5 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the chemical composition of the essential oils from organs of Annona senegalensis Pers. oulotricha le Thomas subspecies (Annonaceae)

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    The chemical composition of the essential oils from leaves, stems bark, roots bark, epicarp and mesocarp of Annona senegalensis Pers., oulotricha Le Thomas subspecies (Annonaceae), growing in Brazzaville (Congo), were analyzed by CG and CG-MS. These oils essentially contain sesquiterpenic compounds (58.3 - 97.7%), dominated by oxygenated sesquiterpenes (21.8 - 88.3%), with elemol (13.2 - 35.0%), β and γ-eudesmols (3.7 - 58.3%) as characteristic components. The essential oils from roots and stems bark is distinguished by its high content in diterpenes (17.1 and 11.9% of the total), while the seeds presents a significant amounts of monoterpene hydrocarbons (25.8%) with α-pinene (6.2%) and β-phellandrene (11.5%) as major components accompanied by two oxygenated monoterpenes: bornyle acetate (4.5%) and smallest of 1,8-cineole. However, in the epicarp oil, the presence of about 5.8% of oxygenated monoterpenes as terpinen-4-ol and bornyle acetate in comparable rates (1.7%) was noted. The mesocarp oil is exclusively rich in aliphatic fatty acids (35.8%) which is absent in the other organs, but represented by lauric acid (18.0%), hexadecanoïc acid (8.6%), myristic acid (7.2%) and oleic acid (2.0%). Results were compared with same species collected in the democratic republic of Congo and in Cameroon essentially dominated by monoterpenes (84.2 and 87.6%)

    Androgenic Effect and Phytochimie of the Bark of Trunk of Buchholzia coriacea Engl. (Capparidaceae)

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    The testosterone is the main androgen produced by the testes among the males.  Her absence is responsible for erectile dysfunction and the loss of the sexual performance. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the androgenic effect and to determine the profile phytochemestry of the barks of trunk of B. coriacea. Fifteen days after the castration, the animals left in group and, received the aqueous extract of B. coriacea (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg, p.o). The sexual parameters (mounts sexual, number of erections, number of ejaculations and the time of latency) have been valued, and compared, to the witnesses groups: water distilled (0,5 ml/100 mg, p.o) and Enanthate of testosterone (1 mg/mL, i.m). The dosage of the testosterone has been achieved by the technic of ELYSA analysis. The determination of the chemical families has been achieved by the technique of coloration in tubes. The aqueous extract of B. coriacea (100,250 and 500 mg/kg, p.o) has an effect androgenic because managed daily during 15 days, it provokes an increase of the rate plasmatic of the testosterone and the bodily weight of the rats, maintains the sexual parameters among the castrated rat, extract the number of ejaculations. The barks of trunk of B. coriacea would contain the stĂ©rols, the flavonoides, the saponosids that could be responsible for the sexual effects and androgĂ©nic observed. The aqueous extract of the plant would possess the properties androgenic would be to advise the patients presenting problems of masculine barrenness.  Keywords:  Androgen - Phytochimie - Buchholzia - coriacea&nbsp

    Bio-guided Fractionation of the Ethanolic Extract from Leaves of Trema orientalis Blume (Cannabaceae), a Presumed Antihypertensive Plant from Congo-Brazzaville

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    International audienceHypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is currently a real public health problem. This disease affects about one billion people worldwide and is responsible for more than 70% of cardiovascular related deaths. Recently, the World Health Organization reported that of the hypertensive cases detected in Congo, only 7% were controlled. Today, there is no lifetime treatment and existing drugs are less accessible by the African population. To treat the disease, the Congolese population uses more the medicinal plants. However, the majority of compounds responsible for the biological activity of these plants are not known. In order to bring out Congolese plants with antihypertensive properties, we focus our interest on Trema orientalis Blume (Canabaceae). An ethanolic extract of the leaves of Trema orientalis was prepared after successive depletion of the organic solvents. Thereafter, a bio-guided fractionation on silica gel of the ethanol extract was carried out. Fractionation monitoring was done by TLC and the results of vasodilating activity measured. The fractions exhibiting the best biological activity allowed a second fractionation process to obtain five fractions which are characteristic of polyphenols, in particular flavonoids, and which exhibited good vasodilating activity on the isolated aorta of rats. Our future work will focus on the identification of these biologically active compounds