162 research outputs found

    Chapter 21- Mentoring Graduate Underrepresented Minorities in STEM

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    In this chapter, we discuss high-impact mentoring practices for graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We make a case for inclusive and assets/strengths-based mentoring approaches as a strategy for increasing the number of doctoral degrees awarded to historically underrepresented minorities (i.e., Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders); improving their levels of satisfaction with doctoral programs and reducing the notoriously extended time to the PhD that they endure. We offer two examples of national programs committed to promoting graduate student success through professional development and mentoring strategies in which instrumental support, sponsorship, psychological support, and access to funding play key roles. We also summarize relevant aspects of assessing a mentorship project and highlight the culture of an institution with sustainable mentoring practices. We conclude with recommendations and provide additional perspective on the need for scaling up the replication of evidence-based practices through effective activities such as mentorship workshops for faculty

    Electron Density Measurements in a Pulse-Repetitive Microwave Discharge in Air

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    We have developed a technique for absolute measurements of electron density in pulse-repetitive microwave discharges in air. The technique is based on the time-resolved absolute intensity of a nitrogen spectral band belonging to the Second Positive System, the kinetic model and the detailed particle balance of the N2C3Πu (ν role= presentation \u3eν = 0) state. This new approach bridges the gap between two existing electron density measurement methods (Langmuir probe and Stark broadening). The electron density is obtained from the time-dependent rate equation for the population of N2C3Πu (ν role= presentation \u3eν = 0) using recorded waveforms of the absolute C3Πu → B3Πg (0-0) band intensity, the forward and reflected microwave power density. Measured electron density waveforms using numerical and approximated analytical methods are presented for the case of pulse repetitive planar surface microwave discharge at the aperture of a horn antenna covered with alumina ceramic plate. The discharge was generated in air at 11.8 Torr with a X-band microwave generator using 3.5 μs microwave pulses at peak power of 210 kW. In this case, we were able to time resolve the electron density within a single 3.5 μs pulse. We obtained (9.0 ± 0.6) × 1013 cm–3 for the peak and (5.0 ± 0.6) × 1013 cm–3 for the pulse-average electron density. The technique presents a convenient, non-intrusive diagnostic method for local, time-defined measurements of electron density in short duration discharges near atmospheric pressures

    Starvation Induces Phase-Specific Changes in the Proteome of Mouse Small Intestine

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    Food deprivation results in metabolic, structural, and functional changes in the small intestine that influences gut mucosal integrity, epithelial cell proliferation, mucin synthesis, and other processes. The underlying mechanisms are still unclear, which lead to the study of molecular effects of short-term and long-term starvation in the intestine of mice. A comparative proteomics approach, combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, was used to identify intestinal proteins whose expression is changed under different starvation conditions (0, 12, 24, and 72 h). In total, the expression levels of 80 protein spots changed significantly between the different groups. The results demonstrate that after 12 h of starvation, mainly proteins involved in glycolysis and energy metabolism show decreased expression levels. Starvation for 24 h results in a down-regulation of proteins involved in protein synthesis and amino acid metabolism. Simultaneously, proteins with a protective role, e.g., reg I and II, glutathione peroxidase 3, and carbonic anhydrase 3, are clearly up-regulated. The last starvation phase (72 h) is characterized by increased ezrin expression, which may enhance villus morphogenesis critical for survival. Together, these results provide novel insights in the intestinal starvation response and may contribute to improved nutritional support during conditions characterized by malnutrition

    Diferenciación de la población uruguaya actual

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    Durante las últimas décadas los movimientos migratorios internos han configurado cambios importantes en la población uruguaya, con una clara tendencia al incremento de los centros urbanos a expensas del medio rural. Estos movimientos poblacionales han contribuido a un complejo proceso de amalgamiento que se ha evidenciado en las características de la capital (Montevideo) y los departamentos limítrofes. En este estudio proponemos analizar tres sistemas genéticos (HLA, ABO y Rhesus) para comparar la población uruguaya de diferentes áreas de acuerdo a su lugar de nacimiento. Para esto, se analizó una muestra de 400 individuos separados en tres regiones: Montevideo, sur (departamentos limítrofes a Montevideo), y norte del país. Los resultados muestran una baja pero significativa diferenciación de Montevideo con las otras regiones de país, lo cual se evidencia en los valores de Gst y de distancia genética. Puede concluirse que la ciudad de Montevideo presenta patrones diferenciales que no se observan en los departamentos limítrofes, mientras que evidencias indirectas muestran un flujo indirecto de la región norte hacia la capital.Simposio: Genética de poblaciones neoamericanas.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA

    Diferenciación de la población uruguaya actual

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    Durante las últimas décadas los movimientos migratorios internos han configurado cambios importantes en la población uruguaya, con una clara tendencia al incremento de los centros urbanos a expensas del medio rural. Estos movimientos poblacionales han contribuido a un complejo proceso de amalgamiento que se ha evidenciado en las características de la capital (Montevideo) y los departamentos limítrofes. En este estudio proponemos analizar tres sistemas genéticos (HLA, ABO y Rhesus) para comparar la población uruguaya de diferentes áreas de acuerdo a su lugar de nacimiento. Para esto, se analizó una muestra de 400 individuos separados en tres regiones: Montevideo, sur (departamentos limítrofes a Montevideo), y norte del país. Los resultados muestran una baja pero significativa diferenciación de Montevideo con las otras regiones de país, lo cual se evidencia en los valores de Gst y de distancia genética. Puede concluirse que la ciudad de Montevideo presenta patrones diferenciales que no se observan en los departamentos limítrofes, mientras que evidencias indirectas muestran un flujo indirecto de la región norte hacia la capital.Simposio: Genética de poblaciones neoamericanas.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA

    The Straight Talk Campaign in Uganda: Impact of mass media initiatives—Summary report

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    This Horizons study in Uganda found that exposure by adolescents to Straight Talk, a mass media initiative focused on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), was associated with greater ASRH knowledge, a greater likelihood of having been tested for HIV, and more communication with parents about ASRH issues

    Restructuring Debt Model with Equivalent Equations: Theoretical and Practical Implications

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    Abstract This paper is aimed at developing a restructuring debt model between debtor and creditor. To do this, we use several hypothetic scenarios with some expired promissory notes and other documents which are not yet expired. The proposed equivalent equation model is useful to examine the three moments of the restructuring: valuing of the original debt, determining the new payment scheme, and computing new payments

    Contribution of a Portable Air Plasma Torch to Rapid Blood Coagulation as a Method of Preventing Bleeding

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    The effectiveness and mechanism of a low temperature air plasma torch in clotting blood are explored. Both blood droplets and smeared blood samples were used in the tests. The treated droplet samples reveal how blood clotting depends on the distance at which the torch operated, and for how long the droplets have been exposed to the torch. Microscopy and cell count of smeared blood samples shed light on dependencies of erythrocyte and platelet counts on torch distance and exposure time. With an increase of torch distance, the platelet count of treated blood samples increases but is less than that of the control. The flux of reactive atomic oxygen (RAO) and the degree of blood clotting decreased. With an increase of exposure time, platelet count of treated samples decreased, while the degree of clot increased. The correlation among these dependencies and published data support a blood clotting mechanism that RAO as well as other likely reactive oxygen species generated by the plasma torch activate erythrocyte–platelets interactions and induces blood coagulation