in cell adhesion can regulate both early signal transduction events, triggered by soluble factors, and downstream events involved in cell cycle progression. Correct integration of these signals allows appropriate cellular growth, differentiation and ultimately tissue morphogenesis, but incorrect interpretation contributes to pathologies such as tumor growth. The Fat cadherin is a tumor suppressor protein required in Drosophila for epithelial morphogenesis, proliferation control and epithelial planar polarization, and its loss results in a hyperplastic growth of imaginal tissues. While several molecular events have been characterized through which fat participates in the establishment of the epithelial planar polarity, little is known about mechanisms underlying fat-mediated control of cell proliferation. Here we provide evidence that fat specifically cooperates with the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway in controlling cell proliferation in developing imaginal epithelia. Hyperplastic larval and adult fat structures indeed undergo an amazing, synergistic enlargement following to EGFR oversignalling. We further show that such a strong functional interaction occurs downstream of MAPK activation through the transcriptional regulation of genes involved in the EGFR nuclear signalling. Considering that fat mutation shows di per se a hyperplastic phenotype, we suggest a model in which fat acts in parallel to EGFR pathway in transducing different cell communication signals: furthermore its function is requested downstream of MAPK for a correct rendering of the growth signals converging to the epidermal growth factor receptor. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Global oral cholera vaccine use, 2013-2018

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    Vaccination is a key intervention to prevent and control cholera in conjunction with water, sanitation and hygiene activities. An oral cholera vaccine (OCV) stockpile was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2013. We reviewed its use from July 2013 to all of 2018 in order to assess its role in cholera control. We computed information related to OCV deployments and campaigns conducted including setting, target population, timelines, delivery strategy, reported adverse events, coverage achieved, and costs. In 2013-2018, a total of 83,509,941 OCV doses have been requested by 24 countries, of which 55,409,160 were approved and 36,066,010 eventually shipped in 83 deployments, resulting in 104 vaccination campaigns in 22 countries. OCVs had in general high uptake (mean administrative coverage 1st dose campaign at 90.3%; 2nd dose campaign at 88.2%; mean survey-estimated two-dose coverage at 69.9%, at least one dose at 84.6%) No serious adverse events were reported. Campaigns were organized quickly (five days median duration). In emergency settings, the longest delay was from the occurrence of the emergency to requesting OCV (median: 26days). The mean cost of administering one dose of vaccine was 2.98 USD. The OCV stockpile is an important public health resource. OCVs were generally well accepted by the population and their use demonstrated to be safe and feasible in all settings. OCV was an inexpensive intervention, although timing was a limiting factor for emergency use. The dynamic created by the establishment of the OCV stockpile has played a role in the increased use of the vaccine by setting in motion a virtuous cycle by which better monitoring and evaluation leads to better campaign organization, better cholera control, and more requests being generated. Further work is needed to improve timeliness of response and contextualize strategies for OCV delivery in the various settings

    Ordered Arrays of SiGe Islands from Low-Energy PECVD

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    SiGe islands have been proposed for applications in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics and thermoelectrics. Although most of the works in literature are based on MBE, one of the possible advantages of low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (LEPECVD) is a wider range of deposition rates, which in turn results in the possibility of growing islands with a high Ge concentration. We will show that LEPECVD can be effectively used for the controlled growth of ordered arrays of SiGe islands. In order to control the nucleation of the islands, patterned Si (001) substrates were obtained by e-beam lithography (EBL) and dry etching. We realized periodic circular pits with diameters ranging from 80 to 300 nm and depths from 65 to 75 nm. Subsequently, thin films (0.8–3.2 nm) of pure Ge were deposited by LEPECVD, resulting in regular and uniform arrays of Ge-rich islands. LEPECVD allowed the use of a wide range of growth rates (0.01–0.1 nm s−1) and substrates temperatures (600–750°C), so that the Ge content of the islands could be varied. Island morphology was characterized by AFM, while μ-Raman was used to analyze the Ge content inside the islands and the composition differences between islands on patterned and unpatterned areas of the substrate

    Thermal plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster: A comparison of geographic populations

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    BACKGROUND: Populations of Drosophila melanogaster show differences in many morphometrical traits according to their geographic origin. Despite the widespread occurrence of these differences in more than one Drosophila species, the actual selective mechanisms controlling the genetic basis of such variation are not fully understood. Thermal selection is considered to be the most likely cause explaining these differences. RESULTS: In our work, we investigated several life history traits (body size, duration of development, preadult survival, longevity and productivity) in two tropical and two temperate natural populations of D. melanogaster recently collected, and in a temperate population maintained for twelve years at the constant temperature of 18°C in the laboratory. In order to characterise the plasticity of these life history traits, the populations were grown at 12, 18, 28 and 31.2°C. Productivity was the fitness trait that showed clearly adaptive differences between latitudinal populations: tropical flies did better in the heat but worse in the cold environments with respect to temperate flies. Differences for the plasticity of other life history traits investigated between tropical and temperate populations were also found. The differences were particularly evident at stressful temperatures (12 and 31.2°C). CONCLUSION: Our results evidence a better cold tolerance in temperate populations that seems to have been evolved during the colonisation of temperate countries by D. melanogaster Afrotropical ancestors, and support the hypothesis of an adaptive response of plasticity to the experienced environment
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