7,259 research outputs found

    Period-two cycles in a feed-forward layered neural network model with symmetric sequence processing

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    The effects of dominant sequential interactions are investigated in an exactly solvable feed-forward layered neural network model of binary units and patterns near saturation in which the interaction consists of a Hebbian part and a symmetric sequential term. Phase diagrams of stationary states are obtained and a new phase of cyclic correlated states of period two is found for a weak Hebbian term, independently of the number of condensed patterns cc.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Protokoll des Workshops "Ă–kologische Rinderzucht" am 24.11.2005 in Kassel

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    Protokoll des Workshops . Tagesordnungspunkte: 1. Begrüßung 2. Ergebnisse aus der AG Bäuerliche Zucht - Anpassung des deutschen Tierzuchtgesetzes an die EU-VO und Auswirkungen für die Öko-Zucht 2.1. Referat Antje Feldmann, GEH. „Gründe für die Ablösung des Tierzuchtgesetzes“ 2.2. Referat K.Wittenberg, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lebenslinien. „Tierzuchtgesetz – Schwerpunkte der Novellierung“ 3. Ergebnisse aus der AG Züchtungstechniken 3.1. Referat E. Zeltner, FiBL Schweiz. „Ergebnisse aus der AG Züchtungstechniken“ 4. Ergebnisse aus der AG ÖZW 4.1. Referat F. Reinhardt, VIT Verden. „Projekt Ökuh“ 5. Zusammenfassung des Workshops Anregungen und Handlungsbedarf für die nächsten Sitzungen der AG

    Twist-2 Generalized TMDs and the Spin/Orbital Structure of the Nucleon

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    Generalized transverse-momentum dependent parton distributions (GTMDs) encode the most general parton structure of hadrons. Here we focus on two twist-2 GTMDs which are denoted by F1,4F_{1,4} and G1,1G_{1,1} in parts of the literature. As already shown previously, both GTMDs have a close relation to orbital angular momentum of partons inside a hadron. However, recently even the mere existence of F1,4F_{1,4} and G1,1G_{1,1} has been doubted. We explain why this claim does not hold. We support our model-independent considerations by calculating the two GTMDs in the scalar diquark model and in the quark-target model, where we also explicitly check the relation to orbital angular momentum. In addition, we compute F1,4F_{1,4} and G1,1G_{1,1} at large transverse momentum in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics and show that they are nonzero.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures; two clarifications and a reference added; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Signifying Nothing?: Martin Ritt\u27s The Sound and the Fury (1959) as Deconstructive Adaptation

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    This essay defends Martin Ritt\u27s film version of The Sound and the Fury (1959), starring Yul Brynner as a Cajun Jason Compson, traditionally positioned as one of the most ill-conceived film adaptations ever made, by highlighting how an academic modernist reading of the works of William Faulkner overwrites the intriguing possibilities of melodrama

    Max Ophuls

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    A short biographical piece on filmmaker Max Ophuls, with particular focus on his melodramas made in Hollywood in the late 1940s and early 1950s

    New Englanders, Out of Their Minds

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    By comparing The Witch (2016) to The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980), I argue that Robert Eggers\u27 new film contests Perry Miller\u27s sympathetic reading of the Puritans offered as the formation of American Studies, returning us to the 19th century critique offered by Nathaniel Hawthorne, particularly in his short story, Young Goodman Brown (1835)

    From Jean-Paul Belmondo to Stan Brakhage: Romanticism and Intextuality in Irma Vep and Les Mierables

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    This essay compares Romantic literary theory as the road not taken to modernist film criticism, particularly as it pertains to contemporary French cinema

    Adapting Genesis

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    This essay explores two 1990s African films--The Emigrant (Egypt, dir. Youssef Chahine, 1994) and Genesis (Mali, dir. Cheick Oumar Sissoko, 1999)--as radical adaptations of the Holy Bible, expressing an Afro-centric view of the foundation myth of the Judeo-Christian world

    Atomic Animals: Toward the Re-invention of Natural History and Science Filmmaking

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    This essay explores the use of atomic imagery in natural history films as presented in the United States on The Discovery Channel. Using the methods of nuclear criticism, the article builds a case study of the apocalyptic and militarist metaphors employed by an episode of PaleoWorld devoted to the Stegosaurus and then broadens the scope toward more popular animal filmmaking, in particular, “blue chip” wildlife films such as Lion Battlefield
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