65 research outputs found

    Los factores formadores de los suelos de la Sierra de Gádor (Almería)

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    Se han estudiado la Geología, el Relieve, el Clima, la Vegetación y el Tiempo como factores de formación de los suelos del Sector Occidental de la Sierra de Gádor. Los factores que de forma principal controlan la distribución y las propiedades de los suelos desarrollados en calizas son la roca y la topografía. También las actividades humanas influyen grandemente en la morfología de estos suelos

    Analyzing the major drivers of NEE in a Mediterranean alpine shrubland

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    Two years of continuous measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) using the eddy covariance technique were made over a Mediterranean alpine shrubland. This ecosystem was found to be a net source of CO2 (+ 52 ± 7 g C m−2 and + 48 ± 7 g C m−2 for 2007 and 2008) during the two-year study period. To understand the reasons underlying this net release of CO2 into the atmosphere, we analysed the drivers of seasonal variability in NEE over these two years. We observed that the soil water availability – driven by the precipitation pattern – and the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) are the key factors for understanding both the carbon sequestration potential and the duration of the photosynthetic period during the growing season. Finally, the effects of the self-heating correction to CO2 and H2O fluxes measured with the open-path infrared gas analyser were evaluated. Applying the correction turned the annual CO2 budget in 2007 from a sink (− 135 ± 7 g C m−2) to a source (+ 52 ± 7 g C m−2). The magnitude of this change is larger than reported previously and is shown to be due to the low air density and cold temperatures at this high elevation study site.This research was supported by the regional government Junta de Andalucía, project BACAEMÁ (RNM-332) and the Spanish National flux tower network CARBORED-ES (CGL2006-14195-C02-01/CLI)

    La distribución espacial de los suelos del sector occidental de la Sierra de Gador (Almería)

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    Enterobacteriaceas strains isolated in the Mycrobiology Department of the Universitary Hospital in Granade (Spain) containing β-lactamases determinated by plasmids R were studied. Three types of these enzymes, TEM (71,72 %), SHV (12,04 %) and OXA (16,23 %), has been identified and theirs relatives percentages were similar to the other workers. Epidemiological interest of the β-lactamases clasifications are discussed in the last part o this article.Se estudia la presencia de β-lactamasas en las enterobacterias que se aislan en el Servicio de Microbiología del Hospital Universitario de Granada. Se detectaron tres tipos de enzimas, TEM (71,72 %), SHV (12,04 %) y OXA (16,23 %), cuyas proporciones relativas coinciden con las obtenidas por otros autores. El interés epidemiológico de la detección de β-lactamasas se discute en el último apartado de este trabajo

    Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador (HESD): data from 2009 to 2015

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    One of the largest challenges with soil information around the world is how to harmonize archived soil data from different sources and how to make it accessible to soil scientist. In Ecuador, there have been two major projects that have provided soil information, but the methodology of these projects, although comparable, did not coincide, especially with respect to how information was reported. Here, we present a new soil database for Ecuador, comprising 13 542 soil profiles with 51 713 measured soil horizons, including 92 different edaphic variables. The original data were in a non-editable format (i.e., PDF), which made it difficult to access and process the information. Our study provides an integrated framework that combines multiple analytic tools for automatically converting legacy soil information from an analog format into usable digital soil mapping inputs across Ecuador. This framework allowed us to incorporate quantitative information on a broad set of soil properties and retrieve qualitative information on soil morphological properties collected in the profile description phase, which is rarely included in soil databases. We present a new harmonized national soil database using a specific methodology to preserve relevant information. The national representativeness of soil information has been enhanced compared with other international databases, and this new database contributes to filling the gaps in publicly available soil information across the country. The database is freely available at https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/1560e803953c839e7aedef78ff7d3f6c (Armas et al., 2022).</p

    “Los Mollisoles del sector occidental de Sierra Gador (Almería)”

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    Los cinco perfiles de Mollisoles estudiados en el Sector occidental de la Sierra de Gádor son: Lithic vermic Haploxeroll, Entic haploxeroll, Ruptic Palexeralfic lithic Argixeroll, Entic vermic Haploxeroll y Lithic ruptic xerorthentic vermic Haploxeroll. Los factores que condicionan la existencia de este tipo de suelos son roca madre carbonatada (caliza, dolomía, margocaliza, etc.), posición fisiográfica de ladera con pendientes variables (20-60 %), vegetación de matorral, clima mediterráneo con diferentes variantes dependiendo de la altitud, régimen de humedad del suelo Xérico y de temperatura Térmico y Mésico. La secuencia de horizontes es variable. En una parte importante de los suelos, debajo del epipedón móllico se presenta un contacto lítico, en otros existe un horizonte Bw y en menor medida un horizonte Bt las texturas más comunes pertenecen a las clases francas. El contenido de carbonatos es importante salvo en el Argixeroll. El carbono orgánico se presenta en el epipedón móllico en contenidos elevados (2.3 a 6.8 %) a excepción del Entic Haploxeroll, cercano al 1 %. Son suelos de pH 8 y saturados en bases

    Los inceptisoles y entisoles del sector occidental de la Sierra de Gador (Almería)

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    Morphological and physicochemical properties of five Entisols and Inceptisols from west area of Sierra de Gádor are studied. "Soil Taxonomy" is the employed classification. Most soils are developed 'in situ' or upon colluvium derived from limestony and dolomitic marbles. 400 to 2.124 m. is the range of altitude. The slopes are variables. The vegetation is a degradated brushwood and reforestated pine woods. The moisture regime is Xeric; the temperature regime changes from Termi to Mesic at 1.000 m. The soils are tipic Xerorthents (three profils) and calcixerollic Xerochrepts (two profils). The analytical and morphological characteristics are variables owing to differencies in pedological evolution within the studied soils. But there are two characteristics in common: the high quantities of the alcalinoterreal bases controled by the parent material, and the absence of mollic epipedón owing to the degradation of climatic vegetation and parallel degradation or /and destruction of mineral organic soil horizons.En el presente estudio se analizan los caracteres morfológicos, las propiedades fisico-quírnicas y la clasificación a nivel de subgrupo de los suelos presentes en el Sector Occidental de la Sierra de Gádor, que pertenecen a los órdenes Entisol e Inceptisol de la taxonomía americana de suelos. Son suelos desarrollados sobre materiales calizo-dolomíticos "in situ" o coluvionados. La altitud oscila entre 400 y 2. 124 m. La pendiente es muy variable, desde llano o casi llano a fuertemente escarpado. Soportan un matorral degradativo y pinares de repoblación. El régimen de humedad es Xérico y el de temperatura Térmico hasta los 1.000 m. y Mésico por encima de esta cota. Los cinco perfiles muestreados se han clasificado como Xerorthent típicos y dos como Xerochrept calcixeróllicos. Los cinco perfiles muestreados se han clasificado, tres como Xerorthent típidiados, como respuesta a diferencias en evolución edáfica, exceptuando aquellos que dependen estrechamente del elevado contenido en bases alcalino térreas del material de origen. El carácter común más relevante es la carencia de epipedón móllico, provocada por la degradación del horizonte orgánicomineral al destruir la vegetación climácica

    Caracterización de la capacidad agrológica de los suelos del sector noroeste de Sierra Nevada (Granada)

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    The soil map of the Northwest area of the Sierra Nevada it has been interpreted for agronomic purposes by the Spain Agricultural Ministry Scheme, called "Agrological Capacity characterization of the Soil of the Spain, Scale 1.50.000" . In this area the agrological capacity subclasses are: IVs, VIIw, VIs, VIc, Vle and VlIIe. The dominant classes are VII and VIII because the medium slopes are greater than 30 OJo. The subclasse Vle is frequent also (22-23 % of slope). Another subclasses and classes are in minor quantities. The slope and the mean anual temperature are the most important restraints. The surface stoniness, the surface rockiness and the soil moisture regime are important also. AH the results point out the suitability of this area for forestry, grassland and wildlife conservation.Se emplea el esquema del Ministerio de Agricultura Español denominado: "Caracterización de la Capacidad Agrológica de los Suelos de España a escala 1 :50.000", para interpretar desde un punto de vista agronómico la cartografía de suelos del Sector Noroeste de Sierra Nevada. Las subclases de capacidad agrológica presentes en el área son: IVs, VIw, VIs, Vlc, Vle, VIIe, VIIle. Las clases dominantes son la VII y la VIII, ya que las pendientes de casi toda el área superan el 30 OJo. Le sigue en abundancia la subclase Vle, localizada en las pendientes de la clase D (valor medio de 22 a 23%). El resto de las clases y subclases son minoritarias y aparecen de forma puntual. Las limitaciones de mayor importancia en el establecimiento de las clases de capacidad son en primer lugar, la pendiente y la temperatura y en segundo lugar la pedregosidad superficial, la rocosidad superficial y el exceso de humedad en el suelo. Estos resultados indican que los cultivos agrícolas (sólo posibles en los suelos de la clase IVs) se restringen a pequeñas zonas diseminadas por todo el área y que la mayor parte tiene vocación forestal, pastoral y de reserva natural

    Mapa digital del perfil del carbono orgánico en los suelos de Andalucía, España

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    Conocer y comprender la distribución espacial del carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) es necesario para el manejo de este reservorio del ciclo global del carbono, y la planificación de acciones para mitigar el cambio climático. El objetivo fue generar mapas de porcentaje de COS en Andalucía mediante modelos consistentes, cuantificando la incertidumbre asociada, e identificando los factores que controlan su variabilidad. Se empleó una base de datos patrimonial con 1500 perfiles de suelo, y 20 covariables ambientales como factores predictivos descriptores del clima, topografía, y atributos funcionales de los ecosistemas. Se utilizó una combinación de modelos lineales y un ensamble de árboles de regresión combinado con geoestadística para estimar la distribución espacial (horizontal y vertical) del COS. Se generaron mapas de la distribución del COS a seis intervalos de profundidad (0-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-100 y 100-200 cm). La varianza explicada por los modelos osciló entre el 57 y 63.0 %, pero con alta incertidumbre en los sitios con mayor concentración de COS (hasta el 8 %). La variabilidad del COS respondió a una compleja combinación de factores, siendo la precipitación el predictor más importante en todas las profundidades, el EVI (Indicador de la productividad) en los horizontes superficiales, y la topografía en los profundos. Los mapas y modelos producidos resultan herramientas útiles para la gestión ambiental, al facilitar la actualización periódica de los contenidos del COS y aportar información para el manejo de este reservorio.To know and understand the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) is the first step for management of this important pool in the global carbon cycle, and to develop actions to address climate change. The objective of this work was to generate maps of percent SOC across Andalucía through the use of consistent models, quantifying the associated uncertainty and identify controls of the spatial variability. We used a legacy soil profile collection with 1500 soil profiles and 20 environmental covariates as prediction factors for climate, topography, and ecosystem functional attributes related to the dynamic of primary production. A combination of linear models and an ensemble of regression trees coupled with geostatistics was used to estimate the spatial distribution (horizontal and vertical) of SOC, maps of SOC distribution across six soil depths (0-5, 5-15, 15-30, 30-60, 60-100 y 100-200 cm). Explained variance of our models varied between 63 to 57 %, with high uncertainty at sites with the highest values of SOC (up to 8%). The variability of SOC corresponded to a complex interaction of factors, whereas precipitation is an outstanding predictive factor across all depths, annual primary production (EVI) at the superficial horizons, and topography across deep horizons. Generated maps result in a useful tool for environmental policy, because they facilitate the periodical update of SOC and provide information for the management of this poo

    Biocompatible Probes Based on Rare-Earth Doped Strontium Aluminates with Long-Lasting Phosphorescent Properties for In Vitro Optical IMAGING

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    In recent decades, the demand for biomedical imaging tools has grown very rapidly as a key feature for biomedical research and diagnostic applications. Particularly, fluorescence imaging has gained increased attention as a non-invasive, inexpensive technique that allows real-time imaging. However, tissue auto-fluorescence under external illumination, together with a weak tissue penetration of low wavelength excitation light, largely restricts the application of the technique. Accordingly, new types of fluorescent labels are currently being investigated and, in this search, phosphorescent nanoparticles promise great potential, as they combine the interesting size-dependent properties of nanoscale materials with a long-lasting phosphorescence-type emission that allows optical imaging well after excitation (so avoiding autofluorescence). In this work, core-shell structures consisting of SrAlO:Eu,Dy luminescent cores encapsulated within a biocompatible silica shell were prepared, showing a green persistent phosphorescence with an afterglow time of more than 1000 s. A high-energy ball milling procedure was used to reduce the size of the starting phosphors to a size suitable for cellular uptake, while the silica coating was produced by a reverse micelle methodology that eventually allows the excitation and emission light to pass efficiently through the shell. Confocal fluorescence microscopy using HeLa cancer cells confirmed the potential of the all-ceramic composites produced as feasible labels for in vitro optical imaging

    Sarilumab in patients admitted to hospital with severe or critical COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial

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    Background: Elevated proinflammatory cytokines are associated with greater COVID-19 severity. We aimed to assess safety and efficacy of sarilumab, an interleukin-6 receptor inhibitor, in patients with severe (requiring supplemental oxygen by nasal cannula or face mask) or critical (requiring greater supplemental oxygen, mechanical ventilation, or extracorporeal support) COVID-19. Methods: We did a 60-day, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multinational phase 3 trial at 45 hospitals in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Spain. We included adults (≥18 years) admitted to hospital with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and pneumonia, who required oxygen supplementation or intensive care. Patients were randomly assigned (2:2:1 with permuted blocks of five) to receive intravenous sarilumab 400 mg, sarilumab 200 mg, or placebo. Patients, care providers, outcome assessors, and investigators remained masked to assigned intervention throughout the course of the study. The primary endpoint was time to clinical improvement of two or more points (seven point scale ranging from 1 [death] to 7 [discharged from hospital]) in the modified intention-to-treat population. The key secondary endpoint was proportion of patients alive at day 29. Safety outcomes included adverse events and laboratory assessments. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04327388; EudraCT, 2020-001162-12; and WHO, U1111-1249-6021. Findings: Between March 28 and July 3, 2020, of 431 patients who were screened, 420 patients were randomly assigned and 416 received placebo (n=84 [20%]), sarilumab 200 mg (n=159 [38%]), or sarilumab 400 mg (n=173 [42%]). At day 29, no significant differences were seen in median time to an improvement of two or more points between placebo (12·0 days [95% CI 9·0 to 15·0]) and sarilumab 200 mg (10·0 days [9·0 to 12·0]; hazard ratio [HR] 1·03 [95% CI 0·75 to 1·40]; log-rank p=0·96) or sarilumab 400 mg (10·0 days [9·0 to 13·0]; HR 1·14 [95% CI 0·84 to 1·54]; log-rank p=0·34), or in proportions of patients alive (77 [92%] of 84 patients in the placebo group; 143 [90%] of 159 patients in the sarilumab 200 mg group; difference −1·7 [−9·3 to 5·8]; p=0·63 vs placebo; and 159 [92%] of 173 patients in the sarilumab 400 mg group; difference 0·2 [−6·9 to 7·4]; p=0·85 vs placebo). At day 29, there were numerical, non-significant survival differences between sarilumab 400 mg (88%) and placebo (79%; difference +8·9% [95% CI −7·7 to 25·5]; p=0·25) for patients who had critical disease. No unexpected safety signals were seen. The rates of treatment-emergent adverse events were 65% (55 of 84) in the placebo group, 65% (103 of 159) in the sarilumab 200 mg group, and 70% (121 of 173) in the sarilumab 400 mg group, and of those leading to death 11% (nine of 84) were in the placebo group, 11% (17 of 159) were in the sarilumab 200 mg group, and 10% (18 of 173) were in the sarilumab 400 mg group. Interpretation: This trial did not show efficacy of sarilumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 and receiving supplemental oxygen. Adequately powered trials of targeted immunomodulatory therapies assessing survival as a primary endpoint are suggested in patients with critical COVID-19. Funding: Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals