1,936 research outputs found

    The effects of lengthening the school day on female labor supply: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Chile

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    In 1996, the Chilean government approved the extension of the school day, increasing the amount of time that students spend at school by 30%. Using data from the Chilean socio- economic household survey and administrative data from the Ministry of Education for 1990- 2006, we exploit the quasi-experimental nature of the reform’s implementation by time and region in order to identify the causal impact of the program on labor participation, employment and hours worked for women between 20 and 65 years old. The identification strategy relies on a fixed effect model of repeated cross-section. The results show a positive and significant effect on labor participation and female employment in all age groups and a negative and statistically significant effect on the number of hours worked. The main conclusion of this study is that the implicit childcare subsidy induced by the program had a positive and significant impact on the labor supply of women in Chile.Female labor supply; childcare; fertility; labor supply; Chile.

    Black-Hole Mass and Growth Rate at High Redshift

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    We present new H and K bands spectroscopy of 15 high luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at redshifts 2.3-3.4 obtained on Gemini South. We combined the data with spectra of additional 29 high-luminosity sources to obtain a sample with 10^{45.2}<\lambda L_{\lambda}(5100A)<10^{47.3} ergs/sec and black hole (BH) mass range, using reverberation mapping relationships based on the H_beta method, of 10^{8.8}-10^{10.7} M_sun. We do not find a correlation of L/L_Edd with M_BH but find a correlation with \lambda L_{\lambda}(5100A) which might be due to selection effects. The L/L_Edd distribution is broad and covers the range ~0.07-1.6, similar to what is observed in lower redshift, lower luminosity AGNs. We suggest that this consistently measured and calibrated sample gives the best representation of L/L_Edd at those redshifts and note potential discrepancies with recent theoretical and observational studies. The lower accretion rates are not in accord with growth scenarios for BHs at such redshifts and the growth times of many of the sources are longer than the age of the universe at the corresponding epochs. This suggests earlier episodes of faster growth at z>~3 for those sources. The use of the C IV method gives considerably different results and a larger scatter; this method seems to be a poor M_BH and L/L_Edd estimator at very high luminosity.Comment: 8 pages (emulateapj), 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Racial/ethnic heterogeneity in associations of blood pressure and incident cardiovascular disease by functional status in a prospective cohort: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.

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    OBJECTIVES:Research has demonstrated that the association between high blood pressure and outcomes is attenuated among older adults with functional limitations, compared with healthier elders. However, it is not known whether these patterns vary by racial/ethnic group. We evaluated race/ethnicity-specific patterns of effect modification in the association between blood pressure and incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) by functional status. SETTING:We used data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (2002-2004, with an average of 8.8 years of follow-up for incident CVD). We assessed effect modification of systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes by self-reported physical limitations and by age. PARTICIPANTS:The study included 6117 participants (aged 46 to 87; 40% white, 27% black, 22% Hispanic and 12% Chinese) who did not have CVD at the second study examination (when self-reported physical limitations were assessed). OUTCOME MEASURES:Incident CVD was defined as an incident myocardial infarction, coronary revascularisation, resuscitated cardiac arrest, angina, stroke (fatal or non-fatal) or death from CVD. RESULTS:We observed weaker associations between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and CVD among white adults with physical limitations (incident rate ratio (IRR) per 10 mm Hg higher SBP: 1.09 (95% CI 0.99 to 1.20)) than those without physical limitations (IRR 1.29 (1.19, 1.40); P value for interaction &lt;0.01). We found a similar pattern among black adults. Poor precision among the estimates for Hispanic or Chinese participants limited the findings in these groups. The attenuated associations were consistent across both multiplicative and additive scales, though physical limitations showed clearer patterns than age on an additive scale. CONCLUSION:Attenuated associations between high blood pressure and incident CVD were observed for blacks and whites with poor function, though small sample sizes remain a limitation for identifying differences among Hispanic or Chinese participants. Identifying the characteristics that distinguish those in whom higher SBP is associated with less risk of morbidity or mortality may inform our understanding of the consequences of hypertension among older adults

    Hospitalización por episodios de cianosis en recién nacidos de edad gestacional igual o mayor a 34 semanas

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    ResumenObjetivoCaracterizar la hospitalización por episodios de cianosis en recién nacidos (RN)>34semanas.Pacientes y métodoEstudio retrospectivo que incluyó la totalidad de los RN hospitalizados por episodios de cianosis entre enero de 2007 y diciembre de 2012. En ellos se aplicaron 2 protocolos de estudio que consideraban exámenes de primera y segunda línea; estos últimos ante la recurrencia de eventos. El protocolo de primera línea consideró exámenes bioquímicos generales, radiografía de tórax y ecocardiografía en casos seleccionados, en tanto que el protocolo de segunda línea incluyó electroencefalograma, electrocardiograma, resonancia magnética nuclear encefálica, screening metabólico ampliado, ácido pirúvico, ácido láctico y en caso de convulsiones, citoquímico y cultivo de líquido cefalorraquídeo y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para herpes.ResultadosNoventa y ocho de un total de 3.454 (2,8%) RN hospitalizados ingresaron por episodio de cianosis. La edad gestacional (EG) fue 37,8+1,36 semanas; peso al nacimiento: 3145+477g. Edad materna: 32+4,8 años. El 19,4% de las madres tenía antecedentes mórbidos: diabetes gestacional (8,1%), síndrome hipertensivo del embarazo (5,1%), colestasia intrahepática (3,1%) y retardo del crecimiento (3,1%). Género: 48,8% masculino, parto por cesárea: 68,4%. Edad al ingreso: 1,9+1,4 días; duración de la hospitalización: 4,2+4,2 días. En todos los pacientes se practicaron exámenes de primera línea y en el 39,8% exámenes de segunda línea. En el 21,4% de los RN se identificó una causa, siendo el síndrome convulsivo el más frecuente (33%). Los RN con diagnóstico asociado presentaron 3,8+2,7 episodios de cianosis versus 1,5+2,4 en el grupo sin diagnóstico (NS). El 15,4% se fueron de alta con monitor; no hubo reingresos.ConclusiónLa incidencia de hospitalización neonatal por episodios de cianosis fue de 6 por 1.000 RN vivos. Solo en cerca de un 20% de ellos es posible identificar una causa, siendo la más frecuente el síndrome convulsivo.AbstractObjectivesA retrospective study was performed between January 2007 and December 2012 to assess the admission rates of newborns due to episodes of cyanosisPatients and methodRetrospective study that included all the newborns hospitalized with episodes of cyanosis between January 2007 and December 2012. In them were employed two study protocols that considered first and second line tests, the latter in view of recurrence of events. The first line protocol considered general biochemical tests, chest x-ray and echocardiography in selected cases, while the second line protocol included electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, nuclear magnetic resonance of the brain, expanded metabolic screening, pyruvic acid, lactic acid, and in case of seizures, cytochemical, and culture of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for herpes.ResultsA total of 98 (2.8%) out of 3,454 newborns were admitted due to episodes of cyanosis. Gestational age: 37.8+1.4 weeks, birth weight: 3,145+477g. Maternal age: 32+4.8 years. Disease was present in 19.4% of mothers; gestational diabetes (8.1%), pregnancy induced hypertension (5.1%), intrahepatic cholestasis (3.1%), and intrauterine growth retardation (3.1%). Gender: 48.8% male, 51.2% female (NS). Birth: caesarean section, 68.4%, and vaginal delivery, 31.6%. Age on admission 1.9+1.4 days. Hospital stay: 4.2+4.2 days. First line tests were performed in 100% of patients with 39.8% fulfilling the criteria for second line study. A condition was detected in 21.4%, with convulsive syndrome was the most frequent (33%). Newborns with an identified condition had 3.8+2.7episodes versus 1.5+2,4 in those without diagnosis (NS). A home oxygen monitor was given to 15.4%. There were no re-admissions.ConclusionsMost newborns admitted due to cyanosis are discharged with a condition of unknown origin. In this study, convulsive syndrome was the most frequent cause