92 research outputs found

    An autocrine role for pituitary GABA: Activation of GABA-B receptors and regulation of growth hormone levels

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    There is increasing evidence suggesting that the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a local factor involved in the regulation of endocrine organs. Examples of such functions are documented in the pancreas, but recent results suggest that GABA may act in a similar way in the pituitary, in which GABA receptors are expressed and pituitary growth hormone (GH) cells provide a source of GABA. We hypothesised that GABA secreted in somatotropes may act as an autoregulatory signaling molecule. To test this hypothesis we first examined the nature of GABA receptors expressed by GH cells. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that GABA-B receptor subunits R1 and R2 are present in the whole rat pituitary. Laser microdissection of immunostained GH cells, followed by RT-PCR as well as immunoelectron microscopy, showed that GABA-B receptors are expressed on somatotropes. To investigate GABA-B receptor function in somatotropes, we used rat GH3 adenoma cells, which, like pituitary GH cells, express GABA-B R1 and R2 (as assessed by RT-PCR and immunoelectron microscopy) and produce GABA (checked by high performance liquid chromatography). After inhibition of endogenous GABA synthesis, GH production was stimulated by baclofen, a chromatography). After inhibition of endogenous GABA synthesis, GH production was stimulated by bactofen, a GABA-B receptor agonist. By contrast, blocking GABA-B receptors by an antagonist, phaclofen, decreased GH levels. We conclude that in GH-producing cells, GABA acts as an autocrine factor via GABA-B receptors to control GH levels. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel

    Rivastigmine Lowers Aβ and Increases sAPPα Levels, Which Parallel Elevated Synaptic Markers and Metabolic Activity in Degenerating Primary Rat Neurons

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    Overproduction of amyloid-β (Aβ) protein in the brain has been hypothesized as the primary toxic insult that, via numerous mechanisms, produces cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Cholinesterase inhibition is a primary strategy for treatment of AD, and specific compounds of this class have previously been demonstrated to influence Aβ precursor protein (APP) processing and Aβ production. However, little information is available on the effects of rivastigmine, a dual acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor, on APP processing. As this drug is currently used to treat AD, characterization of its various activities is important to optimize its clinical utility. We have previously shown that rivastigmine can preserve or enhance neuronal and synaptic terminal markers in degenerating primary embryonic cerebrocortical cultures. Given previous reports on the effects of APP and Aβ on synapses, regulation of APP processing represents a plausible mechanism for the synaptic effects of rivastigmine. To test this hypothesis, we treated degenerating primary cultures with rivastigmine and measured secreted APP (sAPP) and Aβ. Rivastigmine treatment increased metabolic activity in these cultured cells, and elevated APP secretion. Analysis of the two major forms of APP secreted by these cultures, attributed to neurons or glia based on molecular weight showed that rivastigmine treatment significantly increased neuronal relative to glial secreted APP. Furthermore, rivastigmine treatment increased α-secretase cleaved sAPPα and decreased Aβ secretion, suggesting a therapeutic mechanism wherein rivastigmine alters the relative activities of the secretase pathways. Assessment of sAPP levels in rodent CSF following once daily rivastigmine administration for 21 days confirmed that elevated levels of APP in cell culture translated in vivo. Taken together, rivastigmine treatment enhances neuronal sAPP and shifts APP processing toward the α-secretase pathway in degenerating neuronal cultures, which mirrors the trend of synaptic proteins, and metabolic activity

    Phosphatidylserine Increases IKBKAP Levels in Familial Dysautonomia Cells

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    Familial Dysautonomia (FD) is an autosomal recessive congenital neuropathy that results from abnormal development and progressive degeneration of the sensory and autonomic nervous system. The mutation observed in almost all FD patients is a point mutation at position 6 of intron 20 of the IKBKAP gene; this gene encodes the IκB kinase complex-associated protein (IKAP). The mutation results in a tissue-specific splicing defect: Exon 20 is skipped, leading to reduced IKAP protein expression. Here we show that phosphatidylserine (PS), an FDA-approved food supplement, increased IKAP mRNA levels in cells derived from FD patients. Long-term treatment with PS led to a significant increase in IKAP protein levels in these cells. A conjugate of PS and an omega-3 fatty acid also increased IKAP mRNA levels. Furthermore, PS treatment released FD cells from cell cycle arrest and up-regulated a significant number of genes involved in cell cycle regulation. Our results suggest that PS has potential for use as a therapeutic agent for FD. Understanding its mechanism of action may reveal the mechanism underlying the FD disease

    New Developments in Cholinergic Imaging in Alzheimer and Lewy Body Disorders

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    © 2020, This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply. Purpose of Review: This paper aims to review novel trends in cholinergic neuroimaging in Alzheimer and Lewy body parkinsonian disorders. Recent Findings: The spectrum of cholinergic imaging is expanding with the availability of spatially more precise radioligands that allow assessment of previously less recognized subcortical and cortical structures with more dense cholinergic innervation. In addition, advances in MRI techniques now allow quantitative structural or functional assessment of both the cholinergic forebrain and the pedunculopontine nucleus, which may serve as non-invasive prognostic predictors. Multimodal imaging approaches, such as PET-MRI or multiligand PET, offer new insights into the dynamic and interactive roles of the cholinergic system at both local and larger-scale neural network levels. Summary: Our understanding of the heterogeneous roles of the cholinergic system in age-related diseases is evolving. Multimodal imaging approaches that provide complimentary views of the cholinergic system will be necessary to shed light on the impact of cholinergic degeneration on regional and large-scale neural networks that underpin clinical symptom manifestation in neurodegeneration

    NSAIDs in animal models of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Brain inflammation is an underlying factor in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and epidemiological studies indicate that sustained use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduces the risk of AD and may delay its onset or slow its progression. Nevertheless, recent clinical trials have shown that NSAIDs do not alter the progression of AD. Neuroinflammation occurs in vulnerable regions of the AD brain where highly insoluble β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide deposits and neurofibrillary tangles, as well as damaged neurons and neurites, provide stimuli for inflammation. To elucidate the complex role of inflammation in neurodegenerative processes and the efficacy of NSAIDs in AD we developed an animal model of neuroinflammation/neurodegeneration in vivo. An “artificial plaque” was formed by injecting aggregated ß-amyloid peptide (A(1-40) or A(1-42)) into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) of rats. We investigated several aspects of the neuroinflammatory reaction around the “artificial plaque” such as microglia and astrocyte activation, production of proinflammatory compounds, activation of cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2), p38 Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (p38MAPK) and induction of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS). Finally, degeneration of cortically projecting cholinergic neurons was also evaluated by means of immunohistochemistry and microdialysis. We examined whether the attenuation of brain inflammatory reaction by NSAIDs and NO-donors may protect neurons against neurodegeneration. The data reported in this review show that in in vivo model of brain inflammation and neurodegeneration, the administration of NSAIDs and NO-donors prevent not only the inflammatory reaction, but also the cholinergic hypofunction. Our data may help elucidating the role of neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of AD and the ability of anti-inflammatory agents to reduce the risk of developing AD and to slow its progression


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    Brain inflammatory processes underlie the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a protective effect in the disease. The aim of this work was to study in vivo whether attenuation of brain inflammatory response to excitotoxic insult by the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, rofecoxib, may prevent neurodegeneration, as a contribution to a better understanding of the role inflammation plays in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease. We investigated, by immunohistochemical methods, glia reaction, the activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) pathway with an antibody selective for the phosphorylated form of the enzyme and the number of choline acetyltransferase-positive neurons and, by in vivo microdialysis, cortical extracellular levels of acetylcholine following the injection of quisqualic acid into the right nucleus basalls of adult rats. Seven days after injection, a marked reduction in the number of choline acetyltransferase-positive neurons was found, along with an intense glia reaction, selective activation of p38MAPK at the injection site and a significant decrease in the extracellular levels of acetylcholine in the cortex ipsilateral to the injection site. The loss of cholinergic neurons persisted for at least up to 28 days. Rofecoxib (3 mg/kg/day, starting 1 h prior to injection of quisqualic acid) treatment for 7 days significantly attenuated glia activation and prevented the loss of choline acetyltransferase-positive cells and a decrease in cortical acetylcholine release. The prevention of cholinergic cell loss by rofecoxib occurred concomitantly with the inhibition of p38MAPK phosphorylation. Our findings suggest an important role of brain inflammatory reaction in cholinergic degeneration and demonstrate a neuroprotective effect of rofecoxib, presumably mediated through the inhibition of p38MAPK phosphorylation

    Changes in synaptosomal high affinity choline uptake following electrical stimulation of guinea-pig cortical slices: effect of atropine and physostigmine.

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    Superfused guinea-pig cortical slices were electrically stimulated at different frequencies and the changes in acetylcholine (ACh) content measured. Synaptosomes were prepared at the end of the stimulation period and high affinity choline uptake (HACU) rate was measured. 2 The effect of increasing KC1 concentrations was compared on ACh content of the slices and on synaptosomal HACU. 3 Electrical stimulation (2, 5, 10, 20 Hz) elicited a frequency-dependent linear increase in synaptosomal HACU rate and a decrease in ACh content of the slices. 4 The addition of atropine (1.5 x 10(-8) M) to the slices enhanced and that of physostigmine (3 x 10(-5) M) reduced the frequency-dependent increase in HACU rate. Atropine (1.5 x 10(-6) M) not only antagonized the effect of physostigmine, but the HACU rate measured after treatment with both drugs was larger than that found after atropine alone. 5 These results indicate that in the cortical cholinergic nerve endings, depolarization caused by electrical stimulation is coupled with an increase in choline transport which can be modulated by the addition of atropine or physostigmine. Furthermore, within given experimental conditions a linear relationship exists between the reciprocal of ACh content in the slices and synaptosomal HACU