168 research outputs found

    Event-Driven Network Programming

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) programs must simultaneously describe static forwarding behavior and dynamic updates in response to events. Event-driven updates are critical to get right, but difficult to implement correctly due to the high degree of concurrency in networks. Existing SDN platforms offer weak guarantees that can break application invariants, leading to problems such as dropped packets, degraded performance, security violations, etc. This paper introduces EVENT-DRIVEN CONSISTENT UPDATES that are guaranteed to preserve well-defined behaviors when transitioning between configurations in response to events. We propose NETWORK EVENT STRUCTURES (NESs) to model constraints on updates, such as which events can be enabled simultaneously and causal dependencies between events. We define an extension of the NetKAT language with mutable state, give semantics to stateful programs using NESs, and discuss provably-correct strategies for implementing NESs in SDNs. Finally, we evaluate our approach empirically, demonstrating that it gives well-defined consistency guarantees while avoiding expensive synchronization and packet buffering

    Is there still a role for intraoperative enteroscopy in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding?

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    BACKGROUND: in 21st century, endoscopic study of the small intestine has undergone a revolution with capsule endoscopy and balloon-assisted enteroscopy. The difficulties and morbidity associated with intraoperative enteroscopy, the gold-standard in the 20th century, made this technique to be relegated to a second level. AIMS: evaluate the actual role and assess the diagnostic and therapeutic value of intraoperative enteroscopy in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS: we conducted a retrospective study of 19 patients (11 males; mean age: 66.5 ± 15.3 years) submitted to 21 IOE procedures for obscure GI bleeding. Capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy had been performed in 10 and 5 patients, respectively. RESULTS: with intraoperative enteroscopy a small bowel bleeding lesion was identified in 79% of patients and a gastrointestinal bleeding lesion in 94%. Small bowel findings included: angiodysplasia (n = 6), ulcers (n = 4), small bowel Dieulafoy´s lesion (n = 2), bleeding from anastomotic vessels (n = 1), multiple cavernous hemangiomas (n = 1) and bleeding ectopic jejunal varices (n = 1). Agreement between capsule endoscopy and intraoperative enteroscopy was 70%. Endoscopic and/or surgical treatment was used in 77.8% of the patients with a positive finding on intraoperative enteroscopy, with a rebleeding rate of 21.4% in a mean 21-month follow-up period. Procedure-related mortality and postoperative complications have been 5 and 21%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: intraoperative enteroscopy remains a valuable tool in selected patients with obscure GI bleeding, achieving a high diagnostic yield and allowing an endoscopic and/or surgical treatment in most of them. However, as an invasive procedure with relevant mortality and morbidity, a precise indication for its use is indispensable


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    Influência do volume vesical na diminuição da dose recebida na bexiga e no PTV em doentes com tumor de reto tratados com belly-board

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    Introdução: O cancro retal continua a ser um dos principais problemas de saúde a nível mundial, sendo a toxicidade gastro-intestinal e génito-urinária os efeitos tardios da radioterapia mais reportados. A utilização da Belly-Board para minimizar essa toxicidade, reduzindo o volume de bexiga e intestino delgado irradiados é recomendada. No entanto, o protocolo mais adequado para o volume vesical nestes doentes é ainda tema de controvérsia. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência do volume vesical na dose recebida na bexiga e no PTV, em doentes com tumor de reto, posicionados em decúbito ventral, com belly-board. Materiais e Métodos: 38 doentes com tumor de reto tratados no CHBM, agrupados em dois grupos: o 1º grupo, com 19 doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga cheia e o 2º grupo, com 19 doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga vazia. Os dados foram obtidos através dos HDV’s e foram comparadas as doses máximas no PTV e a percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy. Foi utilizado o teste estatístico U-Mann Whitney com um nível de significância de 0,05. A hipótese de pesquisa deste estudo propõe que os dois grupos diferem significativamente entre si e a hipótese nula propõe que os dois grupos não diferem significativamente entre si, para ambas as variáveis. Resultados: Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos no que diz respeito à dose máxima no PTV. No que se refere à percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas, tendo o grupo de doentes que realizaram tratamento com bexiga cheia apresentado valores mais baixos. Conclusões: Este estudo demonstrou o benefício da utilização do protocolo de bexiga cheia em doentes com tumor de reto tratados com belly-board, na diminuição da percentagem de volume de bexiga que recebe 50Gy

    Comparison of inverse planning systems based on biological or physical factors: Pinnacle®, Corvus® and Monaco®

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    Radiotherapy (RT) is one of the most important approaches in the treatment of cancer and its performance can be improved in three different ways: through the optimization of the dose distribution, by the use of different irradiation techniques or through the study of radiobiological initiatives. The first is purely physical because is related to the physical dose distributiuon. The others are purely radiobiological because they increase the differential effect between the tumour and the health tissues. The Treatment Planning Systems (TPS) are used in RT to create dose distributions with the purpose to maximize the tumoral control and minimize the complications in the healthy tissues. The inverse planning uses dose optimization techniques that satisfy the criteria specified by the user, regarding the target and the organs at risk (OAR’s). The dose optimization is possible through the analysis of dose-volume histograms (DVH) and with the use of computed tomography, magnetic resonance and other digital image techniques

    Endoscopic treatment of bleeding gastric varices with histoacryl (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate): a South European single center experience

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    BACKGROUND: Endoscopic injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is the current recommended treatment for gastric variceal bleeding. Despite the extensive worldwide use, there are still differences related to the technique, safety, and long term-results. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of cyanoacrylate in patients with gastric variceal bleeding. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1998 and January 2010, 97 patients with gastric variceal bleeding underwent endoscopic treatment with a mixture of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol(TM). Ninety-one patients had cirrhosis and 6 had non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Child-Pugh score at presentation for cirrhotic patients was A-12.1 %; B-53.8 %; C-34.1 % and median MELD score at admission was 13 (3-26). Successful hemostasis, rebleeding rate and complications were reviewed. Median time of follow up was 19 months (0.5-126). RESULTS: A median mixture volume of 1.5 mL (0.6 to 5 mL), in 1 to 8 injections, was used, with immediate hemostasis rate of 95.9 % and early rebleeding rate of 14.4 %. One or more complications occurred in 17.5 % and were associated with the use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube before cyanoacrylate and very early rebleeding (p < 0.05). Hospital mortality rate during initial bleeding episode was 9.3 %. Very early rebleeding was a strong and independent predictor for in-hospital mortality (p < 0.001). Long-term mortality rate was 58.8 %, in most of the cases secondary to hepatic failure. CONCLUSION: N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is a rapid, easy and highly effective modality for immediate hemostasis of gastric variceal bleeding with an acceptable rebleeding rate. Patients with very early rebleeding are at higher risk of death

    Tratamento radiocirúrgico de metástases cerebrais: a relação da histologia, localização cerebral e sintomas

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    Objetivo – Caracterizar clínica e estatisticamente os doentes com metástases cerebrais submetidos a radiocirurgia. Metodologia – Análise retrospetiva dos doentes com metástases cerebrais submetidos a radiocirurgia com Linac no Hospital do Meixoeiro, sendo a informação analisada no SPSS, versão 18. Resultados – Avaliaram‑se 116 doentes com metástases cerebrais. As localizações primárias de pulmão (54,30%) e mama (21,60%) predominaram. Destacaram‑se como sintomas mais frequentes: cefaleias, fraqueza motora, hemiparesia, paresia e tonturas. Confirma‑se a existência de correlação entre os sintomas decorrentes da presença de metástase e a sua localização cerebral, evidenciando a sua importância no diagnóstico precoce das metástases. O lobo frontal foi a localização cerebral predominante. Discussão e Considerações Finais – Verifica‑se que tendencialmente não existe correlação entre a localização primária e a localização cerebral da metástase. O número de metástases tratadas não sugere ter influência no tempo de sobrevida após o seu diagnóstico. A realização de cirurgia e/ou administração de radioterapia holocraniana previamente à radiocirurgia não apresentou prolongamento de sobrevida em comparação com os doentes não submetidos a tratamento prévio. ABSTRACT: Objective – To characterize clinically and statistically patients with brain metastases who underwent radiosurgery. Methodology – Retrospective analysis of patients with brain metastases that underwent linear accelerator‑based radiosurgery in Hospital do Meixoeiro, and the information analyzed in SPSS version 18. Results – Were evaluated 116 patients with brain metastases. Primary tumors of lung (54.30%) and breast (21.60%) were predominant. Symptoms that stood out as common: headache, motor deficit, hemiparesis, paresis and dizziness. It was confirmed the existence of a correlation between the symptoms arising from the presence of metastasis and its brain location, showing its importance in early diagnosis of metastases. The frontal lobe and the parietal lobe represented the most affected locations by brain metastases. Discussion of results and Concluding Remarks – It verified that tends to be no correlation between the primary location of the tumor and the location of brain metastasis. The number of treated metastases didn’t suggest influence on survival after their diagnosis. The realization of surgery and/or administration of whole‑brain irradiation therapy prior to radiosurgery, showed no prolongation of survival compared with patients that were not submitted to previous treatment


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    In the title compound, C22H22N2, the asymmetric unit contains one half-mol­ecule. A crystallographic inversion centre is located at the mid-point of the bond common to both rings, in the central naphthalene unit. Quantum-mechanical ab initio calculations on the isolated mol­ecule showed that the minimum energy configuration occurs when the naphthalene ring system and the pyrrolyl groups deviate only slightly from perpendicularity. In the crystal, due to the effects of crystal packing, the mol­ecule deviates by approximately 4° from the a priori expected ideal value of 90° [C—C—N—C torsion angle = 86.11 (15)°]

    Comorbidities in a sample of adults with HIV in Puerto Rico: an exploratory study.

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    Background: Puerto Rico is among the areas with the highest estimated rates of people living with HIV in the United States. Despite the epidemiologic data available, there is limited real-world information that can help understand the comorbidities of people with HIV. In this study, we describe common comorbidities among adults with HIV attending treatment clinics in Puerto Rico. Methods: An exploratory, retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted at five HIV clinics in Puerto Rico. A random sample of medical records was reviewed. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize patient demographics, morbidity, and clinical characteristics. Multivariate analyses were conducted to explore comorbidities by age and sex. Results: A total of 250 (179 men; 71 women) medical records were reviewed. Participants\u27 mean age was 47.9 years and on average they had been living with HIV for 9 years. Most (97.6%) had at least one comorbidity. The most common comorbidities were dyslipidemia and hypertension. Men were more likely to have been diagnosed with alcohol misuse while women were more likely to have been diagnosed with obesity, human papillomavirus (HPV), hypothyroidism, and osteoporosis. Participants younger than 50 years of age were more likely to have history of alcohol misuse while older individuals (50 years and old) were more likely to have been diagnosed with dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes. Adjusting by sex and age, women were more likely to have been diagnosed with obesity and depression and those older than 50 years were more likely to have had a diagnosis of dyslipidemia, hypertension, HPV, and diabetes. Conclusions: This is one of the few studies assessing comorbidities among adults with HIV in Puerto Rico, among Latino/Hispanics within the United States, and Latin America. Consistent with other studies, cardiovascular diseases are common among adults with HIV in Puerto Rico. Findings support the need for awareness and real-world evidence about comorbidities among people with HIV when implementing screenings and prescribing drugs

    Radiosurgery treatment of brain metastases: the relation of histology, brain location and symptoms

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    Objective – To characterize clinically and statistically patients with brain metastases who underwent radiosurgery. Methodology – Retrospective analysis of patients with brain metastases that underwent linear accelerator‑based radiosurgery in Hospital do Meixoeiro, and the information analyzed in SPSS version 18. Results – Were evaluated 116 patients with brain metastases. Primary tumors of lung (54.30%) and breast (21.60%) were predominant. Symptoms that stood out as common: headache, motor deficit, hemiparesis, paresis and dizziness. It was confirmed the existence of a correlation between the symptoms arising from the presence of metastasis and its brain location, showing its importance in early diagnosis of metastases. The frontal lobe and the parietal lobe represented the most affected locations by brain metastases. Discussion of results and Concluding Remarks – It verified that tends to be no correlation between the primary location of the tumor and the location of brain metastasis. The number of treated metastases didn’t suggest influence on survival after their diagnosis. The realization of surgery and/or administration of whole‑brain irradiation therapy prior to radiosurgery, showed no prolongation of survival compared with patients that were not submitted to previous treatment
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