111 research outputs found

    Assessment and selection of geomorphosites and trails in the Miage Glacier Area (Western Italian Alps)

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    Glacial environments are considered geomorphosites because they exhibit all of the features that characterise sites of geomorphological interest. The Miage Glacier, in particular, is the most important debris-covered glacier of the Italian Alps, and it has been extensively studied since the 18th century because of its scientific features. In this area, the geomorphological and geological attributes are evaluated at 11 sites that have been individuated along the three main touristic trails, which allow an exploration of the surroundings of the glacial tongue and its two main lobes. Using a methodology previously tested in a fluvial environment, single sites and trails are quantitatively assessed to determine the most suitable trail for educational purposes. Hazards that could potentially affect the trails are considered in terms of both risk education and final selection of the most suitable trails for the various possible user groups. The richness of scientific data in this area should increase its importance as a geomorphosite by increasing the educational value of the Miage Glacier and the Veny Valley

    Geoheritage and sport climbing activities : using the Montestrutto cliff (Austroalpine domain, Western Alps) as an example of scientific and educational representativeness

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    Numerous sites of geological and geomorphological interest (i.e., geosites or geomorphosites) have been recently individuated around the Alps, testifying to the great geodiversity that chara - cterises this mountain range. Some rock cliffs that have been locally equipped as sport climbing sites may also be considered as sites of geological and geomorphological interest: The combination of features such as educational exemplarity and geohistorical importance increase the scientific value of these sites. Progression along climbing routes is intimately connected with the geological and geomorphological features of the cliff; thus, it may be possible to interest typical climbers in the area of the Earth Sciences. A research study was conducted at the Montestrutto climbing wall (Western Alps, Italy), which is located in the Eclogitic Mica - schist Complex of the Austroalpine Domain, with the following objectives: i) to reconstruct the deformation stages at local scales along the sport climbing wall and in the surroundings; ii) to analyse how geological elements are related to the physical elements needed for vertical progression to strengthen the link among geology, morphology and the grade of the routes, and finally iii) to use previous results to evaluate the potential of Montestrutto as a geosite. The detailed study consisted of the quantitative analysis of five routes of varying degrees of difficulty, which produced an interesting relationship among the level of difficulty of the routes and the geological and geomorphological features of the sport climbing wall. The Montestrutto cliff is considered to be a valuable geosite because of the scientific importance (e.g., representativeness, educational exemplarity and geohistorical importance) associated with its high cultural and socio-economic value and high potential for use. Sport climbing in sites such as Montestrutto, which are both scientifically significant and accessible, also in terms of the level of climbing difficulty, could be considered as a possible vehicle for stimulating public interest in the Earth Sciences

    Tree-ring–based summer mean temperature variations in the Adamello–Presanella Group (Italian Central Alps), 1610–2008 AD

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    Abstract. Climate records from remote mountain sites and for century-long periods are usually lacking for most continents and also for the European Alps. However, detailed reconstructions of climate parameters for pre-instrumental periods in mountain areas, suffering of glacial retreat caused by recent global warming, are needed in the view of a better comprehension of the environmental dynamics. We present here the first annually-resolved reconstruction of summer (JJA) mean temperature for the Adamello–Presanella Group (Central European Alps), one of the most glaciated mountain groups of the Italian Central Alps. The reconstruction has been based on four larch tree-ring width chronologies derived from living trees sampled in four valleys surrounding the Group. The reconstruction spans from 1610 to 2008 and the statistical verification of the reconstruction demonstrates the positive skill of the tree-ring dataset in tracking summer temperature variability also in the recent period

    I Ghiacciai della Val Sissone (Valtellina, Alpi Retiche) e la loro storia olocenica

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    La ricostruzione dell\u2019evoluzione di alcuni ghiacciai della Val Sissone (Alpi Retiche), in particolare quello del Disgrazia, ha permesso di fornire un contributo alla conoscenza delle fluttuazioni glaciali alpine con particolare riguardo alla Piccola Et\ue0 Glaciale ed ai periodi pi\uf9 recenti. Attraverso l\u2019utilizzo di diversi metodi di datazione (radiocarbonio, dendrogeomorfologia, documentazione storica), la massima espansione olocenica dell\u2019apparato glaciale del Disgrazia dovrebbe collocarsi dopo il XIV secolo, con altre espansioni negli anni \u201920-\u201830 o negli anni \u201950 del XIX secolo ed infine negli anni \u201920 e \u201980 del XX secolo. La tendenza del XX secolo, documentata da misure dirette delle variazioni frontali, \ue8 stata in ogni caso nettamente negativa e ha portato la fronte del Disgrazia ad arretrare di circa 1 km.The reconstruction of the evolution of some Val Sissone glaciers (Rhetian Alps, Italy), with particular attention to the Disgrazia Glacier, gives a contribution to the knowledge of the glacial fluctuations since the Little Ice Age in the Italian Alps. By utilizing different dating methods (radiocarbon, dendrogeomorphology, historical documentation), it is possible to attribute the maximum glacial advance to a period after the XIX Century. Other glacier expansion phases belong to the '20 yrs of the XIX Century and to the '20 and '80 years of the XX Century. The XX Century trend, based on terminus variation direct measurements, was in any case absolutely negative and caused a retreat of the Disgrazia Glacier snout of about 1 k

    Fieldtrips and Virtual Tours as Geotourism Resources: Examples from the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (NW Italy)

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    In the 20th anniversary year of the European Geopark Network, and 5 years on from the receipt of the UNESCO label for the geoparks, this research focuses on geotourism contents and solutions within one of the most recently designated geoparks, admitted for membership in 2013: the Sesia Val Grande UNESCO Global Geopark (Western Italian Alps). The main aim of this paper is to corroborate the use of fieldtrips and virtual tours as resources for geotourism. The analysis is developed according to: i) geodiversity and geoheritage of the geopark territory; ii) different approaches for planning fieldtrip and virtual tours. The lists of 18 geotrails, 68 geosites and 13 off-site geoheritage elements (e.g., museums, geolabs) are provided. Then, seven trails were selected as a mirror of the geodiversity and as container of on-site and off-site geoheritage within the geopark. They were described to highlight the different approaches that were implemented for their valorization. Most of the geotrails are equipped with panels, and supported by the presence of thematic laboratories or sections in museums. A multidisciplinary approach (e.g., history, ecology) is applied to some geotrails, and a few of them are translated into virtual tours. The variety of geosciences contents of the geopark territory is hence viewed as richness, in term of high geodiversity, but also in term of diversification for its valorization

    Climate change effects on landscape and environment in glacierized Alpine areas: retreating glaciers and enlarging forelands in the Bernina group (Italy) in the period 1954–2007

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    We analysed the recent involution of glaciers in the Bernina group (Italy), which are shrinking thus permitting a rapid enlargement of the forelands. We delimited glacier outlines upon aerial photographs (1954 and 1981 stereo pairs analysed through an optical system) and orthophotos (2003 and 2007 digital imagines directly managed via GIS software). All the obtained data were overlapped and compared. The estimated glacier area change during 1954\u20132007 was 1236.5 \ub1 2.4% ( 1216.2 \ub1 0.4 km2). The changes sped up more recently; in fact, during 1981\u20131954 (27 years) the variation was 120.206 km2/y, against 120.387 km2/y during 1981\u20132003 (22 years), and 120.535 km2/y during 2007\u20132003 (4 years). In the 1954\u20132007 period, the forelands experienced a continuous increase (+14.7 km2). Moreover, the analysis of the colour orthophotos allowed observations of: (i) changes a\ufb00ecting shape and geometry of glaciers (growing rock outcrops, tongue separations, increasing supraglacial debris and collapse structures) and (ii) main features of glacier forelands (bare rock exposures, debris and sediments and, in the latter case, occurrence of vegetation colonizing such pristine areas). Glacier forelands resulted also subjected to the action of melting water, debris transport, and periglacial processes, with consequences on landscape and geoheritage

    Landscapes of Northern Lombardy: from the glacial scenery of Upper Valtellina to the prealpine lacustrine environment of Lake Como

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    In the region between Valtellina and Lake Como in the Central Italian Alps, one can visit, in a relatively small area, some of the best examples of mountain geomorphological landscapes of Italy. Eight specific sites-showing peculiar glacial, periglacial, structural, gravity-induced and erosional landforms-have been selected to illustrate how different landscapes may originate from geomorphological modelling of different lithotypes in different morphogenetic systems. These eight sites are exemplary cases in which significant evidence of past and current climatic and structural conditions characterising this region is exhibited
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