27 research outputs found

    Penanganan Illegal Tapping, Illegal Drilling dan Penyelewengan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Bersubsidi di Indonesia Tahun 2011-2015

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    Oil stealing with illegal tapping, illegal drilling and misusing of fuel subsidy mode had often occurred in the period of 2011 until 2015 in Indonesia. Indonesia incurred losses as much as ten billions every year. It was important to find out the efforts of Indonesia government because in 2011 until 2015, the number of stealing oil not only increased but also decreased. This research used qualitative method that tried to explain the efforts of Indonesia government. Furthermore, the efforts of Indonesia government were analyzed to find out the main factor why oil stealing still happened until present. The Institutional liberal theory was used for answering these phenomenon. The result showed that the efforts of Indonesia government were not enough. Indonesia government only focused on oil stealing and smuggling in domestic area, so it was the reason why oil stealing still happened in Indonesia. The International illegal oil trade syndicate that could not handle was the main reason related to oil stealing. Therefore, multilateral cooperation called institutional or regime cooperation that specifically against the International illegal oil trade syndicate was needed

    Analisis Penggunaan Pesawat Tanpa Awak (Drone) Dalam Kebijakan Kontraterorisme Amerika Serikat Di Pakistan Pasca 9/11

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    As a part of counterterrorism tool, the CIA\u27s armed drone was firstseen attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan on 2004. Some of criticism fromhumanitarian organization claimed that the attacks are inhumane,violate the International law and constitute a war crime. However, theUS government denied and contending that the drone attackscomplied with all applicable law, including the laws of war and thatthe method of attack is effective. This research attempts to explicatehow the US drone attacks in Pakistan and It also analyzes the factorsthat encourage the US to keep using drones as a weapon in counterterrorismin Pakistan despite the fact that the drone attacks havecaused the deaths of civilians in Pakistan

    Efektivitas Malacca Strait Patrol dalam Mengatasi Pembajakan dan Perampokan Bersenjata di Perairan Selat Malaka (2009-2014)

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    The Malacca Strait is a strategic lane under the sovereignty of four countries in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, which are highly vulnerable to maritime crimes, such as piracy and armed robbery against ships. Indonesia Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand are litoral states, which are fully responsible for everything that happens in the region. Piracy and armed robbery in the Malacca Strait are detrimental to litoral states and user states on the economic, economic, security and sovereignty aspects. The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of Malacca Strait Patrol in combating piracy and robbery in Malacca Strait 2009-2014. In this research, the researcher used institutional neo-liberal theory to analyze the effectiveness of Malacca Strait Patrol on each indicator of source or input approach, process approach, and target or output approach. The method of research is descriptive qualitative method, and doing technique of data collection of literature study and interview. The result of this research is that Malacca Strait Patrol has been successful and effective in combating piracy and armed robbery in the Malacca Strait based on the indicator of effectiveness on source or input approaches, process approaches, and target or output approaches. Litoral states have implemented all of the terms of reference (TOR) and standard operating procedures (SOP) of Malacca Strait Patrol (MSP) properly and correctly, so that the incidents of piracy and armed robbery in the Strait of Malacca can be minimalized

    Kerjasama Polri Dan Iom Dalam Menanggulangi Perdagangan Manusia Di Indonesia Tahun 2007-2013

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    For several years, Indonesia has become the source, transit, anddestination country for human trafficking. According to IOM,Indonesia is South-East Asia's second largest country for humantrafficking case after Thailand. To fight human trafficking inIndonesia, INP, as part of law enforcement body in Indonesia, hascooperated with IOM and givenspecial attention to this issue. Thisresearch aims to analyse thesupporting andobstructing factors to suchcooperation, considering the fluctuative number of human traffickingcase in Indonesia between 2007-2013. This research employs theoryof transnational crime, human rights, and liberal institusionalism todescribtively analysedata collected through interview as well as otherrelated literatures. The result shows that there are obstructing factorssuch as coordination, internal problem of INP, and time management,which hinder this cooperation from achieving its optimum outcome

    Pandangan Dunia Evolusioner dan Respon Iman Kristen

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    Abstract: The evolutionary worldview confirms its position since the discovery of various ancient human sites, and continues to develop with various genetic engineerings and protein discoveries as well as advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Initially the religious community was the party who felt most attacked by the theory of evolution because it stripped the Bible of the truth about the creation of the world and humans. Later some Catholic Church appreciative statements about the theory of evolution and the big bang theory, including Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's attempt to explain the evolution of human consciousness towards the cosmic Christ, showed a change in religion towards acceptance of the diversity of world views: religion, culture and science. This evolutionary world development raises ethical questions about what is religion’s contribution. One of them is the awareness about shadow. The awareness is derived from religion which teaches that men are created by God that even though unique, but mortal and finite creations. Shadow is liberation so that men are not shackled to matter. He is a fragile human who longs to evolve to be a Christ as the perfect human image.Abstraksi:Pandangan dunia evolusioner meneguhkan kedudukannya sejak penemuan berbagai situs manusia purba, dan terus berkembang dengan berbagai penemuan rekayasa genetik dan protein dan kemajuan di bidang teknologi artificial intelligence (AI). Semula kalangan agama menjadi pihak yang merasa paling diserang dengan teori evolusi karena melucuti kebenaran Alkitab tentang penciptaan dunia dan manusia. Belakangan beberapa pernyataan apresiatif Gereja Katolik terhadap teori evolusi dan teori big bang, termasuk usaha Pierre Teilhard de Chardin menjelaskan tentang evolusi kesadaran manusia menuju Kristus kosmis, memperlihatkan perubahan agama menuju penerimaan akan keragaman pandangan dunia: agama, budaya dan ilmu pengetahuan. Perkembangan dunia evolusioner ini memperhadapkan berbagai pertanyaan etis tentang apa sumbangan agama. Salah satunya adalah kesadaran tentang bayangan. Kesadaran akan bayangan diperoleh dari agama yang mengajarkan bahwa manusia yang diciptakan Tuhan, sekalipun unik, adalah ciptaan yang fana dan terbatas. Bayangan adalah pembebasan agar manusia tidak tertambat pada materi. Ia adalah manusia yang rapuh yang merindukan berevolusi menuju Kristus sebagai gambaran manusia yang sempurna