5 research outputs found

    Assessment of dietary lecithin and cholesterol requirements of mud crab, Scylla serrata, megalopa using semi-purified microbound diets

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    The effects of varying dietary lecithin and cholesterol levels on growth, development and survival of mud crab, Scylla serrata, megalopa were evaluated using six semi-purified, microbound diets formulated to be iso-energetic and containing three levels of supplemental lecithin (0, 20 and 40 g kg−1 diet dry weight) and two levels of supplemental cholesterol (0 and 7 g kg−1 diet dry weight). Fifteen megalopa were reared individually in each treatment and the nutritional value of diets was assessed on basis of mean dry weight and mean carapace width of newly settled first crab stage, as well as development time to the first crab stage and overall survival. A significant interaction between supplemental dietary lecithin and supplemental dietary cholesterol was found for final mean dry weight of newly settled crabs, and highest survival (60%) was recorded for megalopa fed diets containing the highest levels of dietary lecithin (39.7–44.1 g kg−1) (diet 5 and 6) regardless of whether diets were supplemented with cholesterol; this rate of survival was identical to that of megalopa fed live Artemia nauplii. The results indicate that supplemental dietary cholesterol may not be essential for mud crab megalopa when fed diets containing sufficient levels of supplemental dietary phospholipids

    Nutrition in relation to organic aquaculture: Sources and strategies

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    Organic production is a system of farm management and food production that combines best environmental practices, a high level of biodiversity, the preservation of natural resources, the application of high animal welfare standards and a production method in line with the preference of certain consumers for products produced using natural substances and processes. Mie et al. (2017) reviewed existing evidence on the impact of organic food on human health and compared organic versus conventional food production with respect to parameters important to human health. The review emphasised several documented human health benefits associated with organic food production and production methods and concluded that it is likely to be beneficial within the conventional agriculture, for example, in integrated pest management and antibiotics. This chapter covers aspects of current use of formulated feeds, feed composition, aquafeed technology, sustainable alternatives to common feed ingredients, nutritional physiology and general nutritional principles and product quality in the context of the organic aquaculture. It reviews new knowledge and presents research results to update and may modify the criteria and standards for organic aquaculture in relation to nutrition and thus to provide high-quality products for the consumers. This chapter is based on the current European regulation on organic aquaculture, as well as on the proposed revision of the European regulation, which is currently being approved after a long process for getting the agreement of the European Parliament, European Council and the European Commission