51 research outputs found

    The <i>Ectocarpus</i> genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae

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    Brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are complex photosynthetic organisms with a very different evolutionary history to green plants, to which they are only distantly related1. These seaweeds are the dominant species in rocky coastal ecosystems and they exhibit many interesting adaptations to these, often harsh, environments. Brown algae are also one of only a small number of eukaryotic lineages that have evolved complex multicellularity (Fig. 1).We report the 214 million base pair (Mbp) genome sequence of the filamentous seaweed Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye, a model organism for brown algae, closely related to the kelps (Fig. 1). Genome features such as the presence of an extended set of light-harvesting and pigment biosynthesis genes and new metabolic processes such as halide metabolism help explain the ability of this organism to cope with the highly variable tidal environment. The evolution of multicellularity in this lineage is correlated with the presence of a rich array of signal transduction genes. Of particular interest is the presence of a family of receptor kinases, as the independent evolution of related molecules has been linked with the emergence of multicellularity in both the animal and green plant lineages. The Ectocarpus genome sequence represents an important step towards developing this organism as a model species, providing the possibility to combine genomic and genetic2 approaches to explore these and other aspects of brown algal biology further

    Diaphragm development in cytokinetic vegetative cells of brown algae

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    We studied development of the cytokinetic diaphragm (i.e., the membranous septum formed during cytokinesis) in vegetative cells of the brown algae Sphacelaria rigidula, Halopteris congesta and Dictyota dichotoma after cryofixation-freeze-substitution. Cytokinesis began by the gathering of organelles and large vesicles between daughter nuclei following telophase. Subsequently, a thin cytoplasmic strand was formed along this plane, where endoplasmic reticulum (ER), dictyosome vesicles and particular membranous elements, the flat cisternae, were accumulated. Their fusion formed a patchy diaphragm with irregular gaps. Fine tubular channels perforated the diaphragm during all stages of its formation. Following diaphragm completion, cell wall material was deposited in it. The new walls had ER-free plasmodesmata. In D. dichotoma, diaphragm development did not follow a definite pattern, i.e., centripetal or centrifugal, a phenomenon also confirmed in H. congesta. In contrast, in apical cells of S. rigidula the diaphragm started developing from the periphery, growing to some extent centripetally. In these cells, local cell wall deposition was greatest at the division site. In apical cells in which cytokinesis was experimentally inhibited a ring of wall material was usually deposited at the cytokinetic plane. © 2009 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

    Intercellular translocation of molecules via plasmodesmata in the multiseriate filamentous brown alga, Halopteris congesta (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae)

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    Despite the high number of studies on the fine structure of brown algal cells, only limited information is available on the intercelluar transportation of molecules via plasmodesmata in brown algae. In this study, plasmodesmatal permeability of Halopteris congesta was examined by observing the translocation of microinjected fluorescent tracers of different molecular sizes. The tip region of H. congesta consists of a cylindrical apical cell, while the basal region is multiseriate. Fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FD; 3, 10, and 20 kDa) and recombinant green fluorescent protein (27 kDa) were injected into the apical cell and were observed to diffuse into the neighboring cells. FD of 40 kDa was detected only in the injected apical cell. The plasmodesmatal size exclusion limit was considered to be more than 20 kDa and less than 40 kDa. The extent of translocation of 3 and 10 kDa FD from the apical to neighboring cells 2 h postinjection was estimated based on the fluorescence intensity. It was suggested that the diffusing capacity of plasmodesmata varied according to molecular size. In order to examine acropetal and/or basipetal direction of molecular movement, 3 and 10 kDa FD were injected into the third cell from the apical cell. Successive observations indicated that the diffusion of fluorescence in the acropetal direction took longer than that in the basipetal direction. No ultrastructural difference in plasmodesmata was noted among the cross walls. © 2016 Phycological Society of Americ

    The Oberhäutchen principle—growth and integrity

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