8 research outputs found

    A Bayesian latent process spatiotemporal regression model for areal count data

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    Abstract Model-based approaches for the analysis of areal count data are commonplace in spatiotemporal analysis. In Bayesian hierarchical models, a latent process is incorporated in the mean function to account for dependence in space and time. Typically, the latent process is modelled using a conditional autoregressive (CAR) prior. The aim of this paper is to offer an alternative approach to CAR-based priors for modelling the latent process. The proposed approach is based on a spatiotemporal generalization of a latent process Poisson regression model developed in a time series setting. Spatiotemporal dependence in the autoregressive model for the latent process is modelled through its transition matrix, with a structured covariance matrix specified for its error term. The proposed model and its parameterizations are fitted in a Bayesian framework implemented via MCMC techniques. Our findings based on real-life examples show that the proposed approach is at least as effective as CAR-based models

    Studies On The Adaptation Of Bambara Groundnut

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    Abstract: Field experiment was conducted on the adaptability of bambara groundnut in humid rain forest tropical zones with six local accesssions in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Data was collected on the yield and yield attributes, and analysed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means separated by least significant difference (LSD p=0.05). Correlation studies were carried out to determine the relationship between yield and yield attributes. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences in plant height, canopy diameter and petiole length, and no significant differences in number of stems and dry matter weight (biomass) among accessions. Correlation analysis between yield attributes and fresh pod weight indicated positive correlation in all cases. However, plant height and number of stems had a near perfect positive correlation signifying that the higher the height of the plant the greater the yield. The performance ranking of the accessions showed that AC-01 had the best overall performance while AC-05 had the least

    Studies On The Adaptation Of Bambara Groundnut [Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc] In Owerri Southeastern Nigeria

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    ABSTRACT: Field experiment was conducted on the adaptability of bambara groundnut in humid rain forest tropical zones with six local accesssions in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Data was collected on the yield and yield attributes, and analysed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means separated by least significant difference (LSD p=0.05). Correlation studies were carried out to determine the relationship between yield and yield attributes. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences in plant height, canopy diameter and petiole length, and no significant differences in number of stem and dry matter weight (biomass) among accessions. Correlation analysis between yield attributes and fresh pod weight indicated positive correlation in all cases. However, plant height and number of stems had a near perfect positive correlation signifying that the higher the height of the plant the greater the yield. The performance ranking of the accessions showed that AC01had the best overall performance while AC-05 had the least

    Methyl-Orange Complexation Method For Field Determination Of Chloroquine Base: Suitability For Tablet And Urine Samples

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     A simple colorimetric assay for field estimation of chloroquine in tablet dosage forms and biological fluids would be useful, given that the high prevalence of substandard brands may have been a factor in the development of drug resistance. Chloroquine base was liberated from chloroquine phosphate tablets and extracted with chloroform. Methyl orange was then used to complex the base and the absorbance of the complex was determined in a colorimeter. This method was used in determining the amount of drug in tablet brands and urine samples of volunteer human subjects. It was able to determine the amounts of chloroquine in the tablets, with only two tablet brands out of 5 passing the test for content of active ingredient. Statistical analyses of the results show that there are significant differences in chloroquine elimination in the volunteers in each group (p = 0.005 and 0.004 for groups 1 and 2 respectively). An initial (36 h) elimination half life of 22.88 ± 6.93 was obtained. This value agrees significantly with initial plasma elimination half life of chloroquine reported in literature. This test may therefore be a good quality-indicating assay for resource limited or field conditions. Keywords: chloroquine, colorimetry, methyl orange, complexation, assa