543 research outputs found

    The dusty Nebula surrounding HR Car: a Spitzer view

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    We present mid-IR observations of the Galactic Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) HR Car and its associated nebula carried out with the Spitzer Space Telescope using both IRAC and IRS, as part of a GTO program aimed to study stellar ejecta from evolved stars. Our observations reveal a rich mid-IR spectrum of the inner nebula showing both solid state and atomic gas signatures. Strong low-excitation atomic fine structure lines such as 26.0μ 26.0 \mum [\ion{Fe}{2}] and 34.8μ 34.8 \mum [\ion{Si}{2}], indicate, for the first time, the presence of a PDR in this object class. While the physics and chemistry of the low-excitation gas appears to be dominated by photodissociation, a possible contribution due to shocks can be inferred from the evidence of gas phase Fe abundance enhancement. The presence of amorphous silicates, inferred from the observed characteristic broad feature at 10μ10 \mum located in the inner nebula, suggests that dust has formed during the LBV outburst. This is in contrast with the detection of crystalline dust in other probably more evolved Galactic LBVs, which is similar to the crystalline dust observed in red supergiants. This has been considered to be evidence of dust production during evolutionary phases prior to the outburst.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. accepted by Ap

    The Cuspy LINER Nucleus of the S0/a Galaxy NGC 2681

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    The nucleus of the bulge-dominated, multiply-barred S0/a galaxy NGC 2681 is studied in detail, using high resolution Hubble Space Telescope FOC and NICMOS imaging and FOS spectroscopy. The ionised gas central velocity dispersion is found to increase by a factor ~2 when narrowing the aperture from R~1.5" (ground) to R~0.1" (FOS). Dynamical modeling of these velocity dispersions suggests that NGC 2681 does host a supermassive black hole (BH) for which one can estimate a firm mass upper limit M_BH < 6*10^7 Solar Masses. This upper limit is consistent with the relation between the central BH mass and velocity dispersion M_BH - sigma known for other galaxies. The emission line ratios place the nucleus of NGC 2681 among LINERs. It is likely that the emission line region comes from a rather mild, but steady, feeding of gas to the central BH in this galaxy. The inner stellar population lacks any measurable color gradient (to a radius of 0.6 kpc) from the infrared to the ultraviolet, consistently with FOC, FOS and IUE data, all indicating that this system underwent a starburst ~1 Gyr ago that encompassed its whole interior, down to its very center. The most likely source of such a widely-distributed starburst is the dumping of tidally-extruded gas from a galaxy neighbor. If so, then NGC 2681 can be considered as the older brother of M82, seen face-on as opposed to the edge-on view we have for M82.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, with 10 PostScript figures, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Influence of activation protocol on perceived pain during rapid maxillary expansion

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    To investigate the influence of two different activation protocols on the timing and intensity of pain during rapid maxillary expansion (RME)

    A Prediction of Brown Dwarfs in Ultracold Molecular Gas

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    A recent model for the stellar initial mass function (IMF), in which the stellar masses are randomly sampled down to the thermal Jeans mass from hierarchically structured pre-stellar clouds, predicts that regions of ultra-cold CO gas, such as those recently found in nearby galaxies by Allen and collaborators, should make an abundance of Brown Dwarfs with relatively few normal stars. This result comes from the low value of the thermal Jeans mass, considering that the hierarchical cloud model always gives the Salpeter IMF slope above this lower mass limit. The ultracold CO clouds in the inner disk of M31 have T~3K and pressures that are probably 10 times higher than in the solar neighborhood. This gives a mass at the peak of the IMF equal to 0.01 Msun, well below the Brown Dwarf limit of 0.08 Msun. Using a functional approximation to the IMF, the ultracold clouds would have 50% of the star-like mass and 90% of the objects below the Brown Dwarf limit. The brightest of the Brown Dwarfs in M31 should have an apparent, extinction-corrected K-band magnitude of ~21 mag in their pre-main sequence phase.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal, Vol 522, September 10, 199

    New Tests for Disruption Mechanisms of Star Clusters: The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds

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    We compare the observed bivariate distribution of masses(M) and ages(t) of star clusters in the LMC with the predicted distributions g(M,t) from 3 idealized models for the disruption of star clusters: (1)sudden mass-dependent disruption;(2)gradual mass-dependent disruption; and (3)gradual mass-independent disruption. The model with mass-{\em in}dependent disruption provides a good, first-order description of these cluster populations, with g(M,t) propto M^{beta} t^{gamma}, beta=-1.8+/-0.2 and gamma=-0.8+/-0.2, at least for clusters with ages t<10^9 yr and masses M<10^3 M_sol (more specifically, t<10^7(M/10^2 M_sol)^{1.3} yr). This model predicts that the clusters should have a power-law luminosity function, dN/dL propto L^-1.8, in agreement with observations. The first two models, on the other hand, fare poorly when describing the observations, refuting previous claims that mass-dependent disruption of star clusters is observed in the LMC over the studied M-t domain. Clusters in the SMC can be described by the same g(M,t) distribution as for the LMC, but with smaller samples and hence larger uncertainties. The successful g(M,t) model for clusters in the Magellanic Clouds is virtually the same as the one for clusters in the merging Antennae galaxies, but extends the domain of validity to lower masses and to older ages. This indicates that the dominant disruption processes are similar in these very different galaxies over at least t<10^8 yr and possibly t<10^9 yr. The mass functions for young clusters in the LMC are power-laws, while that for ancient globular clusters is peaked. We show that the observed shapes of these mass functions are consistent with expectations from the simple evaporation model presented by McLaughlin & Fall.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, published ApJ, vol 711, page 126

    Diseño de viviendas de interés social : Su adecuación a las condiciones climáticas de Tucumán

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    El trabajo presenta la propuesta de diseño de viviendas de interés social desarrollada por el Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Tucumán, en el marco del Proyecto GEF “Eficiencia energética y energías renovables en la vivienda social”. Se tuvo como premisa de diseño disminuir la demanda energética en las viviendas construidas por el Estado y se proyectaron respondiendo a pautas bioclimáticas adecuadas al sitio de emplazamiento. Se evaluó el comportamiento energético-ambiental de las propuestas comparativamente con las viviendas sociales convencionales. A partir de cálculos computacionales, ecuaciones simplificadas y métodos gráficos se analizó el comportamiento térmico, condiciones de asoleamiento y ventilación natural de las viviendas. Los resultados alcanzados demuestran que es posible mejorar sustancialmente el comportamiento energético de las viviendas a partir de un diseño eficiente, sin incrementar significativamente sus costos.The work presents the design proposal of social housing developed by the Provincial Institute of Housing and Urban Development (IPVyDU) of Tucuman, in the context of the GEF (Global Environment Facility) "Energy efficiency and renewable energies in social housing". The design is focused on reducing energy demand in homes built by the State and projected under patterns of adaptation in response to the climatic conditions of the proposed site. We evaluated the energyenvironmental behavior of the proposals in comparison with conventional proyects designed by IPVyDU. From computer calculations, simplified equations and graphical methods, we analyzed the thermal behavior, conditions of sunlight and natural ventilation of houses. The results obtained show that it is possible to substantially improve the energy performance of social housing from an efficient design without significantly increasing costs.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    The red stellar population in NGC 1569

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    We present HST NICMOS photometry of the resolved stellar population in NGC 1569. The CMD in the F110W and F160W photometric bands contains ~2400 stars with a formal photometric error < 0.1 mag down to J~23.5 and H~22.5. We describe the data processing which is required to calibrate the instrumental peculiarities of NICMOS. Two different packages for PSF-fitting photometry are used to strengthen the photometric results in the crowded stellar field of NGC 1569. The resulting CMD is discussed in terms of the major evolutionary properties of the resolved stellar populations. For a distance modulus of 26.71 and a reddening E(B-V)=0.56, our CMD samples stars down to ~0.8 Mo, corresponding to look-back times > 15 Gyr. This is clear indication of SF activity spanning an entire Hubble time. The metallicity of the reddest RGB stars is in better agreement with Z=0.004 as measured in HII regions, than with Z=0.0004 as expected from the stellar ages. The presence of - yet undetected - very metal-poor stars embedded in the stellar distribution around J=22.75 and J-H=1.15 is, however, not ruled out. The youngest stars (< 50 Myr) are preferentially found around the two central super star clusters, whereas the oldest population has a more uniform spatial distribution. A SFR per unit area of 1 Mo yr*(-1) kpc*(-2) and a mass formed in stars of ~ 1.4x10*6 Mo in the last 50 Myr are derived from the CMD. The NIR CMD places strong constraints on the lower limit of the onset of SF in NGC 1569. The exceptionally high crowding in the NICMOS images of NGC 1569 is a challenge for the photometric analysis. As a result, optical and NIR images of NGC 1569 sample different populations and cannot be cross-correlated. Nevertheless, we demonstrate the consistency of the SF histories derived from the optical and NIR CMDs.Comment: 41 pages including 1 table (Latex) and 14 figures (postscript). Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, March 2001 issu

    Polarimetric Evidence of Non-Spherical Winds

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    Polarization observations yield otherwise unobtainable information about the geometrical structure of unresolved objects. In this talk we review the evidences for non-spherically symmetric structures around Luminous Hot Stars from polarimetry and what we can learn with this technique. Polarimetry has added a new dimension to the study of the envelopes of Luminous Blue Variables, Wolf-Rayet stars and B[e] stars, all of which are discussed in some detail.Comment: 8 pages, 2 encapsulated Postscript figures, uses lamuphys.sty. Invited review to appear in IAU Coll. 169, Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars, eds. B. Wolf, A.Fullerton and O. Stahl (Springer

    The NICMOS Snapshot Survey of nearby Galaxies

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    We present ``snapshot'' observations with the NearInfrared Camera and MultiObject Spectrometer (NICMOS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) of 94 nearby galaxies from the Revised Shapley Ames Catalog. Images with 0.2 as resolution were obtained in two filters, a broad-band continuum filter (F160W, roughly equivalent to the H-band) and a narrow band filter centered on the Paschen alpha line (F187N or F190N, depending on the galaxy redshift) with the 51x51 as field of view of the NICMOS camera 3. A first-order continuum subtraction is performed, and the resulting line maps and integrated Paschen alpha line fluxes are presented. A statistical analysis indicates that the average Paschen alpha surface brightness {\bf in the central regions} is highest in early-type (Sa-Sb) spirals.Comment: Original contained error in flux calibration. Table 1 now has correct Paschen Alpha fluxes. 14 pages LaTeX with JPEG and PS figures. Also available at http://icarus.stsci.edu/~boeker/publications.htm